The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1277: Not not reporting, time is not up

Bai Shaoyang has hate in his heart!

"It’s a living Yu, He Shengliang!" This ridiculous topic, he never thought before the age of 26, he was born in Jiangdong, the close disciple of Longhushan, the first person in Jiangdong, what is it? Unlimited scenery.

However, I don't know which corner killed a Qinhou, and pressed him everywhere without saying it, and smeared the white and the two groups, and completely stepped him down.

Bai Shaoyang did not understand why Qin Lan was always better than him. He had never known each other before, but he was so ruthless.

What is more tragic is that he was returned to the reunion of Meng Kunlun and passed down the Jiuyang magical power of the Valkyrie. He thought that this was a gift from heaven, and he was destined to let him revenge and hate. He never thought that he became a joke again.

Twice at the same person's feet, that kind of grievance can destroy the heavens and the earth, that hate can reverse the sun and the moon, Bai Shaoyang hates the **** God.



Bai Shaoyang bleeds in seven strokes, clenched his fists and screamed.

"Do you think that you are destined to be above the people and dominate the destiny of others?"

"No, from the beginning to the end you are a poor worm under the heavens?"

"Give you ten times, one hundred chances, I will still step you under your feet."

Qin Yu looked at Bai Shaoyang at the foot, and his face was expressionless.

"Well, I am not as good as you!"

"But I just want to ask, I am innocent and innocent with you, is it because you have to help Zhang Tingting to take the position, you have to destroy both of us?"

Bai Shaoyang bit his teeth and asked with anger.

“Nothing is innocent?”

"Well, I will let you die."

Qin Hao’s eyes were cold, and his hand was printed on the white spirit of Bai Shaoyang.

In the mind of Bai Shaoyang, a golden light flashed through his mind, and suddenly there were countless pictures.

He saw that he and his cousin Duan Muwu, Duan Muwen and others led the people into a big family, and when they saw people, they killed them, and then they burned the quaint old house.

Immediately, he saw the white family paying bribes and imprisoning Song Rujun. He sent people to monitor the picture of Qin Wenren day and night...

"This, what is this?"

"I, I haven't done these things. Where is this?"

Bai Shaoyang shook his head and asked with a confused look.

"This is the memory of my last life. If you and Duan Jiagan do the Yan family and kill the dog, my family is broken. Are you still feeling miserable?"

"You have been born again for two years and want to kill me for revenge. But you have thought about it, I have waited for this opportunity and waited for tens of thousands of years!"

"It's not not reporting, it's not time. God is fair, now you still feel wronged?"

Qin Lan asked in front of Bai Shaoyang and asked for a bite.

"Previous one?"

"Wan years?"

"Call, I understand, you are the Avengers from Hell, this is my retribution, I recognize."

Bai Shaoyang shuddered. He could understand the pain of falling into the **** from the clouds than anyone else. He finally understood why Qin Hao had to poison this hand to Bai Jia and Duan Jia.

One report is still reported, there is nothing wrong with it, this is life!

"Recognize, then follow our gamble and jump."

Qin Lan pointed to the edge of the cliff, cold and cold.

Bai Shaoyang stood up straight and finished his body. After taking a deep breath, he calmly said: "I admit, I have never been a good person in my life. There is something before the end, I want to beg you, I hope you. Answer."

"You said!" Qin said.

"The wind is amazing, he is innocent, all this is what I am instructing. He is cleaner than me and has to live."

"Hey, it's a happy thing to have someone who really loves you and cares about yourself. Unfortunately, I don't have this qualification."

Bai Shaoyang glanced at the wind and the strange feeling of the pear flower, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

The wind is so beautiful, the length of the shawl flies in the wind, the beautiful cheeks do not lose any beauty, this terrible love is the end of the period, can not talk about love, but always beautiful, it is worth remembering for a lifetime It is.

"Is he valuable to me?" Qin said.

"Yes, he is the best substitute in the world, proficient in men and women, can play any role!"

"Maybe one day, what do you use for him?"

Bai Shaoyang smiled.

"Good! It's rare that you can still be a little human, I will fulfill you."

Qin Hao turned around and challenged the wind. "You come over and send him the last trip."

The windy tears have been dried up, and nothing has been said. Even the simple eyes are not there, and the white Shaoyang step by step to the cliff.

Every step is like walking in the sea of ​​knives and mountains, and it is impossible to be a pain.

Every step is like the last step in the world, precious.

Feng Qi has always known that Bai Shaoyang is a ruthless and unscrupulous person, a ruthless and ruthless villain. Every minute he plays a small abacus, and he can't wait for all the people in the world to be played in the palm of his hand.

But just such a person, for the wind, is really unique.

From the moment of birth, Feng Qi was deliberately cultivated into a monk for nine days. He was mixed with women every day. In those days of growth, he was worse than Yan’s dog and was humiliated.

Everyone who saw him used him as a plaything, a joke, and shame was synonymous with his life in his heart.

How could Bai Shaoyang like him like a despicable person?

But compared to other people, Bai Shaoyang at least thinks that he is valuable, will treat him as a person, even to please him, will say something moving.

Although those words are hypocritical, that little hypocrisy is the most precious thing in the world for Fengqi.

But now his last point, the last trace of dependence, happiness all turned into a black.

"Although I hate the **** guy, there is no doubt that he is a man who keeps his promise."

"Let you live, it's the last thing I can do."

"Fantastic, for me, live well!"

Bai Shaoyang squatted, and a smile appeared on his pale cheeks.

"I know!" Windy nodded.

Bai Shaoyang sighed and looked at the Wanli Mountain River. He laughed up in the sky, laughed at the blood and tears, laughed at the mountains and rivers, and laughed at the heavens and the earth without color!

Suddenly, he closed his eyes and jumped into the abyss.

Qin Hao raised his hand and waved, and a real gas broke into the back of Bai Shaoyang's head, completely breaking his three souls and seven scorpions.

Bai Shaoyang is like a big white bird with wings. With regrets and unwillingness, he will die forever in this green hill.

From then on, there is no more Jiangdong Baijialang!

On the platform of the heart, the dead silence, the morning breeze blows the blackness of Qin Yu's eyebrows, the deep eyes, looking at the endless land, without the slightest fluctuations.

"You can jump down and bury, or you can stay for my use."

"I don't have a false sweet talk here, but I can guarantee that you are a person, a useful person who can make everyone full of respect and fear!"

Qin Lan walked to the edge of the cliff with his hands on his back, and his brows lifted, squinting at the distant sun, faint.

"I won't go to the funeral, he can't die in white!"

"Very good, go down to collect the body, and Jiangdong reports after seven days."

After Qin Lan finished, he went to Bai Rong and other embers.

Ps: The power of Cavanka, first chapter, and later.

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