The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1506: Yin Jia for help

Jiangnan City, Yin Zhai!

According to the garden-style pattern of Suzhou, the house is hidden in the green mountains and green waters, and it is very poetic.

Yin Zhuoran is a mature politician. When he was in charge of Jiangdong, he always loved the landscape of Nanzhou. He personally came to Nanzhou Tourism Exhibition to conduct research.

Since he was removed from the Qin Dynasty by the Qin Dynasty, he lived in Nanzhou and lazily returned to his former residence in the capital. He chose to rush and retreat, writing and painting every day.

Yin Jia has always been a big family in politics. As the backbone of this generation, Yin Zhuoran certainly will not be willing to retreat.

All of this is nothing more than a representation to the Yan family. In fact, he is concerned about the changes in current affairs every day. More importantly, he is waiting, waiting for Qin Hou to make a comeback.

"Uncle, just received the news, Chen Song's hand went to Shonan, and the local people who sent us to the intimidation resigned, almost killed the family."

"Nobody thought that the Yan family had found this mad dog. The situation at the moment is not as good as one day. If we continue to do so, we are afraid that it will be difficult to turn over again."

Yin Fan walked in and hurried.

"Don't be so pessimistic, everything is not absolute. As long as Qin Hou is still alive, we have hopes of turning over."

Yin Zhuoran took off his glasses, put down the sheep, sat down on the pear flower chair, and tasted the tea ceremony.

"Oh, the ridiculous world is nothing more than a dispute between the two. The Yan family is in charge, and the hurricane evil that has finally stopped suddenly began to rise again. Some time ago, the demolition of Dongzhou was not even heard. Forcibly dragged it out and pushed the house directly."

"In private, the powder is sold, and the dross of the people is endless."

"I wonder, Yan, they don't want to be okay?"

Yin Fan asked inexplicably.

"Everyone has a way of survival for everyone. The Yan family is a conservative. They are in power. They naturally have to satisfy the interests of those people. If you don’t think that you are going to put the treasure on a Qin Hou on the political background?"

"Because this person has a conscience, there is him, we can not be pointed to the backbone of the people, even if they retreat, they can still sleep peacefully."

Yin Zhuoran said.

"Hey, Qin Hou is also a teacher and friend to me. The world is spreading. He and Yan Jiutian have a year of covenant, but only God knows if he is still alive. The corpse is still sealed at the door of the Wushen Temple."

"Think of the pain."

Yin Fan sighed in tears.

"Mr. Yin, Miss Yang is coming, see you still see?"

The butler came in and asked.

"Jing Jing? Please come in."

Yin Zhuoran sighed after a few seconds of silence.

She knows that Yang Jingjing, like her father, is a good policeman who hates hatred, but nowadays this world, good people are difficult, she came to the door, 80% is looking for herself to do things.

The answer, no doubt will be an empty, not happy.

Yang Jingjing walked in and respectfully said hello: "Mr. Yin, Yin Shao!"

"Jing Jing, I have a life and death relationship with your father. Now I am not in power. You are my uncle, just like Yin Fan and his sister."

Yin Zhuoran got up and laughed loudly.

Yin Fan personally gave her and lilac a tea and accompanied him.

He has always been higher than the top, and few can look at the eyes, but Yang Jingjing is absolutely admirable for him. Although it is a generation of women, it is also a must-have, and it is full of anger and disrespect.

"Jingjing, I saw you, I thought of Lao Yang, oh, there are unpredictable things in the sky, and old Yang is a pity." Yin Zhuoran blinked and sighed.

"Uncle, I am here to ask for you."

Yang Jingjing said.

"Jing Jing, you know, my uncle is already in power. You know in politics, people are not in their place, and everything is virtual."

"Moreover, now I am surnamed Yan, and my uncle is saying something, and it is not good."

Yin Fan knew that Yin Zhuoran refused to take the initiative and spoke up.

"Where, I understand the rules."

"But you must help, but you can't help!"

"I found him!"

Yang Jingjing pressed the voice down, and it was true.

"You mean, Qin..."

Yin Zhuoran’s eyebrows are shining, and his eyes are shining with heat.

"Yes, he has lost his memory now, and his name is Qin Dumb."

"I brought a person today. Qin Hou has been with her for these days."

Yang Jingjing Road.

"Great, great, blessed, I know that his life is higher than the sky, and he will be alive."

"Where is he, I will go see him now."

Yin Zhuoran is full of tears and excitement.

"He offended the deputy director of Qinghe County, Yan Baocheng, and was trapped in a prison. Yan Baocheng only covered the sky in Qinghe County. Qinhou is now unclear. A prisoner is a place to be human. Mr. Yin, you must act. I am afraid that it is too late, Qin Hou was killed."

Yang Jingjing Road.

"Oh, a little deputy is a dog thing, I am going to kill him." Yin Fan screamed at the table.

"Sit down, what identity do you take to manage him now?"

"Can he listen to you? Then again, it’s a big noise, and it’s alarming Yan family. Are you helping him or harming him?"

Yin Zhuo'an calm analysis What to do, can't always look at Hou Ye being bullied by this grandson. Yin Fan said in tears.

"I thought about it, let's prepare with both hands. First, I went through the relationship and went to find Mr. Hou of Nanbin City, let him put pressure on Yan Baocheng, not name, not just save people, just pressure."

"Yin Fan, you immediately went to Lieutenant Colonel Jiangcheng. He used to be a Falcon squad. He worked with Qin Hou, and in the name of catching the deserters, he went to a prisoner."

"In addition, I have to find a way to contact Mr. Zhang's dark line and contact Mr. Zhang Daling as soon as possible to let him find a way to see Qin Hou, to make the next step."

"Jing Jing, after you go back, don't have any movements, don't mention this again, just don't know anything."

"Especially Qinhou's identity, as confidential as possible, less than one person knows, he will be more safe."

Yin Zhuoran said.

"Yes, uncle, I will go back."

"The clove, you still can't see?"

Yang Jingjing asked.

"I haven't seen it. Seeing me is not good for her. You remember, anyone has to be prepared for Qinhou's comeback."

"We, the people under the heavens, can't afford to lose."

Yin Zhuoran sighed.

Qin Lan did not know that his fall has already touched the forces of all parties.

The first thing that noticed that something was not right was Yan Baocheng. The team of the superior Nanbin City Supervision Committee stationed in Qinghe overnight and released the wind, mainly to check his stalls.

Yan Bao’s achievements are wondering. I have to know that he hasn’t been going to do a little job in the past. Otherwise, he wouldn’t dare to be so rampant. This is what hurricane has been blown up and he got his head up.

Intuition tells him that he has offended.


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