The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1285: The brain does not open

Going back to Mazhuang is already early in the morning.

"Da Ling, remember the plan I told you last time?"

Qin Lan drank a few mouthfuls of tea to dilute the taste of the wine in the mouth, faintly asked.

"Hou Ye, that's the first plan, there are counts in the heart." Zhang Daling replied.

"The daughter country has a look, I will come out tomorrow night. If there is no news of me within half a year, you will settle down my family according to the plan." Qin said.

"Hou, as long as I am still alive, my wife will be safe."

In addition to his determination to admire Qin Qi's revenge, Zhang Daling raised his right hand and swears to the sky.

"And, the wind is amazing, this person is available, you slowly train him, and in the future it may become a sharp knife to disturb the overall situation of Yanjia."

Qin Lan went to the door and told him.

Zhang Daling nodded and was quite reluctant.

He didn't really see the wind in his heart, especially when he thought of a guy who was more beautiful than a woman. He was actually a man, and he felt uncomfortable when he saw it.

"Don't underestimate the value of the wind, you will understand one day."

Qin Xiao smiled and waved his hand to withdraw.

The wind is a rare yin and yang heart. This kind of person is rare in the world. It is just that Qin Hao does not have much time to teach him. In time, the wind will definitely be famous in the world, so that Yan Jiu Tian and other villains regret it. and.

Beihai is a quiet southern harbor city.

Because of the economic dying, the seaport here is not up to date, and there are occasional flights to Southeast Asia.

Qin Lan and Sha Hu went to the North Sea and found the local number to find the No. 3 Pier.

The third number has long been abandoned, surrounded by ridiculous and dark.

"Marathon rubbed, Lao Tzu thought that there is a luxury cruise ship. My brother, you are said, this old ghost is a liar, we are definitely being pitted."

"The old ghost of the dog day, this special trip to the daughter country, just rely on these broken ships?"


Shahu didn't even have a ghost, and he screamed.

"Anxiously, if the daughter country can find a cruise ship, it would be boring."

Qin Hao ordered a cigarette, his lips raised, he spit a circle of eyes and smiled.

The two waited for a while, and there was a noisy footstep on the dock.

I saw a group of people swaying and coming over. The leader was a tall young man, a fluffy fashionable roll, two smudges, a blue scalp, a red flower shirt on his body, and a tight-fitting leather pants. With a pair of sharp-skinned shoes and a cigar, you can see that there is a lot of local tyrants.

Immediately behind the youth are three bodyguards in black tights, and the three waists are still scorpion.

At the end is a short man, a knife-faced face, a triangular eye, and a haze of infiltration, apparently a **** blind man.

"Hey, hey, isn't this the sand brother? Are you waiting for the big night?"

The tall young man shook his shoulders and met with a yin and yang.

"Hey, strong brother? How come you?"

Shahu clearly has three fears for this young man, frowning.

"I still want to ask you, what are you doing?"

Ou Qiang asked with his hands on his hips.

"You are also going to the daughter country?" asked the sand tiger.

"Oh, it seems to be a passer-by, how does Sha Jia even ask for a bodyguard's money, and he took a base?"

"Shahu, it’s like you are dying, how do you play?"

Ou Qiang reached out and pointed at the chest of Shahu.

The sand tiger retreats, his face is ugly, but there is no buzz!

Ou Qiang's energy is higher than him in the Shijing Circle. He usually gets used to stepping on the habit, and the Shahu is not a bit tempered.

Ou Qiang is also ironic to make the Shahu out of the ugly, while pushing and pushing, "small sample, you want to go to the daughter country to pick up the girl, grab the old man's limelight, don't urinate, look at yourself, your mother is a bird..."

"Strong, strong brother, don't be too much, and then Laozi will start."

Shahu looked back at the dock and hurried.

“Do you start?”

"You kidnapped my horse, I haven't found it for you yet. I will be here today, and I will finish it first."

Ou Qiang smiled, and the three bodyguards at the same time picked up their clothes at the same time and showed their voice.

"Strong brother, do you want to face the face? Are you afraid of having a girl at the daughter country?"

"You can rest assured, there is good, I will not give you it yet?"

The sand tiger cried and said.

"Hey, how many faces do you have in this battle with zero slag?"

"Take the old man to jump, or else I will abolish your stuff!"

Ou Qiang is awkward.

Shahu was stupid when he was on the road. He knew that there was a strong European, and his daughter’s country was no longer a play.

"Hey brother, I can’t help it. I’m going to be lucky today. I’m afraid I can’t play.”

Sha Hu looked helpless, he could not afford to be sinned, and he could only choose to jump off the dock.

Before I even had time to jump, I heard that Ou Qiang screamed and slipped and slid from the pier.


Ou Qiang struggled hard to rush to the bodyguards and shouted: "Hey, raise your food, pull me up, I will not..."

During the conversation, I even drank a few mouthfuls of water, and my eyes were straight.

Several bodyguards hurriedly jumped and hurriedly grabbed Ou Qiang.


"Mad, boy, dare you?"

Ou Qiang retched a few times and pointed to Qin Hao yelling.

Just as he was clearly aware of the sinking of his back, it was like being pushed by a person, and this was the water. The nearest to him was Qin Hao, not his bad, but who?

"You slipped on your own feet. This is what everyone saw with your own eyes. Is it related to me?"

Qin Hao shrugged and looked down.

"I slipped on my own?"

Ou Qiang pointed to his nose not good airway.

"Strong brother, it is indeed you who fell in, we all saw it."

The round head bald bodyguard reminded me.

"Mad, in the end, I am your master, or he, your mother's brain is in the water."

Ou Qiang raised his hand and slapped a slap on the head of the bodyguard.

"I am watching Laozi today, he is not pleasing to the eye, what is it?"

"Give me up and kill him!"

Ou Qiang saw the handsome and extraordinary of Qin Yuchang, and did not take him seriously. His face was proud and his heart was even more annoyed.

"Strong brother, don't make trouble, drink so much water, don't open your mind, or do you want me to try Mengpo soup?"

Qin Lan walked to the front of Ou Qiang, holding his arm and sneering.

"Oh, dare to force me in front of me, I will kill you."

Ou Qiang took the pistol from his waist and he was going to die.

Standing at the end of the thin skinny knife rushed over like a black lightning, and seized the hand of Ou Qiang: "Strong brother, why should it be bad to come out to play, listen to me, forget. Something, wait. I went to the daughter country and said."

Ou Qiang seems to have great trust in this person. After all, he bites his teeth and nods his head. He rubs his head and licks Qin Yu. Cold and cold: "The kid, we are not finished!"

"Hey, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, you are your own."

Shahu also rushed to the round.


Qin Hao does not matter.

"What's the noise?"

"Say you are a group of waste, I think you are not even as good as waste."

A ridiculous sneer came from the darkness.

Ps: There are updates later.

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