The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1505: 1 is going to die

A few people of Mazi held their heads and squatted on the floor like a schoolboy. They were all crying and sullen, like a relative.

Look at the idiot who is going to be removed by the deputy chief, and is lying in bed and screaming and sleeping.


The guards slammed the iron gate with a baton, and yelled angrily: "Pock, can you tell me what this means?"

"Xu Ye, you don't know, this guy is amazing, and he is so powerful, he almost didn't kill me."

Mazi helplessly.

"You have this group of waste, you have good fruit to eat."

The guards stunned, the body was not caught, how to deal with the fool is the above, he can only go to the request.

When I had breakfast, Qin Lan was beautiful, not only my own porridge, steamed bread, but also the cleaning of the eight people together. The other prisoners who saw it were stunned.

Who did not know that Mazi was the lord of the prison, and did not expect to let a young man force this.

Everyone has speculated that this stupid big one has come, all kinds of rumors are there. In the next few days, but a few bitter pocks, Qin Yu, the big stomach king, opened the meal, basically a few people can also fish soup Drink, the rest let him give the bag.

Qin Lan never thought that this place could still be such a good place. He didn’t talk about it, but he still waited for a bunch of people to wait around every day. Every day except eating, he slept, how beautiful it was, and he was not in a hurry to go out. Looking for lilac.



In the office, Yan Baocheng patted the table and pointed at Meng Dahua’s nose and said: "Just like this, you can't do anything, you can't do it, no, you can make it out of this position and let others do it."

"Deputy, you don't know, the fool is very powerful. They are scared. They are now sneaking like a pug. The other characters haven't been transferred yet..." Meng Dahua explained.

"You have no other way? You can't transfer him to the farm to work, get something to run away, give him a shot?"

Yan Baocheng did not have a good air.


"Oh, since the deputy chief said so, I will arrange it in the next few days."

Meng Dahua Road.

"It’s not these days, it’s now.” Yan Bao’s sighing table.

"Yes, yes, I will go now."

Meng Dahua Road.

Qin Lan was sleeping, and the alarm in the prison rang loudly. The voice of the guards broadcasted back and forth inside: "All the prisoners immediately gathered in the square."

"Pock, what are they talking about?" Qin Yu woke up and asked, looking up.

"Don't, they said they want to gather, it is estimated that they are going to work on the farm." Meng Dahua said.


Qin Hao should have a voice, he is not afraid of working, quickly dressed and followed the Mazi and others to the square.

Meng Dahua took the horn and announced a few words. He attacked the people and got on the car and went to the farm.

"Xiao Xu, the vice-president has put pressure on me. This time, I have to fix this fool anyway." Meng Dahua said to the confession of his side.

"The supervisor is assured that I will be able to save his life with a bullet." Xu Bing coldly.

He is a famous archer, pointing to where to fight, the black guns of these years are all he played, and Meng Dahua is extremely trusting.

"I don't worry about your shooting, but we have to give ourselves a way to go. It's best to start at night, don't fall into the real population, and there is a reason for being bright. I heard that the fool has a good, his mind is simple. You can make a fuss about it. As long as he walks out of our surveillance area, it is legal to shoot him."

"Even if one day the deputy chief downfalls, it will not be implicated in us. I say so, do you understand?"

Meng Dahua shouted.

"Yes, or the deputy chief thought thoughtfully!"

Xu Bing respectfully nodded.


Yang Jingjing has been dealing with the murder case in the neighboring town for half a month. After all, he has personally captured the murderer and broke the murder of the local people.

After breaking the case, Yang Jingjing couldn't attend the party's celebration feast and went straight to the bureau. She got the news these days, and Qin Hao ran with the **** called lilac.

She must find cloves through the household registration information as soon as possible to ensure the safety of Qin.

Yang Jingjing went out for half a month, and cloves spent half a month at the gate of the county bureau.

She just got out of the car, and the cloves rushed over and shouted, "Yang Yangguan!"

"Lilac, I am looking for you."

Yang Jingjing saw cloves and was happy.

"Yang police officer, dumb, dumb him..."

Lilac was thrown into the arms of Yang Jingjing, and even the crying could not be said.

"What happened, lilac, you said slowly."

Yang Jingjing brought the cloves to the bureau, soaked her face and prepared hot water.

Lilac put Yan Baoshan on the old Ding family, and found Shi Dalong and Qin Hao to compete, and then went to the police to arrest people one by one.

"Damn, Xiao Zhou, you called me Li Ping, I want to see who gave him the dog, dare to arrest people."

Yang Jingjing is angry.

A few people on the side of Xiao Zhou snorted and didn't dare to say anything.

"What's wrong? He is a sub-director, can't move?" Yang Jingjing asked with a frown.

"Captain, you don't know Someone behind the house, she said it is a matter of Yan family, this is still asking?" Xiao Zhou shrugged helplessly.

"This is another name. What do he want to do, do you really think Qinghe County is their home?"

"I want to see the seat and report to Mr. Gong from the county."

Yang Jingjing stunned.

"Captain, forget it, Mr. Gong can't provoke him, Yan Baocheng is the head of our seat. You are not at all fair." Although Xiao Zhou and others are empty, they are not in Qinghe. Can be shaken.

Yang Jingjing put her hands on her hips and walked to the window, next to her lips. The glamorous iceberg was tight and she could not tear the dark sky.

She is very helpless, she can't help Qin Hao.

When it was really a tiger, Pingyang was bullied by a dog. With Qin Qian’s status one year ago, a strict treasure of the district could enter his eyes. Now he is being oppressed by the **** guy, and even the lungs can be blown up.

"You immediately check to find out where Li Ping got people."

"Check it now, I am waiting."

Yang Jingjing turned to Xiao Zhoudao.

Xiao Zhou took the lead and went out. After a while, he took the mobile phone and walked in. He said: "Yang team, they got people to go to a prison, this is to want people to die."


"He dares!"

"Yan Baocheng is looking for death!"

"Xiao Zhou, from the police force you are staring, I will go out."

Yang Jingjing knew that she couldn’t help but could only find someone.

Qin Hou is going to die in Qinghe County. The whole south and China will be completely transformed into the Yan family. No other day, the sky will fall and he will have to be saved.

Suddenly, she thought of a person who could have come up with a way.


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