The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1363: 9 days to take Lieyang, who can ride the wind

"Hey, can't wait any longer, I still have a tone, and everyone thinks about it."

Zhao Dongshan is weak.

"Dongshan, brothers, wait for me!"

When Qin Qin stood up, he felt a whirlwind, and his heart screamed badly. This is the reaction of oxygen depletion and lack of oxygen.

The slightest instinct is running out, and the eyes are gradually blurred.

However, he is still invincible, walking slowly into the hole with a step.

He once again came to these days to see the three mouthfuls of countless times.

Sanchakou is still sealed. In the past few days, the cave walls and other places are slightly different. He has touched them. There are no organs, and there is still no hope!

He got up and re-read it inside and out again, and the result was still in vain.

"No, no, no."

Qin Lan closed his eyes and sat cross-legged and thought.

The reason why he let everyone wait, of course, is not to hope that the thunder will be thundered, or that the Buddha will come to save. The real hope lies in this mine.

Qin Yu has an intuition that the father of Black Pearl is the same kind of person as him.

This person stayed in the cave for such a long time, but also made a special trip to dig three different mines. Is it to confuse the followers at that time?

No, a smart person will never take such a thing that needs to be wasted.

The most dangerous place is also the safest place!

Qin Lan believes that these three roads originally had other points, but they are all fake exports that can not be distinguished by the future, so that Yongzheng directly sealed it.

When everyone's line of sight is attracted by these three channels, or if they are cracked, they all think that this is the blind eye of the person, and the real exit may be hidden here.

Qin Hao has reason to believe that the smart guy must have created many similar escape routes in other places.

When the guards inspected one after another, they forgot the real channel in those "fake escape secrets" that were sealed.

In the mind of Qin Lan, the man emerged in a dark night, madly retaliating against the female guards who had humiliated him. The blood was killed and finally fled to the cave. After laughing in the sky, he entered the secret passage and left forever. Daughter country.

This person stayed on the island for a year. Imagine that he could reach the limit of 30,000 pounds without the arsenal of Dantian. In one year, he also created three such caves, or other escape shelters. .

Then there will be at least one-third of the opportunity for this cave, which is the real exit of the escape.

Where is the exit!


Qin Hao's finger is printed on the eyebrow, and the mind tells the rotation, and he dreams that he will choose where the escape will set the exit.

The man fled under the hunt and suddenly disappeared, indicating that it is easy to hide.

This is a sly person, knowing that the simpler and more obvious the place is, it will not cause doubts!

It is this!

Qin Hao suddenly slammed his body and punched the soil under his feet!


The tentacle is a hard stone layer.

Qin Xiao’s face smiled even more.

The soil of the daughter country is very loose. Most of the feet are fertile soil. The surrounding area is soft soil, but his feet are hard.

Of course, this is what he tried with all his strength. Because the rock is a thick layer of soil, there is nothing wrong with the feeling of stepping on the foot.

Sure enough!

The Qin dynasty is now a new big 6 general, the hands quickly open the soil layer, and soon a stone slab is out, Qin Hao hand in hand, the slate is a bit thorny, to be blown out of dust, only now face A small line of words.

The word is engraved with the finger, vigorous and powerful, with madness.

"Nine days to take the glory, who can take the wind, 窈窕 佳 beautiful, 焉 and heaven! ridiculous, ridiculous!"

Below the font is a totem symbol.

It was a round of domineering and unrelenting glory!

In the past, when Fu Xiaoqing was blocking his sword and coma, Qin Lan had seen it on her chest. It was the most prestigious sun sun totem in the world. Only Yan family blood was eligible.

The Yan family has always been self-sufficient after the Murong royal family. The original northern grassland wolf totem is advocating. Only because the wolf **** and many people in the northern desert martial arts are respected by wolves, the Yan family has changed itself to the symbol of Yan Zhitian. The world’s nine-day violent totems.

The only person who escaped from the daughter country, the father of Black Pearl, is Yan Jiu Tian!

Qin Lan lived, and immediately shook his head and smiled.

He should have thought that there should be such wisdom in the world, and so ruthless and unrighteous, who can be seen in addition to Yan Jiutian?

Fate makes people!

The tears of Qin Xiao’s smile are ridiculous, and they are also moved by the eternal enthusiasm.

The enemy of his life is nine days. He is unclear with this person in his life. He is first clear and now is a black pearl. At this moment, he left by the passage left by Yan Jiudian. What fate and fate is this?

"Brothers, let's go!"

Qin Hao transported his strength, punched a slate, and screamed.

This scream, such as the nine-day **** Lei shocked a groggy, half-footed into the door of the ghost gate. Like the compassionate voice of Buddhism, it brings endless vitality.

Zhao Dongshan and Shahu several people ran over at the first I only felt a cool breeze blowing from the bottom cave.

The icy wind and chilly winds dispelled the hustle and bustle of the people. Everyone was very happy. The wind said that the bottom is the pass, and finally there is a way to live.

"I know, I know, God will not abandon ours."

"Oh, we have saved, we have saved."

"There is an eye in the sky, Qin Lan, the old man who sent the Haitian brother to give you a hoe."

Everyone was surrounded by joy and weeping, and Meng Zhouzhou was even more tearful and trembled.

"Meng Gong, everyone has a hard time with life and death, let us be welcome."

"Dongshan, you go to the next person, but there is still a trace of brother, one can not fall. Dead, cut a hoe, write down the name, went out and gave them a grave to worship."

Qin Hao told the road.

Everyone carried out an inventory one by one. In a few days, the brothers who were desperate, hurt and starved to death, and those who were trapped to death reached more than half. When they entered the cave, there were 136 brothers in the sea, but now they are together with Qin and Shahu. There are only forty-nine people in total.

This does not rule out that there are a few injured people who have been mad at the hairline.

"Hey brother, we have forty brothers, and the rest are gone." Zhao Dongshan has no heavy road.

"Remember the name?" Qin asked.

Zhao Dongshan nodded, tears had already turned around in his eyes, and he said: "Zhu Xiangui, this group of beasts is too embarrassed. After eight years of going out to sea, I have never lost so many brothers. This **** enemy does not report, I am Zhao Dongshan. It is."

"Do not worry, one day their soul will return to their homeland."

Qin Hao patted his shoulder and jumped off the hole first.



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