The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1289: Cruel black pearl

"I am, my brother, will we not live in this broken place in the future?"

The sand tiger walked around the small yard and spit.

"It's a bit of an appetite, but let's play first. If you are tired of playing, I will call someone to pick it up. I have already set a good position."

Ou Qiang took out the fruit phone and raised his mind.

Qin Xiao smiled bored and walked into the corridor.

There is a sweaty smell in the corridor, which means that there are other people living in this building. It is probably the bitter slave who works in the field.

This has further confirmed that they are about to become the reality of bitter slaves. It is ridiculous that Ou Qiang, Sha Hu and others are still intoxicated in the dream of hunting and dancing.

He tried to spur the infuriating again. However, there was still no movement, and as soon as he stepped into his daughter country, his body was exhausted and his thirst was accompanied by muscles and fatigue. This is a sign of losing the true body.

He must accept the reality of becoming a mortal, but Qin Hao has an alternative excitement. He has been so smooth since he debuted. The last time the house was counted to him, he thought it was supposed to be in Nishikawa. Now think about 80% is here. It is.

He is like an explorer, looking forward to finding the spiritual spring and secret of Sima Fu and his daughter country!

This is undoubtedly a very interesting process!

Perhaps Sima Fu is also in the bitter slaves of this building.

Back to the downstairs, Ou Qiang and others are discussing how to open the Peony train. The sand tiger is isolated and bored with a smouldering smoke!

Oh la la!

Qin Xiaogang went downstairs, and the vines automatically separated into a big mouth. I saw a line of beautiful people chilling into the yard.

The head of the woman is different from the other women on the island. The skin is slightly healthy in the color of the wheat, a glamorous goose egg face, a bright tooth, and the nearly one-meter-eight hot body is full of heroic.

Her upper body only had a black leather wrapped chest, and the males that came out of it had to be at least in the e-cup. Under the chest, there were eight tight muscles. The whole waist had no extra flesh and was full of vitality. . Her lower body is a leopard skin shorts, tightly wrapped in Hong Leong's hip line, lined with two long legs, compared to the cool, gentle, white, beautiful woman on the island, this woman is like a wild The wild horses are full of fire, so that every man who sees her will have a desire to conquer.

The ten women who are behind her are also tall and cold.

"It’s a heaven, a top grade, a great one, a natural best gun cannon."

Sun Hao thinks that she has studied the beauty very much. She immediately licked her lips and looked at the woman with a sinful look. She excitedly licked her hand and extended her hand to the salty pig: "Beauty, my name is Sun Hao, and I have a friend."


When the voice just fell, the woman’s hand was raised, and a whip was drawn in the hands of Sun Hao.

I don't know what the whip was made of, what a strong thing, a whip, and Sun's right hand rolled a large layer of skin, blood flow like a note.

"Death, you dare to beat me."

Sun Hao did not expect the woman to be so worried, the painful tears flowed out, and it was necessary to start jumping.


The woman vacated a sleek round kick, and the big fat son of two hundred kilograms flew out and slammed on the ground, and the pain screamed.

The woman is still not deflated, and a few steps have gone, riding on Sun Hao, powder punches like rain, according to Sun Hao’s head is a slam hammer.


Every punch is like a hammer, and the sound of broken bones is clear.

Poor Sun Yan, fainted in the past without a few punches, the whole face is bloody, and there are half people.

"I know that you want to go to me, it doesn't matter, look at your skills."

"But at least it seems that your garbage is not qualified."

"All right!"

"My name is Black Pearl and it is the head of Building One."

"From now on, I declare that you are my people, no, it is my slave!"

The beautiful woman slammed Ou Qiang and dried his blood on his face. He pushed the strong, like a throwing garbage, cold and ruthless.

Meet people and waste!

Rao is a lascivious person, and this is also scared and panicked.

Especially the word slave, like a cockroach, blew up in everyone's mind.

"No, no, isn't it a man's paradise? Slaves... What do you mean by slaves?"

A strong bodyguard of Ouqiang asked inexplicably.

"You are right. Here is the paradise of the strong, like the garbage of you, it is only a slave."

"Come, come to light them, put on prison clothes!"

Black pearls are cold and cold.

"Hey, you, what are you doing?"

Someone reluctantly resisted, but in exchange for a few **** whip, they are honest.

Qin Lan is no exception, he is very cooperative, and soon took off the light, several big men are so naked in front of the black pearl and female guards.

In this way, the weekdays all claimed to be invincible, and all the seven francs of the blows were handed over.

Among them, Hao studied and another bodyguard with a big face and a bearded look. The education was not very good. He was ashamed to hold the bird with his hand.

It is called A Fei's bodyguard, don't look tall, a muscle scorpion is like a cheetah, full of explosive power.

Like Qin Hu and others, Qin Lan has no difference. He is well-proportioned and can’t see it as a trainer.

Black Pearl seems to have become accustomed to it. In addition to seeing A Fei, I directly passed a few people from Qin and Qin. Obviously, there is no interest.


Black Pearl made a gesture.

Immediately, there are clothes that are taken off by the crowd, and they will be burned when they are piled up in a group. Hello, sisters, don't, my mobile phone, my mobile phone! ”

Ou Qiang rushed over and wanted to grab the phone.

Ou Qiang is not stupid. He can see it. The daughter country is a pit. If you don’t have a good life, you have to lose it.

He believes that he has set the position of his daughter country. As long as the mobile phone is still there, there is a possibility of going back. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will not be played by this group of girls.


The black pearl's whip hit him under his feet and he was shocked by dust.

Ou Qiang had no choice but to retreat. He opened his mouth and did not dare to scream again.

A female guard waved with a flame, and a flame burned up, burning everything into ashes.

Then, the guards gave each person a black leather pants and ordered everyone to wear them!

"Hey, beauty... the general manager, can you give clothes, this is too unsightly."

Sand Tiger asked with courage.

"You guys, if not for the sake of decent, even this is superfluous to you!"

Black pearls are cold and cold.

"I have to go to the bathhouse and rinse it out. You will stay to arrange their accommodation and will take it to the dinner party!"

The black pearl also told me that even the ignorance of everyone’s eyes was gone.

Under the staring of the female guards, everyone went to the bathroom on the first floor of the first floor of the building. The bathroom was divided into dozens of compartments. There was a bowl of white stone on it. When people walked to the bottom, they immediately rushed out of the clear and sweet. Water splash.

After the female guards quit the bathroom, Ou Qiang and others kept on screaming, and Hao learned to cry.

Through this rare coolness, Qin Lan quickly thought of his own ideas and pondered the next plan.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night friends.


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