The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1319: what happened?

Yongzheng went to the peony and bowed his head slightly. "Wang, I haven't seen you for a long time.!"

"Yeah, the national division is getting bigger and bigger, please sit down."

The peony is faint.

He was sitting down and staring at the old ghosts around him: "You can start."

The old ghost personally walked to the side of the big drum, picked up the drumsticks with red silk, and hammered it up.

At the drums, the guards also put down all the cave doors that can lead to a grandstand. The stands are separated from the platform by a foot. The slaves have no internal strength and no foreign objects. Unless they have a pair of wings, it is impossible. Leaving the ring.

When you enter the ring, people are killed by themselves, not by the sky, only **** battles!


A door to the west of the beast was heard by a door in the west. The entire Colosseum was a shock.

But see two black guards holding a black body like ink, a monster with a purple gold crown on his head came out from the martyrdom. This monster is more than two meters long, the leopard head is tiger body, strong and strong like a cow, long limbs, fangs , claws, roaring, the **** red scorpion, staring at the Qin dynasty, scattered with terrible fierce light.

As soon as I saw this monster, the No. 1 pavilion and other people called it excitedly at the same time: "Haha, it is the beastmaster ‘the door god’, and Qin Hao is dead, and he is dead!”

For a time, most of the slaves clenched their fists, and they all became fanatical, as if the Qin dynasty was already the fish of the chopping board, and it must die.

Even the guards, but also a look of mistakes, no one thought of the first off the beast, sent a big killer.

"How could this be?"

"This is not fair, not fair!"

Black Pearl took the lead and stood up and shouted.

The door **** is the first fierce beast of the island 6 war. It is trained by the old ghost of the messenger. It is usually based on eating human flesh and the same kind of raw meat. It is fierce and infinite, and it is extremely powerful. It is considered that the general silver-level and gold-level fighters dare not challenge.

Since the opening of the Colosseum, the door **** has only played three times, and insisted on the longest slave under its fangs, which is only three seconds. Since it was too cruel and fierce, since then, the door **** has never appeared in the Colosseum.

Because, in the eyes of the old ghosts, the slaves are no longer qualified to challenge the door god.

On weekdays, in order to obtain the qualification of fighters, in order to lower the threshold, most of them are dueling with other tiger and leopard beasts.

Qin Lan has to fight at least to the silver fighters tonight, and that at least four games must be played! This is already unprecedentedly fierce. Now the first pass is still to let the door come to the town, which shows that I don't want to give Qin Qin alive.

"Pearl General Manager, this is not right, the door **** is not a beast. Is there any rule that has been said, does not allow the door **** to fight?" Hu Jing sneered.

"You are too bullying!"


Black pearls and a brow look at the peony.

"National teacher, is this not a little out of order?" After Peony was silent for a while, she still felt that she should fight for it.

"Wang, is it that the crown worn by the door **** is not in conformity with yours, or is it unruly?"

"If the latter, the old ghost, the Colosseum has a special case that the door **** can not play?"

Yan Zhengyin laughed and looked at the old ghost.

In fact, he did not expect that the old ghost would send a door to the front, and the old ghost could keep his mind at a glance, but since he had to play, the stimulus was not bad. He also wanted to know where the limit of Qin Hao was, and it was the default.

"There is no rule that the door **** is not allowed to play." The old ghost is cold and cold.

"Wang, have you heard that?"

"If you feel that it is not happy with the crown with the same paragraph, this simple, old ghost, makes the crown of the door **** pick."

Yongzheng puns, sneer.

Beside the white Wei, they all face the face, and they dare not speak.

"No, the beast is a beast, no matter where it comes from, no matter how high its tail is, what is the top of the head, after all, it is still a beast, what do you say?"

Peony calmly laughed.

Is it not him who is a foreign animal?

Yongzheng did not expect that Peony’s words were so sharp that he would be opposed to an army. He couldn’t help but sink his eyes and murder.

"Oh, twenty years ago, the king has finally grown up. The teacher is so sad, old ghost, let's get started."

Yongzheng smiled a bit.

The old ghost hit the drum three times, and Heiwei also withdrew his hand, and returned to the ramp with lightning and closed Shimen.


The eyes of the door are scattered with the bloodthirsty light, slowly pacing around the field, and watching the opponent with vigilance.

Qin Hao's heart is very calm, and the beast is not within his consideration. It is a minute to deal with this animal.

But he can't give the foundation a leak, this is the difficulty!

Therefore, like other slaves, Qin Lan is a state of fear and runs away.

"Haha, I thought he had more skills. It turned out to be nothing but a dumpling."

In the stands, Hu Jing reveals two rows of white teeth, and the branches of laughter tremble.

The black pearl held his heart and stared at the stands. "Gent will not lose, he, he will not lose."

"Hey, you are so arrogant."

"That way, if he can hold on for three seconds, how about my sister Lumi all this month?" Hu Jing disdain.

Black pearls did not pick up, her mind has been nervous to the extreme, secretly Qin Qi stupid, fighting with the fierce beast of the door god, head to grab the first hand may have hope, this escape, is undoubtedly self-seeking dead end.

Is it really that he looked at him?

Like her, the Queen, Song Tao and others are not a face of incomprehensible, no war before the decline, Qin Hao's performance can not be embarrassed, even ordinary slaves are not as good.

Sure enough, the best beasts are hunting the weak!

The door **** saw the Qin dynasty escape, the animality rose, and the roaring chasing came.

A good beast, between the prancing, if the thunder, the claws, fangs leaking cold light, only one flutter, covered in the Qin body, one person and one animal roll to the ground.

"Tear him, tear the stinky boy!"

Mazi and others screamed and screamed.

"Well, it's I don't want to be killed."

Shahu looks at A Fei.

A Fei frowned, silent, with the degree and strength of the door god, like a gold-level fighter armed with a top weapon, he asked himself, fearing that he would be spiked.

"Hey, Qin Hao, cleverness is wrong, it is not good, what is your strength?"

"It's a pity."

A Fei’s heart sighed secretly.

However, the field quickly heard a scream.

However, when the door was swept away, it was a cloud, and the Qin dynasty became a group, but the battle did not end. On the contrary, it became more and more intense.

One second.

Two seconds.


One minute!

Two minutes!

The door **** roared constantly, Qin Qin still insisted.

"what happened?"

"Damn, what happened?"

Hu Jing looks at the old ghost.

The old ghost is also a foggy water. It is reasonable to say that the person covered by the door **** can't last for three seconds. You need to know a challenger with three seconds, but you have the strength of gold.

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Qin Lan is playing with the door god!

That's right, it's playful and play!

When Qin Lan was in hell, he climbed from the bottom of the ground. He once worked as a despicable beast in a large gate of Hell. He was responsible for domestication and care for the beast. He was very proficient in the language of the beast.

When the door gods rushed, Qin Hao communicated in the animal language and played this good show.

"Bather brother, this play is over, road."

Qin Lan left his hand on the neck of the door god, and his right hand cocked **** and stabbed it in the throat of it.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.



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