The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1395: Identity is dismantled

"Qin Wei, what are you still doing here? Go back to the Baihua Palace and stare at me."

"You are a smart person, and you know the current situation is Junjie. Now the overall situation is about to be settled. What to do, you are clear in your heart, I don't need to teach you, remember, my promise to you is effective at all times!"

Yongzheng smiled, and did not hide the blood beads in his own hands.

"Yeah, the best cards are all in your hands, what can I do?"

"However, I am very curious, you are not afraid of taking fake things in your hand, are you losing your life?"

Qin Hao shrugged and smiled.

"This doesn't require you to worry about it. Go. You have two days left. If you don't get the useful clues I want, after the disaster, my first kill is you."

Yongzheng sneered.

"Cheng, I went back to wash my neck and waited."

Qin Hao boring stretched out, pretending to cover up the lost, and walked out of the hall.

"National teacher, this kid is suggesting that you are taking fake beads, don't you ask clearly?"

"You don't understand this. Qin Zhen is a traitor. He knows that I have a suspicion. I want to use my point to make a fuss, disrupt my mood and plan, and hope for room for maneuver."

"So, when I didn't go to him, he couldn't wait to hide his shackles."

"Hey, just he is a little clever to lie to others, want to play with me, no door."

He is playing with blood beads, looking at the back of Qin Yu, disdainful ridicule.

When he looked at his head, he seemed to have some truth. He immediately bowed his hand and said: "The National Teacher Sheng Ming, the current situation, the situation is not shocked, will break these villains."

"The last two days have passed, and it’s obvious that after I left, everything in my daughter’s country will be handed over to you."

"Some things, you have to learn something, and you have more brains."

"The west has tossed for one night, and you are definitely lacking at this time. Go to sleep."

He was leaning against the big chair and told him.

"Yes, the national teacher."

Yan Xian took the lead.

"Idiot, once the energy of Kunyuezhu is taken, the country of the daughter will become a place of disaster, the fire of the earth is raging, and everything is dying. Do you really think that I will leave you a prosperous slave to these savage slaves?"

"No, twenty years of humiliation can only stop hate and anger if it is destroyed."

He looked up at the innocent **** picture carved on the main hall, and the hatred of the eyes was fierce.

Qin Lan went out of the hall and went straight to the Baihua Palace. He met the peony in the secret room.

Peony made Zhu Yan take out a bottle of fine wine that has been collected for many years from the hail, and gave Qin Hao a wine tasting: "Qin Wei, Yong Zheng has already entered the trap, but you have made great contributions this time."

"I can do anything great, it's all good with Wang."

"I almost didn't give a smile to my thoughts when I was still smug."

Qin Hao sipped a glass of wine without any scruples, and praised him: "Good wine, good wine."

"What are you going to do next?" Peony asked.

"I want to go to the North Ridge to open mines, sell spar, and become the richest businessman in the world." Qin said.

"But someone told me that you are called Qin Hou, a person who is very good at the martial arts world and rich in enemy countries!"

"Isn't it like you are lascivious, greedy, timid, and incompetent?"

"So, I think the acting skills, you are the real master."

"My Qinhou adults, I am right?"

The peony was parked in the air with a jug, and it was attached to the face of Qin Yu, and the fragrance was like Lan Dao.

The Qin dynasty trembled as if it had been pinched by a dead hole. The back had a cold sweat, but immediately thought, knowing how he is Qinhou? As long as the identity of his **** is not exposed, the peony can't play any tricks.

Thinking of this, his face was a sly smile, and the gas field condensed, and proudly said: "You are right, I am Qinhou. I came to the island from the beginning to the end of the black crystal ore. The old ghost has sold spar in my market by going out to sea. This kind of thing may be just an ordinary stone for you, but for our world, it represents war, represents wealth, represents With the most favorable resources. With it, our ship can cross the sea, our cannons can be invincible, I say you understand?"

"I just rushed to it. This is why I am eager to be famous. I am murdering in Northridge. I want to be negotiating with you." It is as simple as that."

"Now, you protect your throne and people, I want money, want to control the world of my world, we do not conflict, understand?"

Qin Tong's translucent pupils became cold, and the cold tone was like a mountain in the heart of the peony.

The Qin dynasty of that moment has changed like a person. The peony has never seen such a terrible, so cold person, his pupil has no trace of humanity at all, as if everyone in the world is a mustard.

His words are cold as a knife, and there is a kind of majesty that rules the death of life, that is, the peony can not help but have a fear of surrender.

However, Qin Yu’s words made her completely relieved. Kun Yuezhu is a legendary thing on the island, and the more greedy the Qin dynasty, the more purpose she has. She is relatively safer, at least his motives are not like 缪It’s just as terrible.

“The dream of Qin Hou’s great man’s’s like this glass of wine is at your fingertips. The black spar you want, my daughter’s state has endless resources, and two days, you can dream Come true."

The peony calmed the fear of the heart and smiled lightly.

"I also hope to cooperate with you, but I still have a small request, I hope you can promise." Qin Hao raised his glass, smashed the peony and blinked, and restored the bohemian look.

"You said that being able to have an ally like you is the blessing of my daughter's country. As long as it is your request, I will promise as much as possible." Peony Road.

"Pearl is very hurt recently. She has deep feelings for you. I hope that you can treat her well. She is going to Beiling for a moment of anger. Why not call her back?"

Qin Yu frowned.

Peony is a violation of cooperation. If Qin Hao does not take the initiative to mention this, she may look at the cooperative relationship and reconsider whether she should return the pearl. But now Qin Lan has spoken, but the peony can't, she won't believe anyone. At this moment of life and death, if the pearl stays around, it must be a scourge.

I thought of this peony and smiled: "This depends on her own wishes. Hou Ye, don't forget, in the daughter country, no matter who you are, you are only a slave who has nothing, and some things are not too careful. it is good."

"In other words, I can see you, you are useful Qin Hou. I look down on you, you are not even a dog."

"This is the truth, you should be able to understand."

The smile on the face of the peony is as bright as the thorny poisonous rose.

"Wang is the king, the bulls will change again in the next day!"

Qin Hao drank the drink in the cup, and the wine glass went to the table for a deduction. Lang smiled and went.


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