The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1394: Dare to do it

When the little dance just returned to the wooden house, Qin Lan jumped from the ground floor. "What happened, is the old thief hooked?"

"It’s hooked up, and the eyeliner of the wind has always followed the stone mountain. As long as they are not stupid, they should have found the cave at this time. But I am afraid that these people’s brains are not so good, and they may not be able to find our things.”

The little dance nodded.

"That's right, it's too easy to find, and the old ghost will be suspicious. You can rest assured that his character will surely dig three feet and find things sooner or later. Hard work, hurry to sleep."

Qin Hao was satisfied.

"To do things for my uncle, the little dance is willing, not hard work, my uncle will go to bed early."

The little dance smiled warmly, slammed on the rope and closed his eyes.

This night is destined to be sleepless.

The little dance is immersed in the joy of returning home.

The guards of the West Island Baihua Palace are tracking and searching for the murderers along the island.

Qin Lan needs to figure out the next step. Now all the plans are close to perfection. Everything is gradually in his control. The key lies in whether the black pearl can get the real Kunyue bead two days later.

Everything can only look at God's will.


Longevity Palace.

Since recapture of blood beads last night, Yongzheng has been studying this bead.

The yin of the beads is rich, but it is not pure, and the weight of the yin seems to be much worse than he imagined.

"How could this be?"

"Is it because after a thousand years of catastrophe, the aura of the beads has been lost, or the beads have to wait until the disaster day to spur the power?"

Yongzheng was holding the beads around and trying to use the instinct, but they didn't get the clue.

"National division, will this be a fake?"

The brows are tight and reminded.

"The fake should not. This is the result of the sea cemetery. Even if it is fake, the island will definitely not find a second bead that is more intense than this yin."

"And when I went to the cemetery last night, I could clearly sense that the yin inside came from hell."

"So, this bead will never be fake."

He was looking at the early morning sun, squinting and looking at his eyes, sure.

No one is more familiar with the yin of hell. There is never a place in the country of the daughter that is more cold than the tomb of the sea. It is like a hidden little hell. If he did not run this cockroach, it is impossible. of.

"You think about it, last night, Peony knew that the person who thieves the treasure is me, still moving people to chase the thief, what is the picture?"

"She is expressing anger, knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger wants me to return the beads."

"Oh, do you think it is possible?"

Yongzheng sneered.

As I said, there was a notice from the guards outside the door: "National division, Peony led people waiting outside the temple, seeing still missing."

"Oh, I’ve seen it. People are in a hurry and come directly to the door."

"Yang Xian, you go to pass Qin Qin."

缪 Orthogonal generation of a sentence, a gesture to the guards, indicating the welcome.

Yan Xian went out from the side door and declared it. The guards brought in the peony.

"Wang, rarity, since I entered East Island, if this seat is not mistaken, you will come back to me first." He was sitting in the chair of the main hall, and did not mean to get up and say.

Seeing him so unscrupulous, the peony's face became more gloomy, and sneered: "The national teacher started so early, it would not be a night without sleeping."

"Yeah, the ears of this noisy night can't be cleaned. I am sleeping light and dry for a night."

"When the king arrives, willn't it be to care about my sleep?"

Yongzheng is cold and cold.

"Someone broke into my Baihua Palace last night and stole my treasure. The national teacher is a great master. It is the daughter of the country. I can listen to Dawanfang. I think you should be informed." Peony looks like a frost. The show was arrogant, and the cold asked.

"Wang Hao praised, I asked myself to control the whole situation, but no one listened to the corner of the corner, you licked my habits, you lost things, how can I know?"

"But watching you are so anxious, things should be very important, tell me, what, I may be able to help you find it."

Yongzheng smiled shamelessly.

"Kun Yuezhu!"

"That is the only lifeline of the daughter country. If the national teacher knows who stole it, please be sure to come back. Otherwise, I will swear by my daughter's country, and I will swear with the thief."

The peony bites the beak and is very angry.

"Kun Yuezhu? Are you teasing me? Such a naive legend, you believe."

"Cheng, since you have said it, then I can help you find it, go back and wait for news."

When he was sneer, he waved his hand impatiently.

"You don't have to look for it, the person who steals it is in this hall, Yongzheng, I will say it again, you must find the beads and give it to me."

Peony is right.

"You are suspicious of this seat?" Yongzheng got up and walked up to the peony in front of the peony, staring at her bright scorpion, Sen cold road.

"Whoever steals, he has a number in his heart." The peony is not good, and the rare ones are facing the face.

"Do you believe that I let you talk to your dog and your daughter country, and now disappear from this world?" 缪 is pressing down the voice and tearing the face.

"Then try it!"

"Kun Yuezhu is the incarnation of doom, even if you possess it, it will only be riddled with misfortune dead without a place to die."

The peony cursed.

"National teacher, Qin Lan is here."

Yongzheng just wanted to be jealous, and the guards led Qin Lan to come in.

"Hey, the king is coming too, um, the atmosphere is a bit wrong, nothing, two adults."

"Don't let people sleep back in the morning, do you have anything to do with me?"

Qin Xiao smiled and made a haha.

"This seat is just to see, you are dead, East Island is not flat last night, this seat is very worried about your safety." Yongzheng sleeves, sitting back to the throne, sneer.

"Meng Guoshi cares, my blessing can't die."

"However, the disaster day is approaching. I heard that it is a big ominous sign. As a national daughter, you can take care."

"Some things, don't take them, don't touch them. Don't touch them when you touch them. After all the altars are opened, you will respect the world. It's not too late to remember."

Qin Xiaopi smiled and smiled.

"Yes, some people are self-sufficient in how big things are, but in reality they are just clowns who are looking for a dead end."

"National teacher, your old man takes care and quit."

The peony sneered and turned and went.

She has already said the words, the beads are not just able to be activated, this is in line with the blood seems to be insignificant, so that Yongzheng is more determined that it is a real bead, but also needs some kind of trick to open, and open The secret key of the law is likely to be related to the sacrifice of the disaster day. As a result, Yongzheng is even more afraid to act rashly before the final duel.

"Don't send it!" A sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Qin Lan was silently watching it in his heart. He secretly made a perfect score on the play of Peony. He was afraid that he had already been killed.


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