The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1280: Bottleneck

Auntie and Pu Jing came out from the back room, and both of them were full of cheeks and weeping into tears.

"Hou, I am very thankful, and my aunt and I have given you a slap."

Pu Jing took the aunt and both fell down.

Qin Yugang just want to stop, Fengxian took him, Zheng Dao said: "Hou Ye, you let them slap three heads, otherwise she will be uneasy in her life. As for Xiao Yan, she can be born again and re-created by Hou Hui. Well, three heads are not too much."

"Okay, then I will accept you this gift, remember that this is the last time, next time who wants to reinvigorate this set, I have to punish according to the rules." Qin Hao thought.

Pu Jing and Auntie were overjoyed, and they quickly licked three crispy babies, and they were grateful again and again.

"Pu Jing, I am your benefactor. If you say something, you should listen." Qin Hao raised two people and asked with a smile.

"Hou Ye is the lord of the martial arts. If you say something, we naturally have to listen." Pu Jing bowed.

"Well, I am here to treat Auntie, and it is a good thing for both of you."

"I gave the year Fengxian to come to you, I don't know if you give me this face of the lord?"

Qin Hao asked a serious question.

"Hou, this, this can't be done, Fengxian and I are clear, I am his..." Pu Jing looked shy, but this is no way to say anything.

Everyone is a wise man, Qin Hou and others, to say that she does not have the year Fengxian that is also a fake.

Fengxian’s eldest brother died after a year of marriage. In the past ten years, Fengxian has treated her in every possible way. For her life, she can’t even know how to love her.

Moreover, the two have been in love for more than a decade, but they have been groaning and not suffering from each other.

Now Qin Hou rushed to open the ice bureau, Pu Jing was not able to prevent it, and the bottom of his heart was also a hilarious.

"I can listen to the sky, listen to the public opinion, your mind is clear at a glance. The truth is hard to find, life is awkward, can you have a few loads? Don't waste money on each other because of worldly rumors."

"When you are together, you have experienced the test of time and hardship. It is the result of this cultivation. If you want to push it again, not only do I disagree, but God will not see it."

Qin Hao is right.

Pu Jing and the year Fengxian are facing each other, and their eyes are full of affection and gentleness. Qin Yu’s words are about their hearts.

In recent years, Pu Jing did not persuade Fengxian to kiss her, and thought about breaking this love, but Fengxian has been bitterly holding it until now, and she has to be cold, and she is not willing to go.

"Feng Xian, I ask you, do you want to want to talk about it? If you don't want to, I will not insert this hand, and immediately return home."

Qin Yuzheng asked.

"Feng Xian is willing... willing, just afraid of swearing... Xiao Jing, not worthy of her." Fengxian's old face is red, like a child who has done something wrong, and is embarrassed.

"He is willing, how about you?"

Qin Xiao smiled and nodded, and looked at Pu Jing.

Pu Jing lowered his head and bite his teeth. He couldn’t say anything.

"Well, aunt, you are her daughter, the most talked about, you talk about it."

Qin Lan knew that this was the last fire, and looked at the aunt.

Auntie said with tears: "My father walked early, my uncle came to me for more than ten years, and I was so considerate to me and my mother. I was like a father in my heart. Besides, my uncle is a big hero, except for my mother. No one can match it."

"Mom, uncle! You have been suffering for a lifetime. Now you don't have to drag you down again. Please be nice to yourself. Don't be embarrassed yourself."

Auntie said this, once again kneeling down and asking for a gimmick.

"Xiao Jing, Auntie is right, marry me."

In the year, Fengxian walked over and took the first time to take hold of Pu Jing’s hands. It was extremely difficult to say the words that had been in my heart for many years.


Pu Jing finally nodded and snorted.

"it is good!"

"It’s better to hit the sun than to choose the day. I will do it for you today."

"come in!"

Qin Yu shouted outside the door.

The joy group, the bride price, and the flower girl should get started, knocking and knocking, and the originally deserted yard suddenly became busy.

"Year of the year, congratulations on your relationship with your younger siblings, and tie the knot."

"Yeah, the love between Mr. and Mrs. Pu is the beauty of our Xichuan. It’s a great day to be a jade today."

Han Yuanqiao, Ge Xianmin and others came in and congratulated.

"Thank you!"

In the years of Fengxian’s repeated efforts, the feelings went deep, and it was an excitement of old tears.

Under the testimony of Xichuan Zhuxiong, the wedding ceremony of Fengxian was fierce and it became a story of Xichuan.


After the wedding banquet, Qin Lan left Xichuan and returned to Yuxi Mazhuang.

Since the death of Tang Tianshi, Qin Yu returned the listener Yu Xuan to the Tang dynasty, rarely returned to Dongzhou, there was Huangquan Grassland near Mazhuang, and the Daqin Military Training Center. Qin Yu simply built Danfang in the nearby mountains. The grass is cleaned up and lived.

This trip to Xichuan seems to be a big win and a victory, but in fact Qin Xiao knows very well that the loser is him.

Bai Shaoyang clarified that it was a piece of Yan Jiu Tian, ​​but with this piece of chess, he also used the instrument to overcome it! The power of Jiuyang Shentong was deeply shocked to Qin.

A white Shaoyang, the half hang of learning can be tied with him, ask Yan nine days, no, and do not talk about the **** of war, he said that he really proud of the disciple Duan Muquan, I am afraid enough to drink a pot.

From this point of view, he wants to revenge Yan Jiu Tian is far from qualified.

In Xichuan, Qin Lan performed very calmly and did not want to cause the vibration of the martial arts world. This battle seems to have won him. But a little bit of a brain, can be seen, he is not the opponent of Yan Jiu Tian ~ ~ South is not as good as the fact that the North is still nailed.

However, his repairs have been stuck in the bottleneck. Since the breakthrough to the middle of Jindan, there has been no progress.

It is only less than a year since the September 9th Tianshan Mountain, and Qin has still not found a breakthrough. It is really annoying.


"I finally extracted the fire yuan and saved the black jade gourd!"

In Danfang, Qin Yu took a deep breath and grabbed it with his right hand. A red ball of water was swung in the palm of his hand, with a dazzling light.

During the conversation, he swallowed his head and swallowed the fire yuan crystal ball, condensing inside the golden dan!

"Nadan medicine!"

Qin Yi, a sleeve, squinted and sighed.

Waiting for the wind on the side, respectfully holding the sandalwood box handed over, but did not open, but softly said: "Hou Ye, you have taken 53 tablets of medicinal herbs this month, of which Yuan Yuandan thirteen There are ten blood and dan, and the other three or four products are a total of 30. Although I am not a senior, I know that it is no good for cultivation. ""

"You have too many words!"

Qin Lan grabbed the sandalwood box and took the medicinal herbs and swallowed it. The effect of the medicinal herbs was merged with the fire, and it was turned into a real gas in Dantian. However, Dan Tian’s infuriating still stuck. At about half of the position, there was no growth at all, and it was impossible to break through the barrier.

In addition to taking the heavens and treasures, Qin Hao has not thought of other methods of growth and cultivation.

If the mortal is not hell, he will be infinitely rudimentary and wisdom, and he will always be restricted by the overall situation.

This is the law of heaven, no matter who it is, can't break it!

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