
The door rang.

"Who?" asked Song Tao.

"Brother, it is me." The sound of arrogant voice rang outside the door.

Song Tao had a sleeve and the door opened. Yu Xun came in. Da Ma Jindao sat down and asked, "The younger brother, the old man asked himself to have a good relationship with you. Well water does not make river water. Why do you want to help this time?" The boy named Qin is sweeping my face. You know that the old man is straight, and this is not clear, and he can’t sleep.

"He is a personal talent, I want to protect him, it's that simple."

Song Tao Road.

"Oh, the old man has always been conservative and reluctant to kill. The surname Qin’s stall is a terrible thing. You will protect him because of the talent, unless the sun hits the west."

"Everyone understands people. Why don't you open the window and talk about it? What does the symbol he draws at the table mean?"

"You saw that, is it right?"

兀 道道.

"This is my private matter, don't ask my brother."

"The old ghost moved to kill the heart. I am here today. He should give you some arrangements."

Song Tao sneered.

"Yes, the kid’s life and death are in my hands. The person I sent can decide whether he is alive or dead."

"Why don't you tell me what the symbol is, maybe I can give him a way to live?"

Yuxun was not willing to ask.

He deeply understands the power of Song Tao, and allows Song Tao to sell his life to protect. There are only two possibilities. One is to replace the old ghost and seize the position of the messenger. The second is to leave this **** daughter country. No matter which one is what he wants, it is necessary to find out what is wrong.

Song Tao certainly knows the sorrowful thoughts, but he can't say that the symbol represents the identity of this person!

The symbol is the worship of the Huashan School.

However, every door of the martial art must pay a tribute to the martial arts lord every year, and the local courtiers would like to dedicate auspiciousness to the emperor every year.

Every martial art is different, only the master and the lord know.

The symbol of Qin Yu's painting is the honor of the Huashan School. Song Tao knows that Qin Zhen is the lord of the martial arts, and then his name is Qin. It is not difficult to launch the Qinhou identity.

Although he was an island two years ago, at that time, Qin Lan had already made a name in Wujiazhuang. It was the leader of the 18th National Congress of the Eighteenth National Congress. The name of Qinhou was already famous in Jiangdong.

A person who has been in the past two days has made such a big thing in her daughter country. Song Tao has reason to believe that Qin Lan can give him hope.

Song Tao is different from Yu Xun and others. Yu Xun only wants to be prominent in the island like an old ghost, but he wants to leave.

Nowadays, it is time to help Qin Xiao to save himself, so he will not confess to anyone.

"Oh, brother, it’s too early to say that it’s too early to rule the life."

"If you repeat, I won't say more, you want to kill him, please."

Song Tao closed his eyes and calmed his mind.

"Well, since the younger brother is not giving up, I don't want to leave this card for you. Let's go late."

When you see Song Tao, you can't open your mouth, your eyes are gloomy, and you are gloomy.

兀 快 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 , 快 快 快 快 快 快 快 快 快 快 快 快 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到 回到

"Grandfather, what's the situation?" The leader is a handsome young man. He is also the only slave of eight who can wear a white gown and a folding fan. It shows that his status is not ordinary.

He is called a slap in the wind. When he is 30 years old, don't look at his age, his heart is deceitful, he is good at repairing, he is good at making drugs and refining medicines. The medicines circulating under the private hall of Hall 2 are all made by him.

Moreover, because of the handsome appearance, it is also a fascinating fascination in the daughter country. It is said that one third of the female escorts have an affair with him. Therefore, he is the slave. The spring breeze is triumphant, and there are few things that he can't do. He ranks eight King Kong, and other people are also convinced.

Today, when Qin Hao gave Song Tao a character, he was also very clear, and he always felt that it had something to do, so he advised the brain to be simple, and there was a brute force to inquire.

"I mentioned it, Song Tao's old thief is very strict, I guess the kid may not be able to give him any benefit."

兀 哼 哼 。 。 。.

"Since Song Tao is not willing to share, such benefits cannot be cheaper than others. Grandpa, according to the instructions of the ghosts, can do it."

The winding of the wind and the wind fan is open.

"Well, fourth, you are the most able to play in the silver section, can you get the name of Qin?"

Yu Xun looked at a bald-year-old man with a sallow face and a huge skeleton, but he was skinny. He asked quietly.

"My grandfather is relieved, within ten strokes, my iron fist will smash the head of the kid."

The young man is the sea of ​​Jiang who is nicknamed.

"Not to be careless, Joe San was scrapped by his three or two strokes."

"Hey, he's the next three indiscriminate efforts, but also paired with Joe San. This kind of garbage. Grandpa, Mr. Yu assured, I am not stupid like a pig dog, Joe III, will not underestimate the enemy, and will not stay. ~www. Mtlnovel.com~ That kid will die."

Jiang Dahai has a double fist and is cold and cold.

"Well, I am still at ease with the sea. I have to win tonight. I will give you a special order to Mr. Hu to let you go to Yingchunlou to have a good time."


"That's a thank you grandfather."

Jiang Dahai said great joy.

In the afternoon, the bullets passed by. As the sun sets and the night falls, the sand tigers and other people like the hot pot ants are restless. Instead, Qin Qin is still snoring, as if the person who went to fight tonight is not his. It is completely unrelated to him.

Until the female guard Alian came to the door, Qin Hao woke up.

"Qin Wei, the general manager let you go to break the heart."

Alian asked coldly.

Qin Lan got up and followed, and Alian turned left and right in the jungle in the east, and soon went to the front of the cabin.

The wooden house was filled with blood-colored flowers, and there was a strong fragrance. Qin Lan just wanted to touch. Alian said: "Don't touch it, this is a broken flower. If you touch it, you will have a poison, and you can cure it."

Then Alian pointed to the wooden house road: "The general manager is waiting for you inside, you are going."

"Oh, I really don't know what kind of virtue you have accumulated in your life. Pearls treat you like this. If you want to bear her, the animals are not as good!"

Alian looked at Qin Yu, and sighed quietly, and walked quickly.

Father, like son.

Qin Lan came to this area for two days, but Black Pearl took extra care of him. Many people in the daughter country have their hearts. Although the local female guards can not give birth to the slaves, most of the female guards are not taken seriously, but it is really a person who can hold the handle, but it is also a poison that can kill people.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.



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