The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1275: Destined to be a tragedy

Bai Shaoyang dared to think so, not blindly arrogant. !

Jiuyang Shentong belongs to the law of fighting, and the power of one heavy and one heavy is more fierce and almost doubles. Wu Shen’s pro-disciples, if undefeated in the early stage, will only be more and more brave, and the more the war, the stronger.

Qin Hao failed to defeat him in the first round, and then Bai Shaoyang completely had the strength and confidence to dominate the battle of life and death.

"Jiuyang Shentong is the second most important, only I am the only one!"

Bai Shaoyang screamed out, and the people were like wild horses, and the men’s fists slammed into Qin.

This suffocating power is like a mountain. It is fierce and unparalleled. If it is flowing, the surrounding air will burn for it. The whole void will be swayed, and the place where Bai Shaoyang is plundering, such as the dragon crossing the border, will have a gully in the law. Both sides of the gully are turned into scorched earth.

This is the master of the house repair, but also the difficulty of breathing, the heart hanging in the eyes of the blind, the soul is one of the tight, the war is not endless.

In the face of these hegemony, what is murderous, martial, sacred, and the power of the gods are all clouds, seem so pale, it seems that in addition to confessing their lives, there is no good policy!

I can't imagine that if the gods of heaven are to make a complete Jiuyang true law, I am afraid that a fist can crush the sun, the moon and the river!

Qin Yu’s thoughts turned sharply, but Bai Shaoyang came to ask for his life.

If he uses the skillful attack of five songs, he is completely sent to death, because in the moment of contact, only the strongest force is used to oppose it. Otherwise, it must be broken and the meridians are damaged.

Hard hit is the law of the fool.

Qin Hao naturally has the strength to compete with Bai Shaoyang, but this is a rare opportunity to try, so hard, it is a pity.

But see him glimpse the corner of the green shirt, the right foot slips backwards, until the front of the fist is close to the front, when the wind blows the cheeks, the pain is deep, take a deep breath, and stand sideways!


Qin Hao and his hand made a cyclone, like a pocket, properly put the white Shaoyang's boxing strength into it.

"Hey, you have to think that this can break the nine-yang power, it is too whimsical."

Bai Shaoyang did not retreat any more, but let the runners **** in the punches, and the power of Dantian suddenly increased!


The double bursting force of the instant burst, the hard-boiled bucket wheel was blasted, and the Qin dynasty flew over a mile, and even a few steps back to stabilize the figure, the chest and blood tumbling, the ghost armor has already collapsed. . And Bai Shaoyang is taking a step back, and his mouth is snoring, still full of chic.

"Shaoyang is good, and once again, you can kill the Qin thief."

Bai Rong saw it, thinking that Bai Shaoyang took the wind and screamed.

"Hou Ye lost?"

Han Yu Liu Mei is locked, worried.

Fengxian is also a nervous face. To this level of masters against the enemy, it is already he can see the clues.

The house repaired the short squat under the e-mail, and the look calmed: "This time it seems that Hou Ye is falling, and the actual loss is Bai Shaoyang."

Fang Xiu's eyes are extremely poisonous. While watching the battle, he is also scrutinizing the stars.

The more faint light of Bai Shaoyang's astrology, this shows that his own air transport and energy are falling sharply.

These two moves seem to be pretentious, but they are all the heavyweight tricks of Jiuyang Shentong. The spirit of the gods that need to be worn out is very huge. Moreover, Jiuyang Shentong is a rare skill in the world. Bai Shaoyang seems to be more and more daring. But the loss is its own element.

The facts are as speculated by Fang Xiu, the two tricks have been brought down, Qin Yu has fallen, but because there is a ghost armor, it has not suffered much damage.

In particular, although it has just failed, it has not been able to withstand the strongest strength, but some of it has rebounded back and hurt Bai Shaoyang.

"White is less, you can make two moves with your most repairs, and then the third move. In any case, you are all dead."

"It seems that the person who taught you hid the teacher, only told you to move, but did not tell you the mind."

"As a result, your study is also a white school. In the end, it hurts yourself. Why is this?"

Qin smashed the dust of his body and smiled with sympathy.

Bai Shaoyang’s heart was shocked. The second move failed to make meritorious deeds. His body’s meridians had been cracked, his lungs were stirring, and the spirits were also dizzy. This is the symptom of the overdraft of this element.

In the third move, I am afraid that I have to spend a lot of money. Yan Jiutian only tells him that Jiuyang Shentong can be more and more brave, and there is no match in the world, but it does not teach him the suffocating law.

"Damn old fox!" Bai Shaoyang said with a dark heart.

But at this time, he has no retreat. If he can't kill Qin Hao today, he has no hope in his life.

It is clear that Yan nine days is to take him as a chess piece, a fast knife, if you can not kill Qin Hao, I am afraid that returning to Kunlun will be abandoned.

"You are right, the third move is my life."

"But I have no choice but to make a gamble. Today we must have one jump from here."

"I am willing to use my life to gamble on your life!"

Bai Shaoyang’s face was decided.

"it is good!"

"Then I will fulfill you!"

Qin Hao nodded.

Bai Shaoyang took a deep breath, and the palms were pushed out from the chest, and the left and right were lifted flat, the mouth creaked, and a burst of crisp sounds appeared, and the eyes were red and bloody!

"The third move of Jiuyang Shentong, Lieyang burns the sky!"

Bai Shaoyang faces Jinyang, shaking his palms, but seeing a red light shining through the sky and condensing into his palm!

At that moment, Jinyang was empty, and it was a thousand miles away.

Bai Shaoyang is as good as the The handsome face is deterred by the Chaoyang Golden Light, full of deadly death!

"A long life, where can I get it?"

"The blood is not reported, the heavens are not allowed!"

Bai Shaoyang's firm mouth was slightly raised, whispering, and a tear in the corner of his eyes.

Jinyang is a body that burns his blood and the yuan while concentrating the firepower between the heavens and the earth!

Bai Shaoyang has no pain!

At this moment, he just wants to kill the **** guy in front of him!

"The sun burns the sky!"

When the fire element condensed into a golden red ball on his chest, Bai Shaoyang slammed a bang and rushed Qin Qin to launch the third heavy killing.

Fireball is out!

Everything in the air is burned, the dry suffocation, the heat that can bake the three souls and the seven scorpions, let everyone despair.

Even if it is Fengxian, Han Han, etc., after being separated by dozens of feet, it is like suffering from a stove, and it is painful!

Still losing money is that the house repair has attracted the aura of the Shui Dexing Palace, which is slightly blocked, or else a few people have to live to death.

"Can borrow the power of the sun and the moon, it is really martial arts from heaven!"

"Unfortunately, the firepower you borrowed is too limited!"

"If Yan is coming for nine days, I will die."

"You are destined to be a tragedy."

Qin Xiao looked at Bai Shaoyang and shook his head quite disappointed.


The fireball crashed into the Qin!

Bai Shaoyang's whole person was completely exhausted, as if he had completed a glorious mission and sat down on the ground. Now he has to look at the Qin dynasty being burned to ashes by fire.

However, his wishes have finally failed.

Ps: There are still more to make up later.



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