The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1299: Call 1 to listen to

A Fei is a bit of a foundation. Although he is a bodyguard, he has the righteousness and conscience in his bones. But he is not an experienced hunter. This kind of person can be a general in charge, but he has no control over the overall talents.

Magnolia Division, such an obvious conspiracy, he could not see, it is no wonder that the Falcon did not accept it.

Qin Lan is also from the bottom of the hell, the ghost slave, step by step to the ghost handsome, until now, he did not ridicule, but lazy to explain with A Fei.

When something is explained, it will worsen the overall situation.

Moreover, A Fei's opponent is too confident in the point, it is time to wake up and wake up.

"Hey, surnamed Qin, you are too devoid of morality, no team awareness, people are working, you are so busy?"

Ou Qiang couldn't help but squat.

"Yes, why do you want us to do the work, you are old."

Sun Hao and others are very dissatisfied.

"Hey brother, don't make trouble, hurry up and work, you will be isolated." The sand tiger also feels that Qin Lan is too much.

"It’s your business to do it, there is a kind of you who, like me, are willing to smash three birds and be smashed together."

Qin sighed and laughed.

"I can kill you."

The bodyguard named Sun Guozhen sees that Qin Hao is still reasonable, and he has to open his sleeves.

"Mad, really a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, don't worry about him, go back to eat no food, starve to death with a bitch."

A Fei took a look at Qin Hao and raised his hand to stop the angry people.

"No way, people have black pearls, eat honey, and the spectrum is big, let's work." Huang Jun Yin Yang strange.

"Sleeping, raising energy, going to the girl at night."

Qin Hao put a hand on his back and closed his eyes and went straight to sleep.

The quarrel in the No. 6 and No. 7 districts, Zhou Wei and others are in the eyes, listening to the truth, Ma Zi looked and said: "Hey brother, they are inside the nest, the boy named Qin is not lazy. Work hard, rush to this position, don't let us do it, he will have to be done sooner or later."

Zhou Wei was depressed and touched the nose of the wine, frowning: "It’s strange, Magnolia said that this kid is a personal talent, and let me pay more attention. I didn’t expect it to be a waste that would sneak into slippery. I guess the black pearl is on his piece. Little white face."

"Yes, this waste doesn't have to be in the eye."

"Big brother, the brethren are all ready, let's do it."

Ma Zidao.

"Do you engage in your mother, have you ever played ALF?"

"Call everyone, work hard, work hard, black pearls can't explain, you just wait to eat."

Zhou Hao raised his hand and slapped a slap in the head of Ma Zi, not very airy.

Don't look at his five big three, but he is not stupid. They have to work here. Afei has to be suspicious sooner or later. They are pretending to be pretending.

Moreover, production is an important task on the island. It is not a joke to live without it.

Immediately, Zhou Wei and others began to pull up the rice, others were really pulled out, Zhou Wei was pretending to be dressed, he had to save enough strength to kill A Fei.

The weather in the daughter country is very warm, and it always stays cool and warm. It is so, less than an hour's effort, everyone's hands are not all, all are mouths, itching and pain.

From time to time, there are still female guards coming over, taking a few whip, and like the cattle, how much more uncomfortable.

Qin Lan is also a chicken thief. When he saw someone coming, he climbed up and pretend to pull it out. When the guard left, he continued to sleep. He occasionally snorted a few snores, but he did not blow up the lungs of A Fei.

This life is not finished, Ou Qiang and others are the two ancestors, where will do what to do, rest more than dry, to four o'clock in the afternoon, even an acre of land has not finished, one by one tired dizzy, The whole body was wrapped in sweat, and it was uncomfortable.


A Fei looked at the exhausted people and frowned. "Okay, everyone will have a break."

"My mother, I am offended by which **** Buddha, to be sinned."

"My old waist is about to break."

Ou Qiang squatted at the waist and called the bitterness of heaven.

Hao Xue, Huang Jun, two imaginary men sat on the field, and their faces were white, and they couldn’t even say anything.

Although A Fei has a skill, but he has been busy from the early morning to the present, he has not even drunk. The 80% of the life in this place is done by him alone. Rao is his own skill. This is also exhausting exhaustion, hands and feet. Shaking, the scorpion smokes, it is a physical exhaustion.

At this moment, A Fei's strength in Qin Yu was gone, but his eyes were glaring at him, and his heart was annoyed.

Qin Lan still snorted and snorted, it was a happy.

"Call, brethren, let's work harder."

After a while, A Fei straightened up and started the spirit.

"A Fei, you let the group break and die, your hands are broken, how can you pull them out?"

"Hey, I’ve been doing this for a day. If I go on like this, I’ll see it next year, and don’t want to finish it.”

Sun Hao and Huang Jun sang a sum and sang a reversal.

"If you don't work, then let's die. If you want to stay still, don't blame me for being rude."

It’s even more uncomfortable for A Fei to see him all the time.

"I mean, who do you think you are, isn't it the bodyguard of a strong brother? How many of them are there, is the strong brother here?"

"Why don't you care about sleeping, old stare at us."

"Strong brother, you say a word ~ ​​ ~ Sun Hao is also fried hair, unhappy called.

Ou Qiang just breathlessly, and did not want to work, and quickly hit the round field: "A Fei, let everyone rest again, do not eat for dinner, to be so rushed to do so, must be exhausted."

"That is, still strong brother has a mind."

Sun Hao hurriedly flattered, and did not forget to take a look at A Fei's provocative.

Poor A Fei, who wanted to be a good boss, didn't take him seriously inside and out, and he was so angry that he didn't dare to beat his own people, but it would only be more disappointing.

"Brothers, ALFie is abolished, hands-on."

Zhou Wei lowered his voice and waved his hand.

A dozen of people who can play, walked to the edge of the field, opened the soil, and pulled out a sharp knife from the bottom.

These knives are all polished with stones. Although they are not as good as real iron tools, it is enough to use them.

"Oh, this is noisy, I said a few, you also scrapped it, and did a little bit of work, as far as this is concerned, I see dinner is not falling."

Zhou Wei led the number of people under his hand and wore them from Tian Hao. The yin and yang were grotesque.

"Take your bird, where is the coolness to go."

Ou Qiang stood up and was unhappy.

"Why, yesterday, the punch didn't explode your chrysanthemum, isn't it enough?"

Mazi pointed to Ou Qiang’s nose and shouted.

"Don't do anything, then chaos, Lao Tzu will call the guard."

Ou Qiang called.

"Call, you call one to listen to." Zhou Haohe said.

Ou Qiang looked at it. Tian Wei’s patrolling and supervising female guards had long since disappeared. Yulan led several people apart, and the girls were lying on the wicker chairs and seemed to fall asleep.


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