The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1523: Clove married

Yan Baoshan wore a red robes, a red flower on his chest, a groom's official dress, and a bearded smile under the jaw in the mirror.

Everyone has a good spirit!

After more than half a year of fighting with him, Ding Jia finally compromised under his tiger's prestige. After the dead fool went away, Lilac finally chose to marry the Yan family for the peace of the family.

The meaning of cloves is extraordinary. In addition to fulfilling the father's wishes, it is announced to the villagers. As long as he is what Yan Baoshan wants, there is nothing that can't be done, but if he is right with Yan, he will not end well.

Of course, the cloves are tender, and Yan Baoshan can eat a fresh meat. It is a pleasure to be in the heart.

"Hey, Yan Laoye is really handsome today, and he is more resistant than the 20-year-old child in the village."

Ding Qimei, who was wearing a heavy makeup, walked in and complimented.

"Where, old."

Yan Baoshan is a polite way.

"Strict Master, you are a healthy body, more spiritual than those who are twenty years old. When you turn back to the door and give birth to his nine dragons, it is not easy."

Ding Qimei is full of flowers, so good words will come.

"Haha, good for you, a little girl, I like it, reward!"

Yan Baoshan listened to the big joy, and took a big red envelope from the paint tray next to him, and threw it in the arms of Ding Qimei.

"Thank you, Yan Ye, thank you Yan."

"Yan Ye, I can't find it at that time. Let's go to the old Ding family and meet."

"The rules here are old-fashioned, you have to go in person, the house is all set up, please."

Ding Qimei said.

"Cheng, who made me really like this girl, just take him a trip." Yan Baoshan said.

The courtyard built by the old Ding family has already been filled with the bride price sent by Yan Jia. In the house, two women are happy to give the cloves a slap!

"One set of whole family, two sets of family business, three plates Sun Wang!"

"Clove, you are so blessed, Yan Ye really likes you, you can slap the bridegroom outside this door for you to eat and wear. If you open the branches later, your old Ding can be You are on the door."

The two Xi Niang said one word to the left and one right.

Lilac looked at the mirror with no expression, the one wearing red makeup, glamorous and moving, the heart was gray.

These days she has already cried tears!

She struggled, she struggled, and eventually gave up.

The original dumb was her spiritual pillar and the source of her courage. But since the dumb was taken by the police, there was no more movement. She hoped to go to the county town again and again to know his news.

But in the end it was all in vain, even if the kind and honest female police officer was perfunctory.

She followed Yang Jingjing to the landscape mansion in Nanzhou, knowing that there is a big man in the area, and dumb can deal with such people, as Abba said, it is not ordinary people.

Lilac can feel that dumbness can't come back, not delusion, but the kind of mental sensory is cut off by life. No matter whether dumb is life or death, this person may not have another intersection, and everything can only be a memory.

The last time Lilac went to the county seat, Yang Jingjing hid her and refused to meet.

After returning from that day, she died.

The heart is dead, can't defend love, she can only choose family.

Nothing is more important than parents. Since it is not a strict family, only compromises can at least allow Abba and Ama to live, and let the big brother out of the prison!

"I want to talk to my mother alone, please go out."

Lilac is faint.

Two Xi Niangs retired.

Li Jinfeng walked in and held her daughter's shoulders, tears falling.

"Clove, all my parents are useless, even my daughter can't keep it, it's all useless, I really can't wait..."

Li Jinfeng was crying.

"Auntie, don't blame you, blame this God, don't give us a way to live."

"There is really nothing. My daughter marries a chicken and marries a dog. Not all of them are married. They said that Yan Baoshan really likes me and will not treat me badly."

Lilac calms the mother.

"That Ah..."

Li Jinfeng thought about it, but he did not dare to say it. Dumbness has become a scar of his daughter. This life is afraid that it has been hurting.

"What about my father?"

Lilac asked about the topic.

"Going to the back of the mountain, no face to see people, looking for the old man to talk."

Li Jinfeng sighed.

"There is nothing to see, no matter what is more important than living. What do people say about it?"

"I have asked, Yan Baoshan will let the big brother out of prison next month. With my relationship, the cost of getting married and having children will be there. When the Ding family passes the ancestor, you can take it. Hold your grandson."

Clove Road.

Last night, she thought about it all night, and she also looked at it. The kind of dumbness was so strong that she could not have it. She is a small village aunt, a baby, a hot girl is her fate.

Since she can't escape, only obedience, she can't express her reluctance, let her parents guilty.

After all, the days have to go on, habits are good!

"Jin Feng, Lao Ding, Yan Ye to pick up relatives."

Ding Qimei shouted outside the door with a lilac, my good daughter, it’s time to go. ”

Li Jinfeng put a hijab on her daughter, and two Xi Niang helped the cloves out of the door and waited in the yard safely.

Yan Baoshan took a four-circle brand-name sedan and came to the door of Dingjia. His chest was full of red flowers and his face was full of joy.

"What about my daughter-in-law lilac?"

Yan Baoshan can't wait to yell at the big scorpion.

"Yan Ye, you are so anxious, you can run, the bride is coming."

Ding Qimei and Xi Niang walked out of the cloves, and the drummers next to them smashed the gangs, and Wu Lai’s beat and sang.

Yan Baoshan saw a lilac in a robe. The graceful figure was shaken step by step. When I thought of such a beautiful Jiaowa, I would wait for myself every day, and my heart would soon fly. I would go to pull the hand of Lilac.

Lilac subconsciously shrunk back. Under the eyes of the public, Yan Baoshan even pulled a few times and couldn't get it. The face suddenly became overcast and unhappy.

"Yan Ye, I can't eat hot tofu, and waited for the church to become your strict family. How to play with it is not a matter for you."

"It’s a top priority to hurry home and worship."

Ding Qimei was afraid of hurting the atmosphere and quickly came out to play the round.

"Hey, go!"

Yan Baoshan waved his hand and got on the car. Lilac was also slammed by two Xi Niang, stuffed into the car, and in the sound of firecrackers, drove to the big house.

When I arrived at the big house, the guests naturally followed the slogan and said a congratulatory message. Yan Baoshan’s mood is better.

Waiting for Xi Niang to help the cloves cross the brazier, Ding Qimei is afraid of night dreams, ran this advantage, and quickly urged: "Yan Ye, hurry to worship."

"Well, then please!" Yan Baoshan Road.


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