The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1284: Old ghost

Qin Lan did not urge, drinking red wine on the side, waiting patiently.

He quite enjoys the identity of this rich second generation rotten person. It is also quite good to think about it occasionally when it comes out. It is also the real side of him.

Shahu made a gesture to Qin Hao, and then walked aside and whispered a phone call.

After a moment, shaking his shoulders and shaking his legs, he walked to Qin Hao and said: "Brother, you are lucky, the old ghost said that there is the last ticket, let's go."

"That is, my peach blossoms are not bad."

Qin blinked and smiled.

Out of the entertainment city, Shahu patted the big bang, licking the cigarette, exaggerated than a swipe gesture: "Man, this car is like? Just bought a few days ago, more than 1.3 million, eyelids Don't take it, hey!"


Qin Lan shrugged and walked straight to the side of a silver cabriolet. He opened the door and sat up. His face was light: "Is it still sitting on me?"

Along with the low boring of the motor, the waiter and the bodyguard next to it looked straight.

I was screamed with the goods: "I am, Bugatti Veyron, 25oo, Hao, this is really good."

"I just fear that it will cost a person a tire money?"


Shahu has always loved the car. When he saw the Veyron Hara, he quickly came out: "The cow, my brother, the buddies are willing to go down the wind, can that make me addicted?"

"You are a little bit, the silver in your pocket, it is not enough to repair it." Qin Xiao smiled and let out the driver's seat.

"Reassure, you don't know the technology of the buddy, Shijing car god, that is not blowing."

Shahu smashed his hand and excitedly got on the bus. He touched the right and looked at it. He took out his mobile phone and took a selfie. He was smug. Under the urging of Qin Lan, the service lady who stood up and rushed to the door blew a whistle. In the screams of the beautiful women, the chic door went straight to the suburbs.

The old ghost lived in the shanty town on the outskirts, and the car was over the gully filled with stinky water. The wild cats around the horror fled.

Qin Lan got out of the car and spit out the betel nut residue in his mouth, so he made an angry saying: "Tiger brother, have you made a mistake in your kid? You are not saying that it is difficult to ask for a ticket. Is it a liar to determine this decline?"

Shahu got out of the car, hit a nap, and fanned the fan with a stink. He explained: "Hey, this man has a very bad temper, but really, it’s really reliable. You met him. I know."

"Well, come here, let's see."

"If he took the buddy to open up, the relationship could be over."

Qin Hao is lazy.

"Can't get it, let's go to the daughter country together."

The sand tiger led the way to the front and entered a dark alley. The more he walked through the darkness, the number of bends he wandered around, and finally stopped in front of a dilapidated hut.

"Oh, this is it, the old temper is very bad, you can be careful when you speak."

"This guy is a real monk, the kind of life!"

The sand tiger looked awkwardly and slammed the door.


There was a cold, hoarse voice inside.

"It's me!" Shahu answered.

The door opened, and the sand tiger rushed to the Qin dynasty and waved it. The two went in.

The house is not big, except for a bed, a pair of cookware, a simple table and a chair, no more things, it is quite neat!

The old ghost sat in the chair, biting the pipe in his mouth, half-squinting, revealing a glimmer of light from the seams of the eyes, such as the poisonous snake, looking at the Qin dynasty.

Qin Hao pretend to be in a state of sorrow, avoiding his eyes, but his heart is quite happy.

The old ghost is a scorpion, his cheeks are sunken, his cheekbones are bulging, and there is only one bone left in his skinny, but the sinister eyes are enough to prove that he is a top evil master.

If this old ghost is a second-rate, the cheating-like vulgar, the daughter country will undoubtedly be a scam.

But such a hidden master, cautiously hidden in this ruined house, is not just for money, he may be the special envoy of the daughter country.

People like this, if they are not active and interested in finding someone, ordinary people can't deal with it.

As for why the old ghosts chose the scum of the sand tiger, Qin Hao would not know. He wanted to use God to explore the soul of the old ghost, but he quickly dismissed the idea. The cultivation of the old ghost is unknown. Once he is present, this time it will come.

"Old ghost, this is my buddy, he, he also wants to make a ticket to go to the country of the daughter."

Shahu scratched his scalp and opened his mouth.

"Daughter country? Can these three words be said freely?" The old ghost stood up, and the yellowed eyes stared at the sand tiger, and the sinister screamed.

Shahu was scared, and quickly took two mouths and laughed with a smile: "Yes, yes, my mouth is stinky, he, he wants to go to that place, you can see if you can give another chance."

"Yes, I, I want to have fun, listen to Shahu and say that you are so versatile, you can get a ticket to heaven. So..."

Qin smashed his hand and smiled nervously.

"Do you like women?" asked the old ghost.

"That's a must, don't hesitate to say, I don't want to touch a woman in a day, it's very itchy."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Very good, the daughter country wants this kind of waste."

The old ghost nodded.

"Too good, then this is... even if it is? What should I prepare? For example, the perfume that women love, Right, my name is Qin..."

Qin Hao was very excited.

He deliberately concealed his own gas field, and performed in a true color. Even the master of the old ghost, it is difficult to see his true identity.

"It doesn't matter what you call, it doesn't matter who you are."

"You just have to be a lustful waste, that's enough."

"Nothing to bring, at nine o'clock tomorrow night, waiting for the number three in Beihai."

The old ghost is cold and cold.

“Thank you, thank you!”

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Okay, you can roll."

The old ghost waved his hand impatiently.

Shahu hurriedly took Qin Lan out and went out. When he went out, he stopped Qin Hao’s neck and laughed. "Hey, there is a play. Look, buddy, is this face big enough?"

"Enough big, big enough!"

"But you better guarantee that he is not a liar, otherwise, I will find someone to kill him."

Qin Yusen cold road.

"Don't you say that Laozi has thrown away the daughter of the vice-president for this ticket, and almost didn't be killed by my son. This old man has to dare to play with me. Laozi is the first to spare him."

Sand Tiger patted the chest.

"Cheng, that night, see the North Sea three."

"You are taking advantage of your inventory, I have also made a second-line star, first go to the waves."

Qin Lan lowered his head and licked his cigarette.

"Cheng, 羿哥, don't forget to give the buddies a few photos of the eye addiction, how many more, don't be empty!"

Shahu patted Qin's shoulder and laughed badly.

"It's all old drivers. Is this still for you?"

Qin Hao rushed to his eyes and drove away.

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