The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1297: Can you still be happy?

"I went to your ancestors, what is called two hands, Aaron has only half a life left!!"

Ou strong called.

"The kid pays attention to your tone of voice and wants to die."

Mazi immediately jumped out, with Ou Qiang on the chest, and wiped out a strong smell of gunpowder.


"Dog slaves, give me a shut up."

The black pearls had a few whip, and they were pumped in the pockmarks, and the Europeans were strong and separated.

"Come and bring people out."

Yulan waved his hand, and immediately two female guards lifted Aaron out. Don't look at both of them are women, and they carried more than two hundred kilograms of Aaron. They didn't even breathe.

"Apricot, you give it a look."

Magnolia frowned.

The female guard named Xing Er seems to understand medical skills. When she sniffs, she touches the veins. Liu Mei is close to the road: "The general manager, the deputy general manager, this person's breath is weak, the internal bleeding is serious, the wrist is crushed, fear is not enough, or send Let's go to the East Island."

"Hey, so slaves, don't alarm the national division, the general manager, I think it's still the old rules."

Magnolia is cold and cold.

The black pearl nodded and said: "It is a waste to save lives. It will be eliminated sooner or later, according to the rules."

"Come, bring this person up and feed the king."

Magnolia hurryed.

"Wang Leopard?"

"Wait, others are still saving, are you doing too much?"

Hao learned to blurt out.

"do you have any opinion?"

"Okay, then you can accompany him to feed the leopard."

Black Pearl Road.

Hao learning was originally timid, just too fast, scared and quickly slammed his mouth, dare not say more.

Ou Qiang originally wanted to talk, but he was taken back by A Fei with his eyes.

Everyone only watched Aaron, who had left a sigh of relief, as a dead person. He carried the leopard.

"You have all seen that the daughter country does not need waste, so you should make sure that you are all right!" Black Pearl smiled and looked at Qin Xiao, coldly reminded.

During the conversation, she slammed a whip in her face.

The whip was extremely embarrassing, and Zhou was unable to prevent it. The face suddenly opened the flower and couldn’t help but slammed into the ground.

No one thought that Black Pearl would suddenly start with the "Lou Bao" of Building No. 1, and it would be stunned for a while.

"Bee, do you think that after the first round in the Colosseum, did you get an iron medal?"

"Who allowed you to kill?"

"Come to the people, give the animal a broken hand and throw it to feed the wild dog."

Black pearls are not merciless.

"I killed only a dog. You actually asked me to give a dog a funeral?"

Zhou Hao violently swelled up, like a tiger, his eyes were fierce, and he couldn’t wait to swallow black pearls.


Magnolia followed the two whip and squatted around Zhou, and shouted: "Zhou, dare to be rude to the general manager, do you want to die?"

Zhou Wei was awake and realized that he was really arrogant. He quickly squatted down and sincerely said: "The general manager, I, I did not kill, I just had two tricks with him. It is Aaron who is not as good as people, no wonder me. ""

"Yeah, the general manager, the brethren can all see it with their own eyes. Aaron doesn't know what to do. He tries to provoke his brother, and the two of them are moving hands."

Mazi also quickly joined the road.

Other bitter slaves have testified, and Ou Qiang and others are lazy to defend, which is the default.

"The general manager, the prisoners can learn from each other and settle the disputes in private. Zhou Wei and Aaron tried on the spot, and Aaron lost his skills. This was lost. The principle is that you can't blame Zhou Wei. Besides, Aaron is not here now. Is there still a sigh of relief?"

"The general manager, don't forget, we have a bitter slave who can take out the hand, and we can fight against Hu Jing's maiden in the Colosseum. So, please think twice."

Magnolia advised on the side.

Black Pearl looked at Zhou Wei early, and Zhou Yu was more arrogant recently. Even she didn't look at it, and there was a rumor that he had an affair with his deputy, Yulan, and wanted to set her position.

Now looking at Magnolia's mind to speak for him, he basically rumors.

It’s just that the black pearl has the heart to get rid of Zhou Wei, but the truth is as Yulan said. The No. 1 pavilion is still inseparable from Zhou Wei. The **** battle of the Colosseum on Sunday is about to begin. Except Zhou Yiqiang’s battle, she has no more. Any capital is gone.

"Well, this time I spare you not to die, but you better give the general manager a dog tail, otherwise you will look good."

Black pearls are cold and sensational.


Zhou Yi looked at the black hair of his chest and stood up.

"Take them to use breakfast, the task in the field is very heavy, let them grasp."

The black pearl snorted and disappointed to sweep Qin Qin and turned away.

Suddenly she saw Gao Qin as a slave, and saw that her companion was killed. This guy was indifferent, which shows that this is a pseudo-tough guy, and he and the Queen look away.

As soon as the black pearls left, Magnolia greeted the female guard and took everyone to a hall. There were hundreds of solid wood tables in the hall, there was a window inside, there was a hot meal, two beautiful women's kitchen boards. His face is busy.

There is a mandala flower strip in front of the pavilion, which is divided into two left and right. When Qin Lan and others went, a line of fierce and evil people just came out from the left.

In the face of these people, even Zhou Wei has changed the state of arrogance ~ ~ deliberately don't start, do not dare to see the gang.

"These are the slaves of the No. 2 building. They are the victims and enemies of our No.1 building. Remember, the buildings on the 1st and 2nd floors are not allowed. Never try to make friends with them. It will only make it hard for you to die. ""

Yulan sees Qin and other people very well, reminding me at the side.

Qin Biao's brows are slightly stunned. The prisoners in the second building are old and young, but without exception, these people's eyes are as sharp as a knife, fierce and ruthless, apparently a martial arts person.

Although there is no repair, but Qin Hao is never wrong, these people are likely to have the former master, master level master.

These people just took out one, and they were enough to eat a pot on the first floor.

This strength, black pearls can hardly fight.

"Azhen, Hall 1, forty-three."

Magnolia Road.

The female chef named Azhen nodded and beat everyone early.

It’s very simple early, a rice ball with one big three fists. The rice **** of the rice **** are fragrant and soft, and any grain from the far-off world should be sweet, the taste is also salty and light, and it is not sticky in the mouth. The only downside is that I don’t know if this is called Azhen’s deliberate martyrdom, or I’m not looking down on the inmates of the No. 1 building. The rice **** from time to time have diamond particles that are hard and hard, and almost didn’t disintegrate the teeth of everyone.

"I am, what kind of shit, all the sand, can you still have a good meal?"

Huang Jun spit out a **** molar and shouted.

Look again, what is left of other tables, isn't it a rice ball?

This shows that 饭, rice **** are the most garbage food, people are not rare, but for them, it is the only staple food, which is undoubtedly a great shame.



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