The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1357: 1 stroke is more than 1 poison

There is a lack of gloom in the moon, and people are happy and sad.

The miraculous reappearance of the Qin dynasty is undoubtedly a disaster for the Dragon Tower and Tu Yuan. The more severe the Qin dynasty, the greater the pressure on the two.

After returning to the residence with Zhu Xiangui, the two looked at the best spar piled up in the house. Looking at the left and right, it was really no longer true. The heart was called a depressed one. I couldn’t understand it. I have changed so many spar.

"Two brothers, Xiong Gang and Xue Baoyi, although they love to fry on weekdays, but the mines rely on them for their efforts. You will abolish my two masters when you take a shot today. Going back to the sea and then grinding the foreign workers, who am I looking for? Work? This is still not the case."

"I beg you to do this or to stop here, send the surname Qin to Gan Pai, how he will toss how to toss, do not stir up my bureau, I am satisfied. Or you will rely on The method of spectrum, directly except this scourge, or else I can't really stand it."

Zhu Xiangui raised his glass and looked uncomfortable.

Longta and Tuyuan are also very unpleasant. They have been turned over from the question of asking for ten things, and they are too shameful.

"Longye, Zhu said that it is a week, and it is a week. The surname Qin has a lot of spar on time every day. I want to rely on this hand, I think it is no play."

"Let's not play with him, just come to the point, don't do it, kill him."

Tu Yuandao.

"I also want to kill him. The problem is that we put poisonous snakes, people are not afraid. Under the poison, he knows better than we do. And this guy is very incomparable, not poisonous, we are good."

"Let's kill him, I can't hold it up with a bright, straightforward handle. Otherwise, he will return to the national division to warn them, and Grandpa can't take it."

Longta is quite helpless.

"I think it's still according to the old rules of the beginning. He got an accident and collapsed."

"I know that there is a mine in the northwest direction. There are wild beasts in the area. There is a kind of wild wolf. It is fierce and incompetent. It is extremely powerful. Even the tiger and leopard can be shredded and walked in groups. I can make a medicine nearby. Bring the wolves over and put them in the army first."

"Then, after they got tired, we tried to seal the hole and leave a gap to smoke them."

"After finishing them, the hole will be completely collapsed. As a result, even if the National Teacher sent someone to investigate, this is also an accident, and no one can pick it up."

Zhu Xiangui held a rounded chin and said a poison.

He is really worried that Qin Yu destroyed the peace days.

On this island, Zhu Xiangui and Ganba belong to the upper class. Although the environment is a bit worse, like the landlord, the days are quite chic.

They will never venture into the sea, and maintaining the immediate situation becomes the most important task.

Qin Yu first killed Fan Chunming. Now, when he arrives at the mining area, he is also a hurricane. In his heart, he is actually more anxious to kill this **** guy than the Dragon Tower.

"Zhu Laodi is a good strategy. It seems that he is prepared."

"In this case, Lao Tu, we will follow the method of Lao Zhu and act immediately."

The Dragon Tower listened loudly and slammed the thighs and set the board on the spot.

When Qin returned to his residence, the guards blew the whistle.

Everyone in the scream of the guards, uncomfortable out of the house.

"It’s all **** to the old man, and the collection is so slow, I still want to live."

Zhu Xiangui stood on the high platform and shouted.

"Hey, this grandson won't want to play any tricks."

Sand Tiger asked carefully.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover it, let's wait and see."

"No way, their identity is there, we can't fight against them unless they rebel."

Qin Yu calmed.

"Everything is good, the lord has a command, the mining of the pit in Dongtou has matured, and then our task is to mine the crystallized quality of the more worrying. After exploration, there are a lot of spar in the cave of the wolf in the northwest corner. The mine is in urgent need of mining."

"In view of the excellent work of the Qinhuang Brigade in recent years, I have passed the book and talked with the south, and transferred the Qin and Zhao Dongshan departments to the wild wolf slope."

Zhu Xiangui said that it is an infinitely glorious errand.

"The wild wolf slope!"

"There is a place where the penalty for felony is committed. Why let us go there?"

"Don't go, don't kill."

Zhao Dongshan and others smelled and changed collectively.

"Don't go? This is the resolution of the governor and the south. If you don't go, it is disobedience. Do you want to rebel?"

Zhu Xiangui patted the table, and the guard cylinders around him were aimed at everyone.

In just a few days, the guards have been at least doubled, and the slaves have been completely suppressed in terms of numbers and equipment. Even if you want to rebel, you can’t escape.

"Zhu Xiangui, you thought about it, killing us, what good is it for you, and what you will take to make a difference."

Zeng Dalong angered.

"What is killing? You are slaves, let you go to mine, it is your job, it is what you should do."

"If you don't want to be late, go out now."

"Long supervision, things are great, let's personally escorted Zhu Xiangui.

The two towers of Longta are also afraid of long night dreams and immediately answer.

Zhao Dongshan also wants to argue that Qin Lan took him, faintly said: "It is useless to talk to them. Let's go and see."

The crowd rushed to the wild wolf **** overnight.

Qin Yiyi was at the forefront, and Xionggang followed closely. Longta and Zhu Xiangui followed the scene in a few miles.

The more northwest, the denser the forest, the rugged roads, the roots can not find the way, everyone can only use hatchets, iron shovel to open the way, from time to time in the bushes, vipers and beasts, the people who are shocked are hanging Bold!

"Long Ye, after the mountain in front, my man has a cover over there, and the wolf is expected to come soon. At that time, we will wait to watch the show, hehe."

Zhu Xiangui said.

"Great, Qin can kill the ‘door god’ by hand. These wolves are all in groups. I see how he is arrogant.”

"Old paint, let them hurry, I can't wait to watch the show."

Dragon Tower is a big joy.

Tu Yuanchong defender shouted: "What are you doing, didn't you hear the words of Long Ye? Hurry up and urge."

The guards ran to the front and slammed up: "Zhu Ye has orders, speed up, and when you get to the top of the mountain, everyone can rest."

"Oh, I can finally rest, and I’m going to break my legs."

Ouqiang is not satisfied.

"This grandson is getting more and more excessive."

Qin Lan looked at the dark mountains in the distance and muttered.

A strong sense of crisis has spread like a tide, his intuition has always been sensitive, and there must be terrible danger in that place.

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