The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1396: Mysterious turtle

"Wang, the surname Qin is terrible, you should plan."

Zhu Yan came out behind the scenes and looked cold.

"Yeah, my heart is soft. Today may be the best time to kill him. I should listen to you and enjoy him a glass of poisonous wine." Peony sighed.

"Pearl has already set off for Beiling. The surname Qin has not sent it. It is really ruthless. Hey, it is a pity for her. I am embarking on this road of no return." Zhu Yan shook her head and bitter. Road.

"Abandon me, don't stay, don't mention this monk again from now on."

"It is best for her to die in the North Ridge. In this life, I will take a step back in the South."

The peony is cold and hateful.

"Well, Wang don't be angry with them. Right, tonight, I have to go out for a trip. The eyeliner of our exhibition has top secret news. Wang Kede has to look at Kunyuezhu."

"The success or failure of the daughter country is all about it."

Zhu Yan held the shoulders of the peony and comforted her.

"Oh, what news? At this critical time, is it worth your trip?" Peony took her hand and asked kindly.

"It is about the North Ridge sea chart. The person said that it is important and must be interviewed. You know that he is a villain. If you don't give me some sweetness, you won't spit the goods." Zhu Yandao.

“Is it a sea map, can these beasts find a secret passage to the sea?”

The look on the face of the peony is colder.

"It should be, it depends on the daughter's life and death, I have to take a trip tonight." Zhu Yan nodded.

"Then you have to be careful, our three sisters, now you are only with me. If you have anything to do, I want this country to be meaningless."

"Promise me, we must live well, and in the future I will seal you as a national teacher.

Peony is right.

" have this sentence, and Zhu Yanwan is dead."

Zhu Yandao.

Qin Lan came out from the Baihua Palace. It was already a lunch. He went to the Yingchun Building, and Shahu and others had already waited.

These people are also smart, knowing that it is a matter of life and death, and no one is asking about the overall situation of Qin.

They have absolute trust in Qin Lan, and they just gather together to drink meat.

"Geng brother, Song Ye said to see you in the next room."

"I am afraid that some people have revealed the wind between them, and did not ask him to sit."

Shahu whispered.

"Very good, what happened to Ouqiang?"

Qin Lan was quite satisfied with the growth of the Shahu, and nodded.

"Zhu Yan hooked up. After returning, Ou Qiang has been secretly contacting her. She met with Qiangge to meet in the cabin of Sanlipo tonight."

"From the perspective of Zhu Yan's attitude, the peony is a very dead person who is staring at us. She must have won the world, and she will never let us live away from her daughter country."


"You are very smart, don't underestimate these girls, go back to the bar, I will not say hello, you tell them that I am looking for Zhu Xiaoling."

Qin Lan took a picture of Shahu’s shoulder and walked out from the back door and folded it into the other yard next to it.

Song Taoan sat in the room and met Qin Lan, who stood up and bowed his hand and said: "I have seen Hou Ye."

"Mr. Song is not polite, telling you good news, everything is under control, you can get away from the bitter sea."

"If there is no accident, then the scorpio will be able to leave."

Qin Yu opened the door to see the mountain road. Some people in the daughter country are credible, some people are not credible, and Song Tao belongs to the former.

"Great, sleepy for 20 years, and finally I hope that the day will be dark, I know that Hou is not an ordinary person..."

Song Tao’s tears of excitement.

"Mr. Is there something to look for?" Qin Qin time precious, reminded.

"Yes, I am here today, you want to tell you an important person who goes out to sea."

"It’s not necessary to use Hou’s ability to go out to sea, but there is always an insurance for this person.”

Song Tao Road.

"You are talking about the turtle." Qin Xiao smiled.

"Hou Ye also knows him?" Song Tao was quite surprised.

"The friend of the North Ridge Sea Party mentioned him. I recently forgot to forget this person. It is best to know Song."

Qin Xiaoxi said.

"Well, he went abroad after eight years ago, and he was almost killed. Later, I quietly kept him down. This person is deeply hidden. The daughter country knows his true identity. Apart from your friend, there is only me and the old ghost. It is."

"He used to be the best sailor in the world. He can speak the language of the aquarium. He can talk with fish and water, and he has a natural ability to identify the direction of the sea. It is said that the cloud family who is known as the king of the sea met him. I also have to praise the sea god. Now we are going out to sea. Everyone’s heart is floating, but they ignore the dangers of the sea. Even if there is no sea defense, we have to stay in the sea for countless nights and nights. I was buried in the belly of the fish. Hou Ye is awe-inspiring, but there is a person who has a better light in the road."

"I am coming today to introduce sea gods to you. Of course, this person's temper is very weird. He would like to see you, but also to say something else."

Song Tao Road.

Speaking of this, he took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Qin Xiao: "This is his address. Hou Ye can go to see him. If it doesn't work, I will ask him personally. I must fight for them. Support for this person."

"Well, when I win the Kun Yuezhu, I must go to the high man personally." Qin Hao looked over it and recorded the address in his heart, tearing it into pieces.

"What sentiment to God, I waited, sent Hou Ye, such a living bodhisattva to the daughter country, Song Tao really do not know how to express your respect for Hou Ye." Song Tao grateful for the zero.

Qin Lan is not only smart, but also able to accept Labuan. This is very rare.

After all, the introduction of Turtles is such a person For an escape team, it is not a trivial matter.

Qin Hao promised him so refreshedly.

"Song Lao, let's help each other, don't say this, but when you go back, I believe that the status of Huashan School will be greatly improved. This is my commitment to you." Qin Xiao smiled.

After a few words of chilling, Qin Hao returned to the East Island Medical Center. When he first entered the medicine, he saw the scent of flowers in the yard.

"Hey, Dr. Qin is back."

Minhangfeng met Qin Lan, and smiled and said hello.

"How come you? I really thought I wouldn't kill you?" Qin Hao's eyes smashed into a line, killing the air.

Of course, he knows that the wind is coming. This is to monitor the little dance. It’s not easy to meet. It’s all acting, and the meeting is a performance. Qin Hao sometimes feels that he is a movie actor. The story on this island is more like the blood of the movie. The plot, I don't know how many times to be wonderful.

"Qin Xi, don't be too mad. I have ordered the ghosts to come to this refining plague. The daughter country is easy to get plague in this season. You can ask the little dancers." Knowing that the skill is not as good as Qin Hao, do not dare to hard-top, take out the pretexts that have been prepared long ago.

"Mr. Qin, he said the truth, since it is a business official, Mr. Yu will stay here." The little dance came out, faint.

"Cheng, then you will stay here, Xiao Dance, let's study the pharmacology." Qin Xiao smiled, a look of madness and death, and smiled into the back room with the little dance, and closed the door.

He was a black-faced, hateful lung, and he knew that the task was not to be jealous. He had a more important mission. He stared at the little dance and gave the old ghosts time to steal the moon.


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