The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1278: Aspirations are not high

At this time, Bai Rong was already scared and unmanned, and he was eager to ask for mercy.

"The house repair is a heavenly official. You can't get your hands dirty. Come and send them down to accompany Bai Shaoyang."

Qin Hao ordered the road.

"Hou, this is what we have to do for us?"

It is rare for Ge Xianmin to have a chance to fight for success.

Qin Yu nodded, and Ge Xianmin waved his hand. The disciples of Ge Jiabao were killed. Like the pheasant, the white thief and the thief of the ruthless sorcerer, all of them were the first to kill the soul, and then lost. Garbage is generally thrown into the cliff.

Emei, the rest of the people are not scared and shivering!

"Hou Ye, this time I was robbed by Mount Emei. Now the sects are dying, and Hou Ye can also preside over the overall situation."

This time, if Qin Qin went up the mountain in time, I was afraid that all the disciples of her Bai Yitang would be invited to live in a cave to die. At this time, the heart of the dust is quite embarrassing. She has always rejected the 18 masters to remove the demon. Even more so to the Qin Hou who killed the name, there is no slight affection.

However, this young man who hated her, but saved Lushan, has to say that it is a kind of irony.

"Since you said this, then I will be the lord of the martial arts, Li Jiangmei is the teacher of Emeishan, you are a deacon, are you willing?"

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"Hou Ye is not allowed. The master of the dusty master is above me. I am the youngest disciple of Bai Yitang. I can't be this one."

Jiang Meier was shocked and hurriedly refused.

"Aspirations are not high in the years, you are a disciple apprentice, and the only descendant of a thousand wires will become a big weapon in the future."

Qin Yudao.

The reason why he chose Jiang Meier is to change some bad habits in the martial arts world. Moreover, the rivers and lakes in the martial arts world are no longer the world of the old people in the past. The rising stars are endless, Jiang Meier has a little experience, and the little Emei It should be no exception.

"Sisters don't have to be afraid, don't we have our Qingcheng faction?"

Han Han walked over and held Jiang Mei's hand to encourage him.

"The master of dust, I..." Jiang Meier still could not agree.

"Brow, Houye is open, you promise."

"I will do my best to assist you in the future. As Hou said, only you can shine our Mount Emei."

It’s quiet and calm.

She is very clear that once Jiang Meier became a teacher, it is to rely on the big tree of Hou Ye, and the status of the Emei School in the martial arts will undoubtedly increase.

In addition, Emei Mountain is full of enthusiasm, and has not yet been exhausted. In the future, it depends on Xichuan.

Jiang Meier is the master of Qinhou's election and will undoubtedly be more appealing.

So, in any case, this position is hers.

"Well, then I will try. If I can't, I will give it to Master." Jiang Meier nodded skillfully.

Everyone immediately entered the Qingxinguan Hall, presided over the ceremony for Jiang Meier, and succeeded him as the new leader. Qin Lan also issued a series of demon orders, so that Emeishan Wanmo took the initiative to come to the Qingxin view to confess guilty, but there is no way to catch the innocent.

In the first few days, the monsters scattered in the mountains could not hide and did not take seriously.

However, when Qin Bang and Da Qinjun began to seal the mountain and carried out large-scale search and arrest, the group demon no longer had a hiding place, and the number of people killed was countless. The rest were frightened and rushed to Emeishan to plead guilty.

It took a full month for Qin Yu to settle the chaos of this group.


Kunlun Mountain, Wushen Peak.

A burly, gloomy youth walked into the cave and bowed respectfully: "Master, Bai Shaoyang, Ji Wuxie, Wu Tian are dead!"

Yan’s nine-day eyes suddenly stunned, and the eyes killed in the air, and immediately flattened: “Everything is expected, talk about the specific.”

"Ji Wuxie is said to have not even stabbed the sword, and was killed by Qin Hou."

"Bai Shaoyang made the third heavy of Jiuyang Shentong, the first two hit a tie, the third heavy sun burned a fatal blow, was broken by Qin Hou's magic weapon, fell a broken body, as for Wu Tian It was killed in a few rounds."

"It seems that Qinhou should reach the realm of the late refinement."

"Master, this person has been practicing for a thousand miles, and can no longer condone. The disciple asked to go down the mountain, killing this thief, revenge and hate."

Young steel teeth bite and stunned.

"No, it is already!"

"But he had a tie with Shaoyang in the first two, which shows that he can't break the Jiuyang magical power. So, it is not enough."

"It’s less than a year since I’m on the 9th of September next year. I hope he can have a little longer, otherwise it’s really boring.”

Yan nine days stunned.

He has been invincible for too long, and it is a very interesting thing to be able to stand up and challenge.

Yan Jiu Tian does not worry about the power of Qin Yu, but he is afraid that his ability is not at home.

"Mu Quan, how many weights have you already refining?" Yan asked again.

"The disciple is talented and ignorant. At present, he only has the fourth prize." Duan Muquan answered with respect.

"Four weights, very good. Once you break through the sixth weight, it is a time to change your bones. Here is a washful marrow. You take it, and you can cultivate it. The future temple of the martial arts depends on you."

Yan Jiu Tiandao.

"Leader ~ ~ Duan Muquan worship.

Bai Shaoyang is his cousin. Now Bai Shaoyang and Bai Rong are dead. Duan Muquan has no relatives, and the grief in his heart can be imagined.

He will not let go of Qin Yu!

Because he has no patience, he can't wait.

For another year, Qin Xi’s repairs must be thousands of miles away. Now he may have the opportunity to take revenge. Therefore, Duan Muquan can’t wait any longer.

He only needs one opportunity and everything is fast.



The splendid slogan of Shen Junfu’s gate was broken, and the sign of Qin’s Xichuan branch was a glimpse. Xichuan officially returned to Qin.

Feng Xian was busy re-arranging his duties and liquidating the remaining poisons left by the Zhang Yi brothers. It has not been seen for three days.

Just after opening the door in the morning, I saw Qin Qin standing in the yard and playing with flowers and plants.

"Hou, you, how come you?"

"You sit first, I will go to tea for you."

Fengxian was shocked.

"You, the general manager of Nishikawa, lived very simply, but the environment here is good, clean!"

Qin Lan sat down on the stone bench in the courtyard and raised his hand to signal that Fengxian sat down.

"Life is a pair of skins in the world. There is no difference in where to rest. Isn’t Hou Ye going back to Jiangdong? How come..." Fengxian is not puzzled.

"I have already been on the road. There are two major events that have not been done temporarily. I can't let go of my heart and fold back." Qin Xiao smiled.

"You know that I will do it, and you can use it to return in person."

"You can't do these two things!"

"I am afraid that only the world can do it."

Qin Xiao smiled and sold a pass.

Ps: There are updates later.


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