The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1286: Thank you, brother, to live

When the people looked back, the old ghost did not know when he had stood in the corner, and his face was cold and mocking.

"Old ghost!"

Ou Qiang looked very respectful in front of the old ghost and put away the arrogance.

There are still three people standing behind the old ghost, one by one, and they are all **** at first glance.

"It's a bit interesting. It seems that people in the country of the country like **** ghosts?"

Qin Yu’s heart is dark and interesting.

Several people introduced each other. The three people who came here, the red-faced fat man named Sun Wei, was a Nanzhou native. He was also a famous figure in the local painting circle.

The other two, a forty years old, called Huang Jun, the raw thief eyebrows, with a few yellow rat whiskers, are also wearing a shabby, full of sullen, dirty gas, which is expected to be the same color and not professional It may even be a crime-related person.

There is another person, Hao Hao, who is a student, wearing glasses and looking like a Sven, but the gas is so powerful.

Qin Yu took a look, this guy is still a boy, but the gas field is so imaginary, 80% is self-defeating.

"From now on, you are a new batch of people. I will give me a convergence point in the future. I don't care if you are a thief or a grandfather. If you are a daughter, you are an ordinary civilian. Do you understand?"

"You can play casually, but whoever wants to find something for me, whoever I want."

The old ghost is cold and cold.

"Of course, there are you, give me a little cleverness, otherwise I will have you."

The old ghost went to Qin Hao again, cold and cold.

"Good to say!"

Qin Yan’s mouth was raised, and he smiled lightly.

The old ghost snorted and immediately took out a white bones and blew it up. Qin Hao saw that the good guy was actually a musical instrument made of human skull. The sound sounded faint and resentful, like a The blame is in the middle of the night in the boudoir.

Not long after, there was a snoring in the darkness, and a black big ship appeared quietly.

There is no light on the big ship. The ship is covered with moss and water plants. The hull is scattered with sinister death. It is like a ghost ship that has been silent for many years.

Other people's minds are a burst of hair, and they have made a fuss. Only Qin Lan, the heart is very happy.

The more mysterious the old ghosts are, the higher the authenticity of the existence of the daughter country.


A seesaw emerged from the hull and was placed on the dock.

"Go on board!"

The old ghost facelessly walked in front, and everyone followed.

The ship's side was covered with moss, and there was a strong rancid gas. Several people were battered and browed, but no one dared to speak out because of the old ghost.

There wasn't even a seat on the boat, and I could only sit on the cold, slippery deck.

Everyone looked up, no sailors, except for a few bundles of rotten ropes on the deck, a few rusty anchors, not even a ghost.

The death of the entire ship is dead!

The old ghost went down to the cabin underneath, and there was no movement.

Slightly tilted, the big ship slammed and started.

At first, it was slower, and then it was added. The wind was generally walking through the sea. Everyone only felt that the sound of the ear was like thunder. The sea breeze blew his cheeks and his eyes could not open.

I don't know how long it took, the big ship entered a cloud of fog, the fog was filled, and the visibility was less than three meters.

After entering the fog, the ship descended and began to slow down.

"I thought it was a cruise ship. I didn't have to drink it on the boat. How many brothers, wouldn't we be sold to Southeast Asia to be human?"

"I heard that buying and selling organs are very popular there!"

The fat little man’s hungry belly creaked and complained.

"Yeah, there aren't even individuals on the ship. I just touched it. The door to the bottom of the cabin was sealed. There was no sound at the bottom, not like someone operating."

Huang Jun saw that he was a good thief. While talking, his ears were attached to the deck and listened carefully.

"Then, let's do it, will we die?"

Hao studied and helped the glasses, and the scared tears flowed out quickly.

"You said that this old ghost, it would not be the sorcerer sent by the prince, he is going to take us to the palace of the king."

A few people are so screaming, the sand tiger is also a fantasy, the more you want to be afraid.

Instead, Ou Qiang was sitting on the bodyguard's suit, drinking wine, eating bread and canned food, and smirking: "Hey, you are so courageous, you want to play with a woman, you don't want to go, you are afraid of death, It’s not enough to jump directly from the boat."

When he finished, he picked up a large piece of broiled beef and stuffed it in his mouth. He chewed it with red wine and smashed it.

Several people were hungry and crazy, exchanged a look at each other, originally wanted to grab, but when they saw a few bodyguards behind Sun Hao, they were paralyzed. I only hate to go out without a few bodyguards, prepare some dry food, or else I will not fall into the shortcomings of personal decline.

"Strong brother, the younger brother will mix with you later, give, give a loaf? I am really hungry."

Sun Hao looked at the road.

"Well, you beg me."

"And a few of you, squat down and slap three heads, and call the strong brother is great, the uncle will reward you bread."

Ou Qiang lifted the red wine and shook it and laughed.

Sun Hao thought that God knew that the ship was docked, but I was afraid that I would starve to death before I went to my daughter's country. I immediately bite my teeth, and I screamed three heads and shouted: "Strong brother is great!"

"Hey, it’s still a fat old man, know the rules, come and reward you."

Ou Qiang picked up a fluffy bread and threw it in front of Sun Hao like a funny dog.

Sun Hao quickly grateful to Dade, can't wait to tear open the bag, let it gorge and eat clean.

Others who saw something to eat, but also could not help, Huang Jun is a squatting villain, smashed nine heads in one breath, called the three strong brother is great, but did not break the Ouqiang music, reward A bread and a ham.

Hao learning followed closely, and several people got the food. Ou Qiang’s eyes fell on Shahu and Qin Lan, and sneered: "I have some bread, I want to worship the hills, and I am missing this village." There is no such store."

"Hey brother!" Shahu is a bit tempted.

He is not so hungry, but the eyes of the blind man are burning quickly, and they can’t stand it.

"You want to worship and worship, life is big, this is just the beginning. You will live more than anything else in the future."

Qin Hao said indifferently.

In fact, the ship has been sailing in the sea for five days and five nights, and it is not easy for everyone to support it.

Qin Lan’s trip, in order not to cause suspicion, did not bring black jade gourd and all the artifacts of the body protection, of course, with his cultivation, that is, hungry is not affected for one month.

But Shahu and others will not work. Because of the old ghosts, Qin can't use the true gas to help him. He can't let the sand tiger starve to death because of his bones.

God knows where the ship is going, how long will it take?

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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