The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1291: You're not my type

In the Yingchun Building, the silk bamboo is sweet and the wine is fragrant.

A group of girls dressed in colorful gauze skirts danced in the temple. The musicians were tuned to the exquisite ancient music, accompanied by the smoke of the temple, such as the Imperial Palace.

Sitting in the Queen, left and right seats, the woman on the left, is a melon face beauty, her body is not as hot as black pearls, and even some are thin, the waist is full of profitable grip, there is a sense of thin willows.

Her face is filled with fox smiles, the kind of charm is not deliberately revealed, but every man who sees her will give birth to a kind of love and pity, can not wait to embrace, and hide in the heart of the heart hurts.

Sitting on the right is the black pearl. The beauty of the two is like summer and winter, and each has its own merits. But obviously, the two are not friendly, and there is no eye contact from beginning to end.

"Wang, the newcomer has arrived." The guards respectfully said.

The Queen nodded and gestured to everyone.

When Qin Hao and other people’s temples saw the Qin dynasty, which was covered in blood and scars, the women in the main hall had no hot eyes. Even the sun-dwelling Sun Yan received a lot of autumn waves, that is, the queen and the The face of the melon is beautiful, and I can't help but look at him a few times.

This further confirms Qin's conjecture. Only the monks and strong people on this island can gain respect.

"Sit all right, eat enough, and play well behind."

The peony always shows warm and generous, smiling.

Everyone was seated, and they hadn’t eaten anything in the past few days. At this moment, I saw the flesh and blood of the table, one by one like a wolf, and the wind and the clouds were clean.

Qin Lan eats slowly, and mainly eats fruit, meat and alcohol are less active. Sun Hao, Huang Jun and others are also welcome, even his one has also robbed him.

Although he lost his eyes, his daughter's national spirit is abundant, and there are few things in the world. The fruits and vegetables that are produced must be spiritual objects. At least they can be counted as miscellaneous goods. Natural meats must be nourished.

Sure enough, a few unspeakable fruits entered the abdomen, and suddenly there was a heat flow in the abdomen, which caused pain and exhaustion.

"Pearl sister, you guys in Hall 1 can eat!"

"Congratulations, this group of people is very good. In the next quarter, my sister is afraid to lose to her sister."

The face of the melon seeds covered his mouth with a handkerchief and smiled lightly.

What she said is naturally counter-intuitive. Huang Jun and others are either ugly, thieves, or stunned, and they are a group of waste. This is a thorn in the heart of the black pearl.

"Hu Jing, if you like it, I will give it to you, say, see who you are, just pick it."

Black pearls are not good air.

"is it?"

"This is what my sister said."

Hu Jing stood up and Ying Ying went to Qin Hao.

Qin Yideng felt a fragrant smell, and the blood in his body suddenly surged. After a while, he knew that this woman had a charm, and he quickly read the soul of the Nether Town.

I don't know whether it is the replenishment of the fruit aura, or the method of meditation is also effective for the mortal. The arrogance of his heart is really calm down.

"Oh, how good a face, my sister got a hand."

"Little handsome, is it with me?"

Hu Jingyu pointed out that the wound on the cheek of Qin Qin slipped over, and her face was distressed and pity.

Qin Yuduan sat, smiled, looked up and looked at the black pearl. The black pearl face flashed a trace of tension. Under the hand, it’s hard to come out and have to be dug away by Hu Jing. Then again, it’s really Hu Jing. She snatched away, she didn't have much face.

Black Pearl was also anxious, and shouted: "No!"

"What's wrong? My sister is reluctant? Isn't it that you can want anyone?" Hu Jingmei laughed.

"He has provoked me, I have to punish him. You can do whatever you want except him."

Black pearls are not to be shown to be weak.

"If you say it, the water that has been poured out, Wang, you just heard it. Pearl said that people gave it to me. Now I will repent on the spot. Please give Xiao Jing a fair statement." Hu Jing’s eyebrows are as silky, see Qin Qin can resist Living your own charm, the more you like it, the more you want to be.

Although Hu Jing’s status on the island is level with the black pearls, the actual island has real combat power, and the slaves who can show great prestige in the Colosseum are in her second hall.

She relies on the fascinating eyes and the means of digging people. Once I stare, it must be handed.

Qin Hao’s determination is that it is not the strength of Ou Qiang and Huang Jun. It’s not a martial art person, nor a vulgar stream. If you can incur a sire, you will undoubtedly have more strength.

In this way, the black pearl can never lift its head, and can only be stepped on her feet by her death.

"Like this, I don't want to let him choose."

"Who do you want to talk to?"

Peony looks to Qin.

She appreciates the slaves who have the bones, but the ability of Qin Yu has not yet reached the realm of her eyes, so her eyes are extremely dull.

Qin Lan knows very well that his stage play has just begun, and this step is crucial.

If you look at the future, it will definitely be better to follow Hu Jing. The strong ones like Lin will get more information.

But he knows that Hu Jing is only fighting with the black pearls, not necessarily really wanting him.

He is gone and will not be reused.

"Follow me, I have a more beautiful girl who will wait for Better food, follow me, here is your paradise."

"Maybe I am happy, can my sister stay with you?"

Hu Jing took Qin Qin’s neck in his ear like a fragrant road.

"Qin, you, you are my person, you have to dare to go, I can't spare you."

Black pearls don't say good things, only anxious threats yell.

"I am!"

"What the hell? The surname Qin, is it a scent?"

Ou Qiang shouted with a look of jealousy.

The other few people are also envious. Shahu also made a look and pointed to Hu Jing. Everyone knows this time. With the future of Hu Jing, the total black pearl is not moving.

Qin Xiao ignored the suggestion of the sand tiger, smiled slightly, gently opened the hand of Hu Jing, in the eyes of everyone expecting, sighed: "I'm sorry, Hu, I can't talk to you."

The black pearl sighed with relief, but Hu Jing was close to Liu Mei. He asked: "What's wrong? Is the condition I am not good enough? Or you are naturally guilty and like to be beaten."

"I don't make mistakes, I just don't like women with small breasts. If you have pearls, I might consider you."

"Sorry, you are not my dish!"

Qin Hao shrugged and sneered.


The scene suddenly burst into laughter, and even the Queen couldn't help but laugh. She smiled and looked at Qin Yu's eyes more than two points.

No one had thought that Qin’s reason for rejecting Hu Jing would be so absurd and ridiculous.

In particular, Hu Jing was on the spot and couldn't wait to find a place to sneak in. The face of the smile turned into the cruelty of her essence, and the eyes of the autumn wave became a sword, and I couldn't wait for the tens of thousands of transparent holes.



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