The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1362: No way to go to heaven, no door to the ground

Everyone knows that this is the moment when he returns to the light.

"Learning, you are not a waste, you are better than everyone!"

Qin Lan grabbed his hand and squatted in his own eyebrows. He was very deep and painful.

He is very annoyed that he cares too little about this younger brother on weekdays and even ignores his existence. Only when he is needed can he remember that there is such a person.


Shahu slammed his own slap and cried: "Learning, the tiger brother will not marry you anymore, the tiger brother is a beast!"

Ou Qiang and others are also suffering!

Everyone here, including another waste Sun Yan, who was angered, took Hao to learn to spread the fire, and screaming that he was not happy, he was kicking his feet and exporting evil. When he was happy, he took him as a joke.

However, now that the waste that accompanied everyone for a month is about to leave, I know how important he is. Only realized that he is also his own brother.

"No, nothing, Tiger brother, strong man, I am used to it."

"Hey, my family is very poor, and my study is not good. I am very good. I really like women, especially women with big breasts."

"But I can't, I am very timid, brother, you, you said that I will give me medicine, cure my illness, let me be a real man."

"You, you won't let me pigeons, right?"

Hao studied seriously and asked.

"No, no!"

Qin Hao buried his head and whispered.

"Hey, I really want my parents, oh, I want to spend my sweet time on the class. I haven’t had time to confess to her. She must not look at me..."

"It’s so tired, I can finally go home..."

Hao learns to whisper gently, the voice is getting lower and lower, and finally the pupil is fixed, and the head hangs in the arms of the Qin Hu's Shahu, with a smile on his face.


Qin Hao closed his eyes and trembled.

He never wanted to kill like this moment. He decided not to endure it. Even if he could not find the way back, he would also destroy the dragons and the beasts and use their blood to learn the spirit for Hao.


Qin Yu’s fists smashed a huge stone, punching two punches...


I don't know how many punches I made. His right arm was completely numb, and the boulder was finally shocked. It slammed into a piece of debris.

"Learning, if I don't kill Zhu Xiangui, this is a thief, I don't want to be a man!"

Qin Yu took the boxing and took off his white robes and covered them on the body of Hao’s study.

Everyone tears up the body of Hao's study, carefully placed in the corner.

After anger and sorrow, it is desperate calm. Everyone looks at Qin Lan, expecting this god-like man to appear miracles again.

The deceased has passed away, and the rest still need to fight!

Zhao Dongshan and others packed their emotions and searched the cave carefully for a circle. They all returned without success. There were many turns in the cave, but none of them were connected. They were all dead.

"There is no road, it’s so dark, will we die here?" Sun Yan asked with a cry.

"Yeah, you said that we are so bitter, I really don't want to live in this ghost place."

"I want to go home!"

The two cowarders, Sun Dejun and Huang Jun, also burst into tears.

Darkness, fear, and the tide of water, drowning in the crowd,

"Shut up, from now on, who will give me half a dead word, I cut his dog's head." Zhao Dongshan looked heavy and angered.

"Don't panic, let's dig into the hole first, maybe the outside block is not very powerful and can dig a passage."

Zeng Dalongdao.

As a result, everyone suddenly came to the mood, and began to excavate the side walls along the left and right sides of the hole.

Qin Lan walked along the cave and walked again. The mine was originally conical, and the bottom was narrow and narrow. If he did not guess Zhu Minggui, the gang had already buried the spar for blasting or The thing that blew up half of the hill blocked the way out.

The mountains are all boulder, although the soil of the mountain is loose, but because of the rich source of spar here, the stone layer is mostly hard!

Simply trying to dig a passage from the inside, even if the number of people increases by a factor of ten, is absolutely impossible.

In other words, everyone is sure to die.

Sure enough, after two hours of excavation, after the people were exhausted, the manpower was small, and relying on the brute force of everyone, it was impossible to go out.

"Made, completely blocked, and all the stones are outside, can't be dug, Zhao Ye."

"Dongshan, our torches are going to go out, but you are thinking about ways."

Everyone knows that Qin Hao is in a bad mood, and he only urges Zhao Dongshan.

"Hey brother, now I am doing it, my brethren are really nothing."

Zhao Dongshan sent a few heads out to the sea.

Qin Haoran looked around and Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief: "Let everyone be dug, useless, and talk less, save some physical strength."

"What do you mean to let everyone sit and wait to die?"

Zhao Dongshan is a bit embarrassed.

Qin Hao did not speak, it is the default.

He has inspected the mountain, unless his instinct is fully restored, and the sacred axe or the Netherfire breaks through the soil and forcibly fights out. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to go out with the flesh and the body.

And wait, maybe there is still a chance.

As for the vitality of this line, Zhu Xiangui’s conscience is still present, or the gods are fascinated, and a heavenly thunder opens the mountain, only to listen to God’s will.

The feeling of powerlessness has made him never lost and frustrated like this.

Zhao Dongshan still trusted the leader and immediately explained it.

In order to save the oxygen everyone put out the torches, so quietly sitting in the dark, only the sound of each other's rapid breathing.

This kind of waiting day can be described as life is not as good as death, every second is so long.

This is three days, Xue Baoyi, this running dog will yell at the outside every day, trying to make sure that everyone is dead or alive. At first, Dalong will still say a few words with him. Later, even the strength of the mouth is gone.

To make matters worse, because it is a rocky mountain, there is very little rain in the area of ​​the North Ridge. There is no water source in the cave.

Everyone was hungry and thirsty, and began to drink their own urine. On the fifth day, they had a dry bladder and they drank all the urine.

From time to time in the cave, there were people who were hungry and fainted, and the snoring of suffering from the pain. Qin Lan looked in his eyes, listened to his ears, and was in a hurry, but he was powerless.

These days, his medicinal herbs have already been assigned to those seriously injured slaves. More than one hundred people can't take care of them. Even his own granules are not left, and all the flesh and body are dizzy at this moment.

It’s just that he meditates and slows down the function of the body. Others can’t do it. The five days of dryness are not only the torture of the body, but also the consumption of the will. Many people can’t stand the endless waiting and despair. The choice ended his life.

Qin Xiao knows that these people are all buried with him, but he must suppress grief and despair, because if he is also jealous, then everyone has no hope at all. But even so, except for the weak-minded people such as Sun Hao and Huang Jun, they cursed him a few words. The brothers of the Shanghai-style faction did not complain and complained.

Helpless, he does not know what to wait for, what to insist on?

Perhaps this time, God completely abandoned him.


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