The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1497: Don’t want people

"You expensive, how come you?" Ding Laojiao put on his clothes, looked at him with vigilance and whispered.

"Old Ding, dumb is still there."

Ding Gui asked.

"It’s still in the morning, it’s estimated that I went to the mountains with cloves to pick the fruit.” Ding Lao said.

"Hey, it’s bad luck to spread it to the Yan family. Did you hear it? Last night, Ding Erzhu’s girl, who was smashed into the villa, was plagued by old things. Today, the girl jumped into the river and committed suicide."

"The surname is stricter than the past landlord bully, but no one dares to control this."

"Your family is a reincarnation of Xue Rengui. The folks are thinking about it, but everyone is afraid to come out. I will say a word, you let the dumb let go, what is going on, the people in the village give him a petition, testify."

Ding Gui did not dare to let the dumbs kill Yan Baoshan, but there was a deep helplessness in the words.

"I know, Yan family is too aggressive, we are also nowhere to go, how to do it, I have a measure."

Ding Laojun nodded.

"You keep this thing, Jinfeng is not good, you take care of it."

Ding Guidao.

During the speech, Li Jinfeng looked out from the inside: "You brother, no need, your family is not easy, we can eat some fruit, and we can catch the mountain pigs. We can live well."

Ding Gui looked at Li Jinfeng incredibly, couldn't believe his eyes, and was very different: "Jinfeng, you, you..."

Jin Feng, who was originally sick, is ruddy and beautiful at this moment, standing with Ding Laojiao, like the father and the daughter.

"I don't know where to get the medicine from the dumb. After Jin Feng ate, the illness was all good, and the person became younger."

"If you want to say that this child is a god, it is really not bad."

Ding Laojiao is extremely proud.

"God, God, we have saved in Xiaohe Village."

Ding Gui is happy.

The two talked a few words, Ding Gui was careful to leave.


Inside the Yan family house.

Yan Baoshan sat on the sand, his face was gloomy and swallowed with smoke. "Beard, what you said is true, is the old woman's mother's mother sick?"

"It’s better, and it’s getting younger, and it’s getting old. I heard that it’s a fool who got an elixir from the mouth of Ding Gui’s wife. Now the whole village’s people regard the fool as a fool. Live a fairy."

Li beard said.

"How is it possible, how can there be an elixir in this world?"

"It must be that the mother-in-law is nonsense, but then again, when I saw Laoding’s wife, I looked very young. I didn’t pay attention to it at the time. Now think about it, it’s like that.”

Yan Baoshan rubbed his chin and pondered it.

"Yan Ye, there are indeed many elixir that you can't imagine in this world. Shimou's master once said that Qin Hou, who used to be in the limelight in Jiangdong Shijing, has a special refining medicine under his hand. In the factory, there is a kind of medicinal medicine that can cure all kinds of diseases, and even the terminal illness can be cured, and it has the effect of returning to life."

Shi Dalong proudly said.

"Really, really, how much money is there, Master Shi, money is not a problem..." Yan Baoshan asked.

"Oh, money? That is not something that can be exchanged. With Qinhou's collapse, the ordinary medicinal herbs of a big Qin pharmaceutical factory in the black market are now priced at a high price, not to mention the elixir level."

Shi Dalong sneered.

"That Master Shi, do you really have such a drug in your fool?"

Yan Baoshan asked.

Shi Dalong smiled slightly and didn't say anything.

He has a small abacus in his heart. If this thing is spread on others, he will not believe it, but yesterday the fool rescued people from the fire. He saw it with his own eyes. Since the fool has a device, there may be some magic bullets.

"Mad, this fool is really a character, Lee Beard, you hurry to find him, let's fight for him."

Yan Baoshan Road.

"Yes, I am searching for him all over the mountains. Don't worry, I will find them sooner or later."

Li beard is leading the way.

After a brief separation between the Qin dynasty and the cloves, the two men are now sticking together like a plaster. They endlessly roll between the forests and fight fiercely. When they are tired, they take some fruit to eat. When they are sleepy, they sleep and wake up. Just do it.

Both of them want to give their lives to each other. This is the most appropriate method.

Until the dark, the two talents took their hands back to the cabin in the mountains.

Just entering the door, I saw Ding Guijiao hurriedly panic: "Hey, you can count it back."

"Ding Shu, what's wrong?" Clove asked quickly.

"Clove, Yan family is searching for the mountain, I am going to get here soon, you must go."

"This time, there is also a stone martial artist who is famous in the county. He said that he wants to pull out the dull skin. Let's go."

Ding Gui hastily said.

"It seems that it is not going to go, the cloves are in the Shanghe Village, we will go there first to avoid."

Ding Laojun thought for a moment.

"Well, it can only be like this. If it is not too late, let's go."

Li Jinfeng nodded.

Time is in a hurry, the old family of three with the dumb, by the night of the night, from the mountain path down the mountain to the direction of Shanghe Village.

"Call, finally got out of our small river boundary, lilac, passed the hill opposite, that is your home."

Li Jinfeng helped the old man, pointing to the next hill in the moonlight, and gladly said.

"Great, I have to eat a large bowl of pork noodles when I arrive at my home."

"Dumb, I opened a small shop in my house, there are a lot of delicious biscuits, when you know cloves on the back of the Qin dynasty, smiled.

A few people talked and laughed, and the hanging heart finally relaxed. I expected that I had just turned over the hill, but I heard a crisp whistle, a messy footstep in the woods, dozens of torches. Light up.

"Old Ding, Jin Feng, where are you going?"

Yan Baoshan took a cigarette and walked out from the darkness, laughing.

When I saw him, the Ding family had a sigh of relief. It was really a ghost, and it was hidden by Yan Baoshan.

During the talk, Yan Baoshan got together and looked at Li Jinfeng. He said: "It’s really a good illness. This model is generally tender and tender for twenty years." Yan Baoshan said that he would touch Li Jinfeng’s face.

Previously, he was not completely sure. At this moment, he met Li Jinfeng and knew that Shen Dan’s words were not illusory.

"Yan Baoshan, what do you want?"

Li Jinfeng opened the hand of Yan Baoshan and screamed.

"Oh, Jin Feng, you have a good life, met a fool, and returned to the old age. But my old life is suffering, my eyes are on the age, I am going to enter the coffin board, I am suffering from my son's heart."

"I thought about it. If you don't marry, you won't marry. After all, a village can't force people too much."

"I only need one condition, it will eliminate the grievances of our two families. Of course, I will give you another Xiaoyang Building. How do you feel?"

Yan Baoshan asked with a smile.

"What conditions?"

Ding Laojiao asked.

"Let the fool give me a medicinal herb, the kind that Jinfeng eats, you give Dan medicine to save my old man's life, I will put you down a book."

"This is fair, isn't it?"

Yan Baoshan Road.


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