The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1498: Be my close disciple.

"Hey, what you think is beautiful, don't say that there is no remedy for dumbness, that is, there is a remedy, and it will not be given to you."

Lilac is cold and cold.

Yan Lao Taigong is a famous old ghost in the village. If he is stared at him, he will not have a good end. Who is in the village who is not rushing to the old dog? If he is really rejuvenated, he still does not know how many people are harmed. .

"So, you are not going to give it to me?" Yan Baoshan looked calm and asked coldly.

"Yes, we don't have any medicine, you don't want to make this idea." Ding Lao said.

"To give a face to a dog thing, since you are not interested, then don't blame the old man's heart."

"Master Shi, look at you."

Yan Baoshan retreated to the side, and if he couldn’t talk, he would grab it. This is his rule.

"What do you want to do?"

As soon as the other side wants to start, Qin Lan puts down the cloves and protects them at the forefront.

He is close to the height of one meter nine, face like crown jade, long dragon posture, at first glance is not a common generation, which makes Shi Dalong firm, this time is fishing treasure.

"Don't use Master Shi, I will clean up him."

Li beard pulled out the pig's ear knife from the waist and jumped out.

He lost his skills last time, sweeping his face, and now he is in front of Yan Baoshan, or if he wants to get back to the scene, he will not mix it later.

Pure power, he is not as good as Qin, but now the knife is in hand, he firmly believes in getting Qin Qin, that is a minute.

"Let's go, Master Shi is here, will you get you? Roll it down." Yan Baoshan yelled.

"Nothing, Li Laodi wants to have a hand addiction, then feel free."

"After all, when I shot, people said that I was bullying."

Shi Dalong laughed and said that he was waiting for someone to try to recruit, so that he could explore the depths of Qin.

"Dumb, he wants to move the knife, open the fight, don't keep it." Clove is afraid that Qin Hao suffers, reminds me.

"Well, I am not afraid of him."

The ignorant is fearless, and the Qin dynasty does not care whether Li is holding a knife or a shackle in his hand, a long arm, and rushes up.

Li beard screamed, and the sharp knife straightened up against Qin’s heart.

Qin Hao did not fight much in these days, and saw the knife rushing to the heart of the nest, knowing that the thing would have to kill his own life, and quickly braked, and straightened up.

The good guy was two meters tall and jumped directly from Li’s head.

Li beard rushed empty, still did not understand how it happened, Qin Hao had caught his clothes from behind, burst into the top of his head and slammed down the ground.

The ground was full of hard rock scorpions, only to hear a bang, Li's entire spine under gravity, broken on the spot, fell to the ground, painful sorrow, screamed.

"Don't force me, I will beat people."

Qin Lan turned Li beard, took out a sweet potato from his pocket, chewed it up, and said vaguely.

"Made, no waste, give me up!" Yan Baoshan did not expect Li beard to be put down when he appeared on the scene, and his face was completely unhappy.

A few of his men lifted Li’s beard, who was crying and shouting, and Yan Baoshan could only look at Shi Dalong and bowed his hand: “Master Shi, you can only rely on you.”

"Oh, oh!"

Shi Dalong has only returned to the gods. Qin Zhen’s jump is really scaring him. How can he rush to Zhang Zhang with a casual jump? Isn’t that a shame?

This guy has the strength, the light work is good, can't play?

However, he saw the stupid look of Qin Xiao eating sweet potatoes. It is estimated that it is not like loading, and it can still be played.

Thinking of this, Shi Dalong laughed and his eyes turned a few laps, and he had an idea in his heart.

"Okay, playing well, having strength, having a skill, is a personal talent."

"Sure enough, the hero is a teenager!"

Shi Dalong patted the slap and said it.

"Master Shi, you, you are..." Yan Baoshan and others were stunned, and did not understand which medicine to sell in the stone dragon gourd.

"who are you?"

Qin Hao's eyelids turned over and asked if he was unhappy.

"This is Ding Laojiao, my name is Shi Dalong. It is the owner of the Dalongwu Museum in Qinghe County. The martial arts world calls me a stone Buddha." Shi Dalong knows that it is useless to talk to Qin Yu, and directly finds Ding Laojiao. .

"Stone Buddha?" Ding Laojiao has not been to the city several times in his life. He has never heard of this character.

"What stone Buddha, are you very powerful?"

Asked lilac.

"I don't dare to be serious. My double iron fist also has a strength of three thousand pounds. For the time being, there is no courage to scream with Shimou in Qinghe County."

"You have to talk about interpersonal relationships. Shimou also has some friendship with the big guys in Xiangbei. Mr. Li, the No. 1 of Qinghe County, including Yan Vice-President, is also a guest. Basically, Qinghe has nothing to do with me."

Shi Dalong proudly said.

He really didn't brag, Shi Dalong was not good at other places, but Qinghe, he is one of the best figures in the martial arts world. There are hundreds of disciples in the museum. The relationship on the facade is decent.

The lilac family listened to what he said, what is the first martial artist of Qinghe, the head of the light is scary enough, and the strength of three thousand pounds can even be knocked over by the cows. A sweat.

"Master Shi, you are a big man. If you have a good word with Yan, let us let go of our family."

Ding Laoshao saw that Shi Dalong seemed to speak very well and asked quickly.

"Master Shi, what do you say to them, I will pay you for it, but it is not a lobbyist." Yan Baoshan is not happy.

If this is the case, Shi Dalong really does not want to make this head, but the treasure of Qin can be money, is the status can be measured.

Magic weapons, medicinal herbs, that is the martial arts practitioners dream of dreams, even if they pay for their lives.

"Yan, you and I have been in friendship for many years. I will not sell my face today. I have already done this. Shimou will have a thank you in the future."

Shi Dalong rushed to Baoshan and blinked.

"What do you mean, sing against me?" Yan Baoshan is still unhappy.

"A stone is the most cherished talent, this kid is a martial arts talent, I want to accept him as a close disciple." Shi Dalong rang.

"Close the disciple?" Lilac curious.

"My master is the first martial artist of Qinghe. I want to be his close disciple. I have to pass on the essence of his life. That is the blessing of the ten generations."

"In the future, he is the person of my Dalongwu Pavilion. Others dare not say that no one in Qinghe County dares to touch him."

Shi Dalong’s big disciple, Niu Jin, knew that Master’s thoughts were right, and immediately echoed.

"Great, dumb to be able to follow Master Shi, and find a proper job later, that would be great."

"Master Shi, we Ding really can't get the money from the teacher, this is afraid..."

Ding Laojiao was overjoyed.

For them, dumbness should be able to enter the city, An An's life to stay, lilac followed by a place to go, that is a good thing.

"I don't collect money. On the contrary, I am my close disciple. Every month, I still have the following tea money. I dare not say much. He followed me for two years. It is not a problem to buy a house in the county."

"Even if he is a member of the county bureau level, he has to give a three-point thin face and walk in Qinghe County. This stone can still be guaranteed."

Shi Dalong’s nostrils are in the sky, and he is proud of himself.


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