The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1356: Regretful intestines are green

"Impossible, impossible."

Xue Baoyi's face was pale as paper, and he couldn't believe it and shook his head.

"It is impossible to Nima, go and go."

Zhao Dongshan recaptured the crystal stone and kicked Xue Baoyi with one foot.

"Dragon Tower, Zhu Xiangui, do you want to test again?" Qin Hao asked.

The three dragon towers are all face to face, and they are more uncomfortable than eating a rat. The good bureau is once again turned over by Qin Hao’s “miracle”. What can they say besides the capitalized clothes?

"How did you dig into these spar?" Xiong just stepped back, the inner fire attacked, the wound broke, and the blood flowed like a note.

He asked himself that the gods are invincible, and today is still a bumper harvest, but who can think of Qin Hao will be such a big handwriting, one shot is twenty.

Xiong Gang’s heart regrets at the moment. If this is the union of the two, it is twenty-six, enough to make a difference.

Now, he doesn't even have half of the spar in his house. He doesn't want to say anything about it. He has to lose an arm. It is really regrettable that the intestines are green.

"You want to know, don't tell you, hehe."

"My brother just gave you a chance. It’s your own death. You have to go out and think about it. Which hand should you cut?"

Shahu laughed.

"Master Zhu, two supervisors, what you said, my brother is clear."

"If there is no objection, just execute it."

For Xiong Gang, a nonsense villain, Zhao Dongshan had no good feelings and asked bluntly.

Zhu Xiangui screamed and annoyed. This time, it was really a matter of lifting a rock and licking his own feet. A gun that was so good that he was so good, if he had removed one arm, it would basically be abolished in Beiling.

But if you don't unload your arm, Qin Lan is white, the red man in the eyes of the national teacher, and the words are the two dragons who say it. If you don't do it, don't you hit your own face.


"Tu Yuan, you personally abolish these two useless guys."

Dragon Tower was impatient and shouted.

He didn't care about these slaves in Beiling, and he was embarrassed. Anyway, he couldn't fold his face.

"Without you, I will come by myself."

Xionggang was ashamed and shy, and he had no face to ask for forgiveness. He went to the ground and grabbed a stone on the ground. He rubbed it against his wrist.


Under the giant force, the sharp stones were sewn like a sharp knife, and the left hand, which was originally wounded by the far-reaching hand, was smashed down, and suddenly the blood was scattered.


Rao is the body of the male King Kong, holding the broken wrist is also painful and rolling directly on the ground.

"General Manager Zhu, Dr. Qin, you, let me go, I, I don't want to break my hand."

"I am a hit, it doesn't matter to me."

Xue Baoyi was scared of no face, and hurryed for mercy.

"Oh, it doesn't matter to you?"

"If it weren't for you to ignite, you have to go out and let him go, can he fall?"

"Are you just not replacing Xiong just shouting, is it pretentious?"

"Long Ye, this shameless villain stunned for a night, everyone's eyes are all bright, you can do it."

Zeng Dalongdao.


Dragon Tower waved.

Tu Yuan no longer hesitated, a step forward, lifted his hand on the shoulder of Xue Baoyi, but listened to a slamming sound, Xue Baoyi's entire shoulder blade was shocked, shouted on the spot, fell to the ground and fainted. past.

"General Manager Zhu, the best spar you want is ready, nothing, we will go first."

"Oh, I forgot to remind you that the finest meals are ready, and my brothers can't do it."

Qin Xiao sneered, turned and left.

"Qin Hao, this time you have gone for a dog, and you will not be so lucky next time."


The Dragon Tower put aside a slogan, and the sleeves and Tu Yuan went away with anger.

During the day, I had a beautiful victory. After dinner, Zhao Dongshan, Zeng Dalong, Meng Xiazhou and other major heads of the sea-going factions were concentrated in the room of Qin Yu. Everyone talked happily until the middle of the night. Only then went to sleep.

In the next few days, Longta and others couldn't think of other ways to cure the Qin dynasty. They could only hope that Qin dynasty would be a dog, and it would not be possible to get twenty spar every day.

I know, Qin Zhen is really like a hat trick, once the time of the Gong Gong, the quasi-guarantee to get twenty pieces of the best spar, the dragon tower is gray head.

Qin Lan was not idle, mining things, he was alone.

The hard and incomparable mountain wall of the mining area is a good place to train strength. How can Qin Yu miss it.

After determining the best spar mine position, he did not need everyone's iron shovel and iron shovel. He relied on his hands, his left hand and five fingers became claws, broke the stone wall, and his right hand became a palm. He wore, stabbed, dug, and both hands were moving. These people in Dongshan are still eager to use the shovel, and everyone who is watching is stunned.

This is to know that Qin Yu is not only a medical skill, but the hard work of this hand is also amazingly powerful.

They know that every time Qin Qin came out of the palm, the claws were used to make the milk, and to polish themselves in the dead.

The scorpion on the hand broke and knotted, and it was broken and completely unaware of the pain. The bones were set down. The medicine was applied and the muscles were sour, and a Pei Yuan Dan was added.

When he dug out 20 pieces of the best spar on his first day, he completely lost his consciousness. He was as stiff as a piece of wood. He almost didn't live to exhaustion, or Zhao Dongshan and others carried him to the nearby cold pool. With the aphrodisiac and the aura of the cold water, this will slow down.

In the next few days, Qin Hao was still a life-killer. Zhao Dongshan and others were really bored. Several times they wanted to come over and help were discouraged.

They know that Qin Lan is enjoying the fun of refining.

The refining body is like this. Only by constantly breaking through its own limits can we unearth unlimited potential. In the first two days, he digs the crystal ore and is tired and half dead. After a week, the hands that don’t know how many layers of pleats are broken are hard. The incomparable mountain wall is as easy as cutting tofu. One day, one person can make at least 50 spar.

Zhao Dongshan and others arrived here, all of them are convinced orally Nothing is true to Qin.


The deserted cold pool in the northwest corner of the mining area is surrounded by grass, and the water is like black ink, with a strong yin.

Qin Lan drilled out of the water and walked into the cave on the edge of the pool.

The cave is not big, it is more than ten square meters. This is the miners who deliberately dug out the bath for the Qin dynasty. There is a stone bed composed of hundreds of spar.

The thick and pure spar is scattered to the chilly air, and the whole cave wall is as cold as the ice cave.

After Qin took a deep breath, Zhang arms and limbs, lying on a stone bed in a large shape, the coldness is like a million gold needles, puncturing every cell of the Qin dynasty, the kind of severe pain, even if it is as strong as Qin I can't help but frown.

However, he enjoys this feeling very much, because the chilly qi can effectively alleviate the fatigue and damaged muscles and bone blood under high-intensity operation. He can make rapid progress every day, which is the aura of the black spar.

Of course, that is, his body from the Nether can withstand this extreme cold, and change to anyone, even if the ghost is lying on this for an hour, it will be bloody, and the bones will collapse.

This unique advantage allows him to have a strong cultivation advantage over ordinary people even without instinct.

Lying for about an hour, Qin Hao dressed, walked out of the hole, slightly moved the light body, and punched a big bluestone next to it.

There is no sound in the boxing, and there is no slight damage to the bluestone from the outside.

The young man went on the moon, and his face was full of unpredictable smiles.

Slightly tilted, the bluestone slowly oozes out the traces of a spider web, and instantly collapses into powder.

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