The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1276: 1 cut is a lie

The fire burns the sky, and Jinyang has no fire element to compress into a ball. Once it is out, it will burst. The inexhaustible power will burst the scorpion and burn it into ashes in an instant.

However, contrary to expectations, he did not see this magnificent scene.

Qin Lan’s hand did not know when a gourd appeared, the whole body was black and bright, and the size of the palm was only heard. The sound of the powerful fireball suddenly disappeared into the invisible, and even the heat wave of the scene was no longer Existence, Guanxintai morning wind is cool, refreshing, as if everything just was a dream.

What happened?

What's wrong?

Bai Shaoyang blinked and couldn't believe himself.

The fissure of the meridians in the body, the disintegration of Dantian's qi, the weakness and severe pain of the whole body, all reminded him that he did make the third move that could destroy the land.

It can be seen that the ghost is that the fireball has disappeared.

All his efforts have been lost.


"What is that thing, why can it break my fire?"

Bai Shaoyang pointed at the black jade gourd. Under the anger and heart attack, the heart and lungs were overwhelmed, and Zhang mouth vomited a blood.

"The little implement is gone, it can't burst into flames, but your cultivation is limited, and the summoned fire is not strong enough, so I am collecting it." Qin Hao shook the gourd and looked relaxed. .

In fact, his heart is also a sigh of relief, although the black jade gourd is a rare five-productor in the world, but the white Shaoyang Jiuyang Shentong attracted the fire of the sun, at this time the bottle is hot, there is a cracking explosion, Imagine that if Bai Shaoyang's cultivation is one or two points higher, the black jade gourd must be broken. He is not afraid of being seriously injured.

Bai Shaoyang is gambling, and he is not gambling.

It’s just that the astrology of Fang Xiu’s prophecy is first. Bai Shaoyang is destined not to be God’s will, and he will lose his life.

It is not so much a gamble, it is God's will to gamble.

"Hateful, hateful!"

"Reborn two years, bitterly repaired, actually ridiculously defeated."

Bai Shaoyang smiled and smiled, and the tears flowed.

"White, don't panic, there is a big array!"

"I use my life to guard you!"

When the wind sees the white Shaoyang will be depressed, the blood is not vomiting, the heart is broken, and the knife is held in the palm of the hand, crying and crying.

"Yeah, Shaoyang, we haven't lost yet, there is a big battle, there is a chance to turn over."

Bai Rong shouted.

Bai Shaoyang was sober-minded, and the blood and tears of his face shouted: "Yes, my name is Qin, I can't kill you, but the big array of Mount Emei can destroy the devil, you are destined to be the loser."

"is it?"

Qin Lan walked up to the big Ding with his arm and looked straight at the wind: "You can't see it, are you still a kind of love? Well, the sacrifice, you give me a look."

"Do you think I dare not?"

"Yes, I know that you all look down on me. I am a shemale, a shameless person."

"But I can understand the emotions of Shaoyang, and he will not hesitate to go to death. Today, let these ruthless and unscrupulous people look at the pure and innocent heart of the wind!"

The beautiful face of the wind has no firmness, and he does not hesitate to pull off his clothes. The white skin of his chest appears. The knife bites into the chest a little bit, and he has to dig out his own two yin and yang hearts.

The blood formed a sharp contrast with his white skin, and the knife seemed to be engraved in everyone's heart, burning pain.

Who can think of a guy who is not a man or a woman, who is so loyal to his emotions, is Bai Shaoyang, who has always been ruthless and unwarranted. At this moment, his heart is not heavy, it is very uncomfortable.

"All right!"

"You are a man!"

Qin Lan grabbed his hand and flew the knife.

"I don't need your irony and sympathy. It's a big deal."

"People who are guilty of white, die!"

The wind bites the tooth and cuts the tooth path.

"Let me tell you, there is no big Emei mountain."

“There was an ancient array before, but a hundred years ago, Emei Mountain had been used once, and it consumed all the aura of the big array.”

"You see it now, but it’s a big gas gathering, it’s impossible to kill people."

Qin Lan looked far away from the morning, and sang.


"Wu Shen He..."

Bai Shaoyang’s heart was tight and he dared not think about it anymore.

"Yan nine days lie to you, he let you come, kill me. Whether you are alive or dead, he can get answers about me from you."

"As for the big battle, it is a psychological comfort for you."

"A person who didn't even teach you, from the beginning, will you trust him?"

Qin Xiaoran laughed.

"Hou Ye is right. There is indeed a battle here. It is also called Emei Mountain. But it is not a big battle. Before you just fight, the big battles have all been destroyed."

"Bai Shaoyang, don't be obsessed with it, recognize the reality, you have already lost."

Jiang Meier stood up and sympathized.

As a disciple-off disciple, she is also the successor to the future Emei school. No one knows the inside story of Mount Emei.


Bai Shaoyang’s face faded away from the last trace of blood, rubbing his face hard, and his heart was completely desperate.

He knows that Qin has not lied. His rebirth is indeed a shameful tragedy. He hates Yan Jiutian to play him like a dog. In the end, he is still grateful to Dade. It is really ridiculous.

"Ah haha, haha!"

Bai Shaoyang laughed loudly.

"White is less!"

The wind ran over, tears wanted to hold him.

"Get out of the I tell you the truth, I am really disgusting, Yan Yantian uses me, why not use you?"

"I sometimes see you, I really want to dig my eyes."

Bai Shaoyang shook the wind and stared at his eyes.

The windy pair of charming eyes were full of surprises and fears. He shook his head hard. "No, no, you are afraid that I will accompany you to bury, so deliberately want me to die?"

"Oh, are you really taking yourself seriously?"

"My Bai Shaoyang is a villain. I don't need your love. People will die and speak good. I don't want to go to **** with a disgusting stomach. Do you understand?"

"Go, the farther the better!"

"I have the last breath, I need to talk to my old rival."

Bai Shaoyang disdainfully sneered.

This is indeed his previous view of the wind, but at the moment, talking about these rumors, watching the tears of the affectionate wind and pear, his heart tears the general pain.

At that moment, he realized that he was still human, and he was ridiculously accommodating this disgusting shemale.

"I understand!"

The wind slowly stood up, wiped away the tears and walked aside, don't look over Bai Shaoyang.

"The sky is not good!"

"My white Shaoyang has been proud of his son since childhood, why is Jingui, why should you emerge from one, kill my family and destroy both of us."

"I don't understand. Why can you be blessed by a cruel and incompetent guy like you?"

"I don't lose you, I don't accept it, 10,000 don't accept it!"

Bai Shaoyang trembled to the front of the Qin dynasty, hateful.

Ps: The fourth chapter, good night, friends, continue to four more tomorrow.



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