The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1279: Casting soul rebirth

"Go, the first thing is to treat your child."

"What happened to your family, Mr. Ge, they have already told me that you are a Nishigawa general manager. If you have difficulties, you can mention it above. You don't have to see it."

Qin Lan walked along the side.

"Feng Xian’s older brother thanked Hou Yetian."

In the year of Fengxian, the heart is excited. The people of the world only know that the law of Qinhou Buddhism is the best in the world, but they don’t know that his medical skills are also unparalleled in the world. Fengxian had thought about seeking medical treatment from Qin Yu, but because of the case of Xiangbei, he was a sister. Even tired is wearing a sin, so I dare not open this mouth again.

Nowadays, Qin Lan’s initiative to find it is undoubtedly a gift from Tianda.

"I don't like this set, you know it, take the lead."

Qin Yu faint.

When he got inside, Pu Jing was patiently feeding a child with porridge. "Auntie, obey, take another bite, and eat enough to grow taller."

The child named Auntie is probably between the ages of fourteen and five. This age is supposed to be a season of youthfulness. However, because of the natural mental retardation, the aunt is in line with the age, but pouting and squinting all day, only 咿Oh, call it.

Over the years, Fengxian has visited famous doctors, such as Qin Yu's uncle, Guan Chunlin, who have issued a recipe for renewal. However, the intellectual handicap of Auntie is too long to cure.

For more than a decade, Pu Jing and Fengxian have carefully taken care of the aunts, but often think of the aunt's life so desolate, both of them are secretly hurt, and the family has no warmth on weekdays, filled with bitterness.

When you look at the year, Fengxian is highly weighted, but in fact, he is powerless.


As soon as the two came in, the aunt slammed the porridge, and screamed.


Pu Jing sighed and tears fell unconsciously.

Recently, Auntie’s irritability, the day is full of noisy, the rice does not enter, and the eyes have disappeared. Pu Jing is in his eyes, hurting in his heart, and wants to accept this sin for the aunt.

She lowered her body and wanted to pick up the tableware. One hand reached over and it was Fengxian.

"Da, this is Hou Ye, he came to treat Auntie, and Auntie was saved."

Fengxian tried hard to suppress his inner excitement and introduced it.

"You are Hou Ye, great, live Bodhisattva is coming, Hou Ye, you, you are going to see the aunt, I beg you..."

Pu Jing certainly heard the name of Qin Hou, and suddenly excited words are incoherent.

"Don't worry, I am coming, aunt will not have anything."

"How can this child be like this?"

Qin Xiao smiled slightly and comforted.

He went to the aunt, and the aunt's skin was watery, his eyebrows were clear, and the facial features were born with aura. If it was not mentally retarded, the corners of his mouth would be distorted, and he must be a smart and beautiful girl.

It has been a pain to be offended for so many years.

"When she was two years old, she got a cold, and at that time there was no money at home. Feng and I went around with her to seek medical treatment. But the situation was cold and thin, and it was delayed."

"Since then, her brain has burned out. I have asked many famous doctors in recent years and said that it is impossible to get better in this life."

"It’s also a day after a day, and I have been guilty of living."

"It must have been my life, I have been tired of the children, hehe!"

Pu Jing loved to be sad, could not help but cry and cry.

“How difficult is this?”

Qin Xiao smiled and took out the golden needle from his pocket. He waved his hand and fixed the aunt’s body. He immediately injected a pharmacist into her chest.

Aunt’s recent irritability and lack of food is due to the long-term accumulation of stagnation and the physiological period.

The fifteen-year-old girl has a problem with her IQ, but her physical fitness is no different from that of ordinary people. Qin Yu used the golden needle of the ghost door to open the acupuncture points and meridians of the aunt's body, which is equivalent to letting the aunt directly enter the martial arts. The qi of the warrior, so naturally it is physical health.

As for restoring her intelligence, this is indeed impossible.

The human IQ, also known as the Lingbi, is one of the three souls and seven scorpions. Once lost, it is difficult to make up again unless you find the original one.

But after many years, this is absolutely impossible.

The second step that Qin Lan will do next is to cast the soul.

As the name suggests, he wants to recreate the soul of the aunt! Maybe it will not be an aunt again, but at least it can replace the aunt, and spend the rest of his life with Pu Jing.


Qin Lan’s palms were infuriating, and they passed through the aunt’s heavenly spirit. The original soul of the aunt was immediately cleaned and turned into nothingness.

After cleaning the soul, the aunt was completely quiet, lying in a chair with his eyes closed, and fell into a coma.

Qin Lan also blessed the secret law in her spirit to consolidate the new soul. After the soul sea was cast, he took out a jade and placed it on the top of the aunt.

Among the jade, a blue yin slowly blends into the soul of the aunt.

This is a ghost!

Her master was a talented woman from Dongda University. Because of her beauty, she was insulted and committed suicide in Baima Lake in Dongda.

When Qin Lan was fortune-telling in Dongda Back Street two years ago, she did not intend to pass by. When she saw her pity, she took it down and thought about going to the local government in the future, giving her a chance to reincarnate.

Nowadays, it is also a chance to make a living, just to fill the soul of the aunt.

When the ghost is completely integrated into the soul sea, Qin Hao raises his hand in her heavenly spirit, whispering: "You are called Auntie, the daughter of Pu Jing. From now on, you are the family of the year, and you will be filial in the future. The virtue."

Slightly tilt!

Aunt slowly opened his eyes, and the rain-like scorpion was full of surprises and aura, slowly squirming his lips and screaming: "Mom, Uncle!"


Pu Jing sees the daughter of dementia for more than ten years and suddenly wakes up, holding auntie, and the mother and daughter cry into a group.

Fengxian also wiped a tear, thank you Pu Jing is ordinary people can not see the door, but he can know.

He knew that the real aunt had already left in the two-year-old illness. It was only a body that lived. He also thought about finding a soul instead of a wide-spirited heart.

However, there are few people in the world who have such wonderful methods, forcibly find the ghosts, and they will be thundered in a few days.

Because this is a law of heaven and earth.

But now, a real aunt is resurrected.

Looking at Pu Jing and Auntie, they reciprocated each other, and Fengxian and Qin Yu quietly walked out of the house.

"Hou, thank you, Aunt woke up, and the heart disease of the nephew for many years has finally gone." Fengxian said.

"Her heart is gone, but your heart is still getting medical."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"I, how can I get sick?" Fengxian was somewhat puzzled.

"You and Pu Jing, I know."

"Your big brother is going early, you two are living together, one is not married, one is not married, although they have a heart, but they respect each other, do not dare to step further."

"Fengxian, we are not ancient people, not so much rules."

"Your eldest brother is under Jiuquan, I am afraid I also want you to take care of Pu Jing."

"Life is impermanent, we must cherish the present, do not leave regrets. Otherwise, once lost, it must be regrettable for life."

"I have lived for two generations and have been through for thousands of years to understand this truth."

"Listen to me, this media, I will come to protect, who in the world should dare to chew on his tongue and kill innocent!"

Qin Xiaoran smiled, and immediately took a picture of Feng Xian’s shoulders.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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