The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1318: The smell of hell

The Colosseum is between the east and west islands of the daughter country. The site is ring-shaped. It is similar to the old-fashioned paddock of ancient Rome. The three-story circular onlookers sit on the first floor with slaves Songtao and Yuxun. !

On the second floor, there are black pearls, Hu Jing, and other important members of the two islands.

The third floor of the highest viewing platform is dedicated to the Queen, the National Teacher, and the usual time, unless there is a particularly exciting battle, such as someone who wants to provoke the king of silver, Jiang Dahai, the Queen's National Division will attend.

The battle of the ordinary beasts is generally hosted by the old ghost.

Today is a big unusual.

In the Colosseum, early in the team, the whole body was covered in black armor, only the scarlet double-headed East Island guards were exposed. They came to the Colosseum for early deployment. At the same time, the Queen’s White Guard was also present at the same time. One white, guarding the main place in the Colosseum.

This is a precursor to the Queen and the National Teacher to observe the ceremony in person. It has not appeared in the daughter country for more than a year, and the atmosphere of the Colosseum has become suppressed.

"I didn't expect that the boy named Qin was so troubled, even the national teacher was alarmed."

"Oh, it’s a pity. He is destined to be **** tonight, and he can’t escape."

"Song Laodi, don't you realize that this move is stupid?"

There was something happening here, and Song Tao, who was sitting on the side, made a haha.

"Oh brother, what do you mean, will Qin Hao be defeated by Jiang Dahai?"

Song Tao asked.

"No, it is not defeated to Jiang Dahai. I don't see Jiang Dahai. If you want to confront the silver fighters, he must at least defeat the defenders of every level. First, the first level of the fighter qualification, he has to deal with it." Door God', that is the first fierce leopard of the daughter country, which was personally fed by the messenger and guarded the Beastmaster of the East Island Gate. Because of the agreement, the bronze war is Zhou Wei, not to mention. The black iron level is Lv Guang, I am afraid of this, he can't live."

兀 道道.

Song Tao's face is slightly changed, and the door **** is the East Island watcher. It is impossible to take it out on weekdays. It is obvious that the old ghost is ironic to kill Qin.

As for Lu Guang, it is also a good good hand, nicknamed the civet, fast, although the strength is not as good as Jiang Daqiang, but it is just such a long-term nemesis.

These two levels are really not very good, but Song Tao knows that in addition to believing that Qin Lan has no other way, he only has to go down with a hard scalp.

"Hey, man, it’s better to make a bet."

Song Tao Road.

"Well, what do you want to gamble?"

"The next month's holy wine, who lost and called the holy wine to the other side, how do you feel?" Song Tao said.

After becoming the king of fighting, every month, the national teacher will reward a sacred wine. After drinking, he will increase his strength, promote blood and maintain a body, and a sacred wine can often stimulate the potential of a slave, and cultivate a powerful man. People draw the slave's "artifact."

"Okay, I bet you." Yuxun did not hesitate.

In his view, Qin Hao is sure to die tonight.

At the same time, the black pearl led Qin Yu into the side of the Colosseum. The black and white guards from the east and west islands searched the Qin dynasty and determined that they could enter without any weapons.

"Qin Wei, this battle is extremely dangerous. You should be prepared after you go in. Don't worry, there is Bai Wei, they don't dare to play tricks."

The black pearl heart is inexplicably tight, shouting.

"When I come out, I will give you the best flower cake."

Qin Xiao smiled and went in.

Black pearl biting the tooth flower, the heart plugged, the eyelids inexplicably a panic acid, and the eyes of Qin Xiao disappeared behind the passage, and then they returned to the stands.

Qin Lan entered a narrow and gloomy rumor, and there was a strong **** smell between the noses. The roar of the wild beasts came from time to time, and a terrible death moment swept over.

Waiting for the passage, there is a cabin inside, and the two guards put Qin Hao on the chest of Qin Qin with a No. 7 sign, pushing it inside and closing the door.

Qin Lan sat cross-legged in the dark cabin, faintly heard the sound of the bells and drums from the Colosseum, knowing that the beast is about to begin.

About Momo waited for an hour, and this time was so long that the blood of Qin’s body was getting cold.

"No. 7, it's your turn."

The two guards came in and left the Qin dynasty and walked through the passage.

Suddenly, there was a glare of light in front of me, and no screams were heard around.

Qin Hao looked around and looked at the table. The grandstand was full of slaves. He saw his lack of fanaticism. He patted the seats and screamed. There was a smile of excitement in his mouth. For a long time, there was no such atmosphere of life and death. He even enjoyed this feeling.

There was a strong **** smell in the field. The two guards were packing up the scattered organs. They also had a **** head, and they didn't know which bad luck was caused.

Qin Lan raised his hand and looked at it. Black Pearl sat on the second floor with Hu Jing and Magnolia. Some people were discussing something. A layer of Shahu and others held their fists and shouted at him in a frenzy, just the faint shouts, soon It was overwhelmed by the ridicule of the surrounding noisy.

He smiled slightly, calmly stepped and walked to the most.

The glorious moment tonight is destined to belong to him. He wants those cold eyes and ridicule, all turned into jealousy, hate and respect!

This is the stage of the strong, and it’s still exciting!

"Wang, come!"

With the loud screams of the guards at the door, I saw the peony in the crowd, and the peony came in., the peony hit the high-necked white robes, the skirt and the crown, The glamorous cheeks are so bright that they are quite arrogant.


Bai Wei and half of the guards at the same time rose to respect each other, and the slaves all bowed to each other.

Although the people of Yuxun and Songtao are not subject to the control of the queen of the sky, in this solemn occasion, the honor must be divided.

Under the eyes of the public, the peony sat down in the most position on the third floor, raising his hand slightly, and everyone got up.

She just sat down and there was a louder voice at the door: "Guo Shi, come!"

I saw a man with a golden ghost mask and wrapped in a cloak trench coat with his hands in his sleeves and walked slowly.

The real leader of the daughter country is very slow, and the black body is as natural as the night. As long as you look at it, there will be a kind of death, cold, through the body, straying fear.

"This is the smell from hell!"

"Manduo is the third layer of hell, no life, hell, is the national teacher from the third layer of hell?"

Qin Hao’s heart is dark.

He once thought about this problem. Since he can escape from the reincarnation tunnel, it is possible for others to do so. If this is the case, unless he resumes repairs and opens a golden body or can fight, it is difficult to get rid of Yongzheng.


In addition to peony, people from all over the place, including black roses.

The reason is very simple. He is the savior of the daughter country and is in a high position. Even the Queen’s faction does not dare to openly offend.

In the face of the standing of the full field, the frost of the peony face is more than two points, the daughter king is not as good as the national teacher, after all, it is still in the face



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