Ou Qiang is a very intelligent person. He used to look down on Qin Yu and Sha Hu, who had guns and bodyguards under his hands. But now it’s not alright. When he arrives at the daughter country, he is as poor as everyone else. The bodyguards are not obliged to listen to him any more. He is not particularly able to fight. Naturally, he can’t call for the wind and the old man.

On the other hand, Qin Lan, looking at the suffocating, often makes people unexpected, but just a short day, people have become the most popular to eat, even the black pearls, the queen are eyeing him.

Ou Qiang knows that this is called the brain, he is categorical but not others.

Now, Qin Yu has healed him with medical treatment, and he has also brought the medicine to the gods. It can be said that it is a supernatural power. Ou Qiang has to stand on the shelf again, it is not interesting.

Of course, Shahu’s loyalty really touched him.

People are like this. On the verge of life and death, there will always be a good thought in the bones.

Ou Qiang is no exception.

"Strong brother, have your words, we are brothers."

"It’s a pity that the Aaron brothers, this **** girl is too poisonous."

Shahu sighed.

Everyone was dull to the extreme, everyone was lazy to return to the room, staying at Aaron's bed, looking forward to his recovery.

"Qin Hao, go out and breathe."

As soon as dawn arrived, Aaron’s breathing became weaker and weaker. Everyone’s mood was heavy, and A Fei patted Qin’s shoulder and greeted him.

The two walked into the yard, A Fei held his arms and stared at Qin Xiaodao: "My name is Gao Fei. I am a disciple of the famous Xingyi fist master Xu Wei. I used to be a candidate soldier in the Jiangdong Falcon team. Unfortunately, I was not even selected."

Qin Xiao smiled slightly, what Xu Wei master, estimated to be a smelting martial artist, to know Huang Yaodong's internal martial arts, known as the star of tomorrow, was also barely enough into the Falcons team, A Fei a refining master can enter It’s strange to go.

"What are you laughing at? Are you looking down on me?" A Fei’s brow was quite unpleasant.

"No, I think you are more suitable to participate in the Daqin Army." Qin Hao touched the nose, everyone is now a boat, and he is not able to go anywhere, naturally will not look down on people.

"Da Qinjun? Are you the first special warfare regiment in the south of Jiangdong Qinhou?"

"I can't even enter the Falcons. Daqinjun is afraid that he will not even have the qualification for an interview."

A Fei was surprised and shook his head and smiled.

"Do not try to have no chance, well, don't say this, you should not talk to me about this?" Qin asked.

"Yes, intuition tells me that you are not simple."

"Your acupuncture is very clever and looks cynical. In fact, it does not leak."

"You are not picking up a **** this island. What are you doing here?"

A Fei asked coldly.

"Don't pick up a girl, what do you think I am doing?"

"My biggest hobby in this life is picking up girls, black pearls, Hu Jing, and the Queen. I will get my hands, so simple."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"No, you are not coming to pick up a girl."

"You are different from everyone else. You are a very dangerous person."

"I don't care what you are doing. Now everyone is a group. I don't want you to do something that is dangerous and take you down."

"I just want to make sure that I live with my employer. From the current team, I have the final say, so simple, can you understand?"

A Fei forced to the Qin Dynasty, a word of cold ice.

"Why?" Qin Hao shrugged boringly.

"With my fists, to deal with Zhou Wei, Aaron has gone, I hope the next one is not you!"

"But as long as I am, I will fight with the fists, and this is something you can't do."

"So, only I have the final say, understand?"

A Fei language is more indifferent.

"What do you mean, who can play who can listen?" Qin Yan's mouth swelled, his face smiled even better.

"Yes, the strong is respect. Only I can guarantee everyone's safety. This is also for you. You better give me a bit of it, otherwise the first one to kill you is me."

A Fei clicked on the chest of Qin Qin, and his arrogance was extraordinary.

"Well, this is fixed, the strong is respect."

Qin Hao does not matter.


A Fei lazy took care of him again and turned to go inside the house.

Qin Yu did not think that A Fei was arrogant and ignorant. On the contrary, he felt that this was a material that can be made. At this time, whoever wants to be the boss means that the responsibility is greater.

However, one thing is that A Fei can't think of it. This place is a place of human extinction. He wants to be righteous and righteous and prop up the safety of everyone, but he is still far from qualified.

On the contrary, A Fei’s words and deeds proved that he had compromised and gave up the idea of ​​rebellion and escape, and only wanted a peace.

But Zhou Wei, Black Pearl will give him this opportunity?

That is absolutely impossible!


The night was deep, and Zhou Wei lowered his head and walked to the back wall of No. 1 tube. The mandolin wall cracked a hole, and a female guard reached out and took him out.

When the two met, they couldn’t wait to get together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a kiss and a mess, Zhou Wei grabbed the woman’s hand in her arms and said, “Yu Lan, Building No. 1 is new. Hard scorpion, the skill at the bottom of the hand is good, I want to get rid of him."

"Is it called Qin Yu?"

"Today, the Queen rewarded him with meat. Black Pearl also talked to him alone. Once this person gets the black pearl, it is likely to replace your status."

Magnolia is the deputy general manager. The surface is loyal to the black pearls. In fact, it has long been a long-term position for the general manager. So he secretly set up with Zhou Hao of the No. 1 building.

"Qin Wei?"

"It seems not, what is A Fei."

Zhou Yidao.

"Cheng, then you should abolish A Fei first, and it is also a subordinate to the surname Qin, by the way, look at the attitude of the black pearl."

"It's still the old rules, it can be abolished, but it is never allowed to kill. This is the iron law of the daughter country."

Magnolia thought for a moment.

"Cheng, that listens to the baby, Mad, I have been working for a day today, and I am dying, let me stop the thirst."

Zhou Wei's rough hand violently climbed the magnolia's majestic, and went to the corner of the wall, and slammed into the shackles. The two men burned the fire and violently burned.

Seven o'clock in the morning!

Black pearls led the guards into the courtyard. Zhou Wei, Qin Lan and others went downstairs. They didn’t come together last night. They were all gathered here, and there were more than forty slaves on the 1st.

"How come one less person?"

The black pearl was only slightly less, and now Aaron is gone.

"The general manager, the Aaron brothers played with me two hands last night, I, I started to pay a little more, this time I am afraid to lie down."

Zhou Wei did not dare to let go in front of the black pearl, respectfully said.



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