The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1290: Laozi is not a waste

Qin Lan must now be rational.

He has to realize that from now on, everyone has become a slave to the daughter country, and even a lifetime will be trapped on this desert island.

He has to find Sima Fu as soon as possible, to figure out the relationship between the characters on the island and the hidden secrets, to see if he can recover the infuriating, so that he is likely to leave.

Of course, the most important thing is that the woman here is still awkward than the snake, and he must survive.

"Hey, how do I feel like dreaming?"

"Are we going to be slaves? Or are these girls playing with us?"

The sand tiger licked his head and his face was depressed.

"Listen, Shahu! From now on, with the tail as a person, this group of 38 will let you eat, you will eat it, don't look for it, ok?"

Qin Hao seriously said.

"Why? When the buddy makes a woman so bullied, woman? That is awkward, that is to blow the bird to me, want to ride the old man's head to pee, the door is not."

The sand tiger screamed.

"Then you will wait for the black pearl to blow you birds."

Qin Xiao smiled.

Shahu opened his mouth and wanted to refute it. When he reached the mouth, he thought of the long-wing whip of the black pearl, and he whimpered.

Qin Yu did not have too much explanation. The two ancestors still had a chance to be lucky. It would be useless to say more.

After the shower, the sky has dimmed, and the entire daughter country is filled with a strong cold.

The beasts in the mountains and the birds that passed by the sky, from time to time, screamed and shouted, and the shadows of horror were cast into the hearts of the people.

Black pearls are wearing high-profile boots, a bright red leather armor, with a long whip around the waist, and triumphantly walked into the building.

Are men important to them?

of course!

Since the ancient man can not be separated from women, women can not do without men, black pearls also need men, but she is a very proud woman, she can become a general manager of the first building from a small female guard, has a place in the daughter country, It relies on hard work and plundering of beasts, which can be used to swear by men like pigs and dogs.

Only the strong can enter her eyes, but obviously this group of slaves on the island, in addition to the A Fei seems to have a bit of skill, others are a group of downright rice barrels.

Especially the one named Qin Wei, the long fine skin tender meat, handsome and unparalleled, but it is a two-faced face, no real thing, so that the black pearl is even more contempt.

The daughter country's hierarchical system is extremely strict. If Black Pearl wants to sit on the main building of the No.1 building, it also needs a person who can suppress the battle, especially in the Colosseum, so that he can get the Queen. The appreciation of the national teacher has further increased.

It is this that makes her very depressed, because in the end, her rising path has to rely on this group of slaves to lift!

Therefore, whenever a new slave comes, she will be very happy, but at this time, she is undoubtedly disappointed.


The black pearls snorted.

The people walked into the courtyard honestly wearing pants.

"Don't you think about women? Congratulations, you will be able to get what you want right now."

"Take them to the Spring Festival!"

Black Jane channel.

"I know that the general manager is playing with us in front of the stimulus, the general manager, the weak one, who can... who?"

Ou Qiang made a **** gesture and asked with a smirk.

"The dog thing that is not good, the waste is of course playing with waste!"

"take away!"

Black pearls are full of disgust.


"General manager, I have something to say!"

The black pearl just turned and a voice shouted.


When she saw it, she was the most despised little white face, and she suddenly lost interest in listening.

"Total, we are not waste, please take back this sentence!"

Qin Hao is awe-inspiring.

The black pearl is like a new big 6, and he laughed a little, and said with interest: "What do you say?"

"I said, we are not waste, please take back this sentence."

Qin Lan stared at her pupil, word by word.


A black pearl whip was drawn on his face!

Qin Yu’s head was awkward, and there was a blood trough on his face. He still looked at her with a gaze.



The black pearl suddenly gave birth to an unknown fire, and his eyes were cold. According to Qin Yu, he even played dozens of whip!

Whip the whip!

In an instant, the white body of the white body was blurred, and Ou Qiang, Sha Hu and others all turned their heads and could not bear to look straight.

This is the case, Qin Hao did not even look at his brow, still look stunned!

"Is it waste? I will know it tonight."

The black pearl took the whip and threw a sentence and turned away.

At the moment of turning around, there was a complicated smile on her face, disdain and surprise.

What she disdains is that, no matter what, it can't change the fact that Qin Lan is a waste.

The surprise is that there is at least one more man under the hand!

"Buddy, it’s a man, it’s a man."

Ou Qiang stretched out his finger and clicked on the wound of Qin Yu. He sighed and sighed.

"That is, how can we not lose the face of our Jiangdong people, this whip is worth it."

Qin smashed the blood of the mouth and smirked.

"You are doing this, I bet you are the fastest of these people."

A Fei sneered.

"Cheng, I bet you, I bet that I am the longest living, and the first to be black pearls."

Qin Yudao.

"Don't talk nonsense, go quickly."

A female guard raised the whip and urged the road.

Everyone followed the female **** on the island and walked about two teas, and went to a stream!

But see the daughter Guo Tingtai, the pavilion lanterns as fire, reflected in the sparkling river ~ ~ beautiful, lined with the sweet air, people have a fresh soul from the soul, the mood is also It’s getting easier.

Several female guards landed on the ship, and the people got on the boat in twos and threes.

The boat took the night and went to the Yingchun Building.

"Oh brother, you are crazy, just to fight for this bad smell, smashed this beaten, is it worth it?"

The sand tiger sat on the boat and boringly opened his voice.

"It's worth it, Pearl has fallen in love with me."

Qin Hao stroked the scar on his body and smiled sullenly.

"I believe you evil?"

"If you want to eat a whip, you can get her heart. The Sun Yan fat man is afraid that she will be enough for her hundred times."

Shahu’s face does not believe.

"You pick up the girl and rely on the sports car. Do you know what I am relying on?"

Qin smashed his eyes.

"What?" Shahu curious.

Qin Hao pointed to the temple and smiled: "Rely on this!"

"Blow the goods, you have to get the pearls up, I recognize you as a big brother, and later mix with you."

Shahu's disdainful snoring.

"Then wait for you."

Qin Yu mysteriously laughed.

His whip is not white, and a whip is enough to test the inner core of the black pearl. This woman wants not to obey, but to resist. Only the rebel can attract her attention and impress her heart.

The smile of the black pearl just inadvertently is the best answer. At least this woman has a good impression of herself.

Next, what Qin Lan has to do is to conquer this thorny rose.

Only when he has the black pearl, can he come into contact with Simafu's information, which is a crucial step in the plan.

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