The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1317: Broken blood

Qin Lan entered the wooden house, and the black pearl was preparing for the boiling water of the refining medicine. It was busy and busy. The beautiful face became a little cat. Seeing her serious and busy appearance, Qin Hao’s heart was inexplicably warm, his face. There is a hint of twilight.

"Pearl!" Qin Hao called her.

The black pearl trembled, and immediately glanced at Qin, and said: "Pearl is also a slave to you. Can you hear it, and you must not misunderstand what?"

"When you look at it, the medicine is brought to you, and the water is burned. You can do it."

"I am exhausted, I really didn't think it was so hard to make a fire."

The black pearl licked his waist and snorted.

"If I don't want to give you, my technique is very good."

Qin Lan walked up to her and reached out to reach her shoulder.

The black pearl jumped agilely and blushes: "You are more and more arrogant now, and there is still a half-hour time for the beast conference to begin. You are busy with business."

Qin Lan picked up the herbs and smelled them one by one. These herbs were the same as one-third of what they wanted. The other two-thirds had never seen them, but the smell from the medicines was In terms of medicinal properties, it should be a better substitute.

For example, ginseng, here is a kind of medicinal material similar to human form, but the grade of the herb and the aura contained in it are higher than the ranks of the worldly ginseng.

"How, believe me?" Black Pearl sees Qin Qin very carefully, can not help but frown.

"No, where did you get so many high-grade herbs?" Qin asked.

"Which do I know what medicines are, these are all small dances. I said that I want to make soup. She didn't say anything to me. But these herbs are not too rare, and they are everywhere on the island. ""

Black Pearl explained.

"Great, with these herbs, this evening is the end of Jiang Dahai."

"You give me the wind on the side, no one can bother me within an hour."

Qin Hao is very happy.

"This is my mother's hometown, absolutely safe, you can rest assured that refining medicine is."

Black Pearl smiled and went out and took the door.

Qin Hao did not dare to neglect, until the water in the pot has boiled, pour the herbs in order, rotten and cooked.

Since there is no Dan furnace, he can only adopt this most primitive method.

Fortunately, the firewood of the daughter country is the fine wood, the flames produced are full of spirits, although not comparable to his real fire, but the high quality of the herbs can make up for this defect, used to refine a drug, blood stab is enough It is.

After the medicinal materials in the pot were cooked and cooked, Qin Qi did not go hot, and both hands swam around. In the pot, he quickly beat and kneaded the mud. The pellets of the size of the marbles quickly formed, neatly pounced. At the bottom of the pot.

Pill molding, this is only the first step of alchemy, the next baking, mastering the heat is crucial.

Qin Lan personally controlled the fire of firewood, adding firewood and reducing wood, and did not dare to go away at all. The hot sun of the stove was sweaty, wet and dry, dry and wet, so it was baked for about an hour. There is a strong fragrance in the pot.

"Oh, it is!"

Qin Lan was relieved. He quickly opened the lid and saw dozens of medicinal herbs lying on the bottom of the pot. Since the iron pot was not the instrument of alchemy, the forty-nine medicinal herbs that were originally made were only counted. Become a Dan.

Broken blood Dan!

It is a low-grade medicinal medicine. The lower the medicinal remedy, the greater the damage to the body.

The blood-breaking Dan is based on the ingredients of the medicinal herbs, which stimulates the body's blood gas to enhance the strength. The effect is several times stronger than that of the Qin dynasty to the Pei Yuandan formulated by the Daqin Army. The difference is that Pei Yuan Dan is the essence of the promotion. Force to permanently improve their own strength, the damage is almost zero. The blood-breaking Dan, but it is a strong mention in a short period of time, the loss of blood gas at the cost, the damage to the body is great.

If it is not forced, Qin will not choose this self-damage method.

However, for him, as long as he has passed this level and gained the trust of the Queen and Black Pearl, it is all worthwhile.

"Although there are only three, it is more than enough to deal with Jiang Dahai."

Qin Lan collected the good medicine and swallowed it. I felt a heat flow in the meridians. The fatigue and drowsiness of the body were all gone. The muscles of Bai Jing’s body were slightly raised and the body was suddenly lifted. It is full of strength.


Qin Lan shouted a punch!


The strength of the whole body condenses into a point, and the strength breaks out and makes a crisp sound.


But seeing the fist shadow flashing, a series of stunned thunders in the air, vaguely flashing.

"Great, although my Dantian is sealed, I can't use the magical fire and other magical powers, but the residual thunder energy contained in the meridians is still there. So, although the power can only be about 5,000 kg, but plus The power of thunder and lightning, the explosive power is already very impressive."

Qin Hao looked at his fist and was very happy.


At the foot of Qin Lan, he stepped on the flow of clouds, and his fists were like a dragon, and he went to the front. A set of Qin Quan hit it down, and he didn’t even breathe.

"Qin Wei, how are you prepared? The Colosseum has already been ringing."

Black pearls asked anxiously outside the door.

"Not urgent."

Qin Lan grabbed the remaining dregs and discarded medicinal herbs in the pot, and threw a brain into the stove, burned it clean, and washed the After the smell in the house was cleaned, this Only said: "Okay, it's all clean, let's go."

"I really can't see it, you are very careful."

Black pearls hold their arms and applaud.

"This is not a big deal. It's not too small. I can't hurt you. Right, and your friend, it's best to let her mouth be strict, otherwise it would be good for you and me."

Qin Lan walked along the side.

"Little dance is the only witch doctor on the island. She is the daughter of the national teacher. I am a friend who grew up with me. You are relieved."

Black Pearl Road.

"The daughter of the National Teacher?"

Qin Yan brows a sink.

"The relationship between their father and daughter is not good. They rarely meet each other on weekdays. You will know when you have the chance to see her in the future." This is a taboo for the daughter country, and the black pearls dare not say too much.

The beast on Sundays is undoubtedly a carnival for the daughter country.

The arrogant slaves, with their fists and blood, can vent their hearts in this day, for the sake of honor and light, for women and cakes.

At the same time, the grass in the hearts of women will be burned by this wild hormone, and the heart will sprout and scream, and the system of the daughterland for thousands of years will be disintegrated and out of control in the blood of the slaves.

This is a conspiracy of Yongzheng, which satisfies the original desire of control in his heart and can divide the influence of the Queen. In the past 20 years, with the oldest group of people gradually dying, with Hu Jing as the The local female guards have been mostly inclined to the East Island.

However, even watching the Colosseum as a chronic poison erodes the entire daughter country, including the Queen, still has to accept this cruel rules of the game.


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