The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1270: 5 distort the soul

Wu Tiande became a demon king, with two treasures. One is the hard armor that is surrounded by water and fire and the thunder, which is comparable to Wu Zun and even Dawu Zun. Another treasure is his life-threatening poison. Sakamoto is the poison of the world. Wu Tian is a rare scorpion in the world. His drug tyrants are incomparably strong, although they are not comparable to the "Luoshaye's tears" and "the wolf venom". The "three days of life" are the three great creatures, but they are by no means resistant to the general martial arts.

The two bone knives in his hands are also very big. It is the bones that Wu Tian dug out under the ground and the body of the old corpse is not polished. The haze is extremely rich and contains intense corpse poison.


The two bone knives in Wu Tian’s hands waved, and the green flame shone.

"Ha ha, I thought that Jiang Dong Qin Hou has a lot of skill, it turns out that this is a bit of two!"

"watch out!"

"Black winds!"

Wu Tian laughed aloud, and the double-knife fluttered. There were countless sinister black suffocates, and the dense wind rolled over. Wherever the knives went, the French flag on the viewing platform was broken, and some aging spells were bluestone. Can not withstand the huge force, have burst.

Everyone only feels suffocating like a knife, even if it is a little bit of wind, it is all cool!

Bai Shaoyang is also slightly discolored. He originally thought that Wu Tian was a master of cross-cutting. He did not expect that the power of actual combat would be so tyrannical. This knife should be at least on a mountain, and it seems that Wu Tian has moved at most three or four. Divided into strength.

That is to say, Wu Tian's cultivation is far deeper than the flat fashion collection, at least in the middle of the gods, with the power of two mountains.

I want to try to be on Wu Tian, ​​I am afraid that there are not many odds.

Thinking of this, he was shocked and secretly hijacked, and Wu Tian was so arrogant that the old demon was holding down the Qin dynasty. I was afraid that he would not need him to do it. Qin Hao had to see the prince.

Bai Shaoyang is no longer the past. After his rebirth, the only thing he wants to do is to collect the corpse for the Qin dynasty. As for whoever died in Qin dynasty, it is the same for him.

"Ji Lao, Wu Tian's cultivation is close to the great Wu Zun in the late Shen Shou, if you are his opponent, there are a few chances!"

Bai Shaoyang’s eyeball turned and turned to ask Ji Ji’s evil next to him.

"The old man kills only one sword. If a sword can't kill him, he will die."

"Of course, although Wu Tian claims to be immortal, he may not be able to block my first sword."

Ji Wuxie snorted and hoarse.

Bai Shaoyang has a slap in the air, and the more he has the heart, the more he will die.

"Awesome, poisonous knife! Hou Ye is a strong enemy this time."

Fengxian frowned.

"Not necessarily, Hou Ye’s heart has long been fixed. According to my opinion, Wu Tian will die within the three strokes!"

Fang Xiu shook his head and smiled.

The true body of Qin Lan is from the **** of hell. Although it is limited in the mortal world, it is not comparable to an old demon in the district.

In the face of the sickle, Qin Yu turned into a blue shadow in the blade, squatting in the gap, flexing a finger at the blade, hehe! Wu Tian stepped back, and Qin Yu was the big corner of the corner of the clothes.

Wu Tian’s appearance was even more ecstatic. His blow did not give full force. He could also play a five-fifth with Qin, and immediately burst into full force.

"Black arhats!"

Wu Tian fiercely hammered his chest, and a burst of colorful suffocating circling around his body, his height slammed into a slap, and his muscles slammed like a shovel. He even gave birth to eighteen arms along his body. The climb climbed to the extreme, his eyes were red and bloody, and the Seven Miles began to bloom in the colorful light, just like the demon of hell!


Wu Tian threw away the bone knife, and the whole person slammed into the air, and vacated the mountain like a hill.


Like Qin Yu, Qin Yan slipped out a few feet, Wu Tian fell on the ground and pulled out a deep pit, the whole hill suddenly shocked.

“It’s not that easy to run!”

Wu Tian screamed, the atmosphere did not breathe, and the shells flew away.

Among the voids, eighteen arms were simultaneously recruited, and they were covered with colorful gas and gas, covering the door of Qin.

Don't look at him, his skills are extremely flexible, flexible and flexible, and airtight!

"I want to run, you are not qualified enough."

Qin Lan smiled coldly, and vacated each other. Both hands were on the eighteen arms. If they were rushing to the thunder, they would rise and fall, and the lightning would move. The slaps were sizzling, and the sands were flying, and they were not winning.

With Qin Yu reaching the peak of Dawu Zun, with nearly three million pounds of strength, as well as the broken sword, the axe, the golden body and other techniques, it is not difficult to kill Wu Tian.

The reason why he fights with Wu Tian is also purposeful, that is, to confuse Bai Shaoyang.

Bai Shaoyang's rebirth is a high-profile, but they have not handed over each other. The reference he can get is nothing more than Sun Wuji and Yan Baye, but this does not reflect the peak strength of Qin.

Wu Tian is undoubtedly a better touchstone than Yan Baye. Since Bai Shaoyang intends to sit still, he wants to check his strength.

Qin Yu is as good as his wish, with Wu Tian playing a five-fifth point ~ ~ one can save energy to deal with Bai Shaoyang and the cloak old man, and second can also blind white Shaoyang, can be described as two birds with one stone.


The two have passed no less than three hundred strokes in an instant. Wu Tian is an 18-arm sesame acid, and a brute force has lost 60%. It is still unable to win. The Qi Qi is also a colorful smoke, roaring like a thunder.

Wu Tian's three thousand years is not alive, and his mind has suddenly removed the chest protection, revealing an empty door!

His chest position is the hardest part of the body, and there is a thorny thorn in the body, which is the source of systemic toxins. For thousands of years, I don’t know how many high-ranking people and monsters want to kill him, but they fall here. Remember the dark tricks.

He believes that Qin Hou will never be an exception. Once Qin Yutu kills him, it is a dead end.

Sure enough, Qin Hao had a good opportunity to see a fist, and saw the needles, according to Wu Tian’s chest detonation: “Shocking!”

Wu Tian’s pretense was hurried, and he couldn’t dodge it.


The thunder of the gods flashed, and the top of the Qin dynasty appeared in the shape of two mountains. This fist has a million pounds of power!

On the occasion of Wu Tian’s thought that he was guilty of treacherousness, Qin Yusen smiled, and the **** fist suddenly became a vertical palm. The fingertips were a song, and the light fluttering along the edge of the thorn was printed on Wu Tian’s chest.

A broken heart!

Two songs broken!

Three curved lines!

Four songs are broken!

Five songs broken soul!

It is the Tianwu Tianwuzong martial arts magical five songs!

The five songs originate from the source of Taiji. Different from the Wudang faction of the martial arts martial arts, the power is continuous, the five songs are five-fold, each weight is different infuriating, and each heavy spirit will be more Strong, when accumulating to the fifth song, it can explode at least twice the strength of the body.


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