The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1298: Poisoning

"A group of slaves, you have a good meal, how do you want to?"

The female chef named Azhen is as ugly and impatient as she has not been swayed by a man for more than a decade.

"No, can't you give me something else? CEO, we will still have to work later."

Sun Hao was so sad that he forgot the pain. As a foodie, he quickly screamed.


"Give me shut up!"


A Fei slammed the table and snarled.

He is very annoyed. These stupid pigs have not yet recognized the status quo. They are the lowest slaves. They have no right to speak. They complain that they will never exchange sympathy. They can only be more humiliated.

Thinking of this, he looked at Qin.

Qin Xiao slowly took the rice ball with his hand and sent it to his mouth a little bit. There was no dissatisfaction. On the contrary, it seemed to be quite fragrant. Even the sand tiger with a big tooth falling apart was a good and uncomfortable look. .

"Hey brother, hey, let's change a group to eat?" Shahu said.

"Why?" Qin Biao raised his brow.

"I see you are very fragrant, you, are you not afraid of a tooth?" Shahu frowned.

"Yes, let's change one."

Qin Hao did not explain, the remaining half of the hand was handed to the sand tiger, the sand tiger was overjoyed, slammed bite down, screaming, the front teeth directly to the card fly, the painful fangs screamed: "Hey, you, you pit me."

Other people laughed too!

Only Zhou Wei and A Fei's look became more and more dignified. They had been observing it. Qin Lan had eaten two and a half rice balls. He had never licked his teeth from beginning to end, and even did not spit stone scum.

Can this kid be broken even with stones?

To know that these gravel is the pearl stone in the daughter's country river, hard and no, not to use the teeth to bite, it is not possible to smash the hammer!

Can Qin Qi always be a copper tooth?

Everyone who eats this meal is extremely annoyed, and at the same time, he further recognizes the cruelty of his daughter country.

After dinner, Yulan took everyone to the incense paddy field in the southeast of the West Island, pointing to the endless purple ocean road: "Listen, the east is the No. 1 Hall. What you have to do is to put the land in front of the sunset. The rice is all cut."

"Listen, you don't have any harvesting tools, you can only pull them by hand."

Magnolia added another sentence.

"My days, beautiful, you are not kidding?"

"Don't talk about the hand, you are giving me a harvester, so big, I can't finish it."

Ou Qiang took a forehead and was desperate.

There is a vast purple ocean in front of you. This is where people come to work, and it is clearly to find people.

"Don't finish, don't want to eat, don't want to sleep, you can do it."

"Cuckoo, take them to the partition, each person packs an area."

Yulan sneered a sneer, rushing to squint at Zhou Hao, leading the person to the lounge chair under the umbrella next to it, drinking juice, cocking the white legs, no longer paying attention to everyone.

"Made, stinky, one day, I will not be able to take care of yourself in bed."

Ou Qiang sighed, and screamed at the women's whip, and walked along the fields between the rice fields and the people.

Zhou Wei and others are located in the 1st to the 5th districts. The five districts are connected together, and the size of 20 acres is also very difficult for ordinary people. However, Zhou Wei’s men are nearly forty people, each of whom is divided. It’s very easy to get down.

Look at Qin Yu, Ou Qiang and others, and they are divided into the No. 6 and No. 7 areas.

Although there are only two districts on the 6th and 7th, there are also 15 acres of land. It seems that there are five acres less, and it is cheaper, but there are a total of seven people left in Qin.

Seven people pack 15 acres, with an average of two acres per person.

Seven people, not including Ou Qiang, Sun Hao are injured in the body, Huang Jun, Hao study two virtual men, even more hateful, even the sickle is not, relying on hand pull, but the ten-scented rice eats deep It’s amazing, I didn’t take my strength, I just wanted to pull it out.

So, for a few people, it seems to be an impossible task.

"Hey, I want to go home."

After Hao studied and tried to pull it out, the rice was not pulled out. Instead, his hands were drenched by the blood of the rice leaves. When he was sitting on the ground, he burst into tears.

"Cry, crying useful?"

"Don't be squatting here, want to have dinner, want to sleep, play with women, and work hard."

"I don't want to starve to death in this ghost place."

A Fei ignored Hao’s study, and he entered the No. 7 area. He said nothing, took a deep breath and plunged his head.

He had a huge force, pulled up the rice, and like the radish, his hands were like a wave, and with a blink of an eye, he pulled out dozens of pockets.

A Fei knows very well that there is no way out. The people in the daughter country do not bother to joke with them. They have no choice but to complete the task.

He does a little more work, like Hao, learning this waste can do less, he can do, can help but also limited to this.

A Fei took the lead, and others were embarrassed to complain again, only to work **** the scalp.

"Hey, let's start pulling."


Qin Lan held his arm and shook his head casually.

"Hey, everyone is busy, you are too meaningless?"

Some of the sand tigers can't see it, and remind them carefully.

"I know, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp, deliberately to find a way for everyone."

A Fei was cold and stunned, and he didn't have a good air.

"You I want to finish it, I am afraid that I can't finish it for three days and three nights. You have the strength, pull out a thousand, can you pull 10,000?"

Qin Lan raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"So, you don't do it, this is your reason."

"Coward, garbage!"

A Fei's face was twisted and twisted, suppressing the anger of the chest.

"What do you say!"

"You, you are busy first, I am looking for a place to sleep."

Qin Yu took a weed, and went to the depths of his own. He looked for a nest and slept.

He is not lazy, but waiting!

Wait for Zhou Wei to start!

The eye contact between Zhou Wei and Magnolia was captured by Qin Yu. He was determined that Zhou Wei’s greed and vicious heart would not let A Fei’s.

One mountain can't be two tigers, and everyone will completely step on the opponent.

Especially today, Aaron was fed a dog, but Zhou Wei did not receive any punishment, and the black pearl also compromised, which further contributed to Zhou Hao’s arrogant mind.

Moreover, this section is also a mystery. From the first to the fifth district, the rice is obviously mature and mature, and the soil is softer. It is a little bit harder. It is a general bitter slave who can pull out the rice.

On the 6th and 7th, the rice is still partial, and it lacks water and soil. If you want to pull out the rice, you must make it more powerful.

In this way, the power of everyone will be consumed for that poor stone meal.

In particular, A Fei, because of the responsibility, the harder the work, the faster the consumption of power. Once you lose your strength, it must be Zhou Ban’s plate fish.

If not unexpected, here is Zhou’s execution of A Fei’s execution.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.



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