The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1524: A fool like a **** (5)

When I arrived at Xitang, Gaotang was given the spirit of Yanzizi, and the shouting was Wang Ergou. The original work was generally called by the highly respected people in the village. However, everyone in the village knows that Yan Jia is a wicked thing. Whoever really wants to do this is not sure if he is willing to come. He will only let the two dogs shout.

"A world!"

Wang Ergou cleared his throat and shouted with the sharp voice.

Yan Baoshan respectfully bowed to the heavens, but the lilac was on the sidelines, and it seemed extremely out of sync. This made Yan Baoshan very faceless.

"Shantou, you are going to worship, the county officials are watching, don't be tempered."

Ding Qimei secretly reminded.

Lilac also knows that Yan Baoshan is not good for his own family, but at the moment her knees are like tens of thousands of pounds, so I can't bend it.

"Clove, if you don't want your big brother to shoot a gun, just talk to Lao Tzu."

"I just said it once, you can do it."

Yan Baoshan reminded me coldly.

As soon as I thought of my eldest brother, Lilac burst into a trembling and slowly bent down and went down together.

"Well, this is what it is."

Ding Qimei Chong Wang Ergou made a look, the latter is also called the second worship Gaotang.

The two turned their backs and faced the cards in the lobby and went on.

After the second worship, the cicada’s mind constantly appeared in the thick, pure face of dumbness, missing the smell of sweat on his body, missing him biting his chest, working hard in her body, every picture, every Every little bit of life is so beautiful, so the aftertaste is endless.

Dumb, my man, don't, don't...

"Couple handing over..."

Wang Ergou tried his best to produce the loudest voice in his life.

Suddenly a squeaky sound, I do not know where to fly a stone, just hit him in the mouth, Wang Ergou wow spit out a mouth full of blood broken teeth, the pain is straight and screaming.

"Wang Ergou, this, what's going on?"

The good wedding was so troubled, the guests were all shocked, and the discussion was over. Yan Baoshan’s face was lost, and he couldn’t wait to slap the deadly useless thing, and looked down on the man who was guilty.

"Yan, I, I..."

Wang Ergou finally took out the peach from his mouth, and the liver fired and yelled at the crowd: "Who is this, who is the mother, don’t want to be good, dare to sing in the good days of Yan Ye. I don’t think it’s so happy!”


There was a cold drink at the door.

Everyone looked at the door and saw a silver youth and a glamorous female police officer coming together. Many people in the political circles were aware of Yang Jingjing. She knew that she was a criminal investigation team leader and she did not look too much. in.

On the contrary, Qin Lan, handsome Shenwu, arrogant and aggressive, just like the appearance and temperament, Qinghe County could not find the second number, and this kid dared to make troubles at the wedding banquet of Yan Baoshan, and it is expected that it will not be small.

"Dumb, dumb, is his voice!"

Lilac is like a dream. Qin's voice is like a thunder, pulling her out of the sweet memories, the desperate, gray sky, the moment is like a translucent.

Lilac didn't care so much, he opened the hijab and looked at the door and looked at it.

It is his dumb, the same face!

But why did my heart not jump, why he became so cold and proud, the bright pupil looked at himself, without the slightest passion, joy!

Is this the dumb of the **** who has pampered himself?

"Dumb, is that you?"

Lilac asked in awe.

Qin Xiao smiled slightly and did not answer.

He tried to remember this girl, even if it was only a drop, a minute, but unfortunately, completely blank, facing her tears, his heart was indifferent, irrespective of love, and at most there was only sympathy.

He didn't want to pretend to remember her, very close to her, so too hypocritical.

From the girl's eyes, he can read how much she loves herself and how much she cares about herself, but he really wants to say sorry, his heart really does not jump, in the ocean of memory. She is completely strange to existence.

He smiled, and Lilac understood. She shook her head in despair and stepped back. She felt a whirlwind.

This is Qin Yi, a female police officer, not her dumb.

This is a completely stranger, and he can't remember who she is at all.

However, he was safe and sound, he recovered his memory, what is more important than his safe life?

"Enough, lilac, you can't be too greedy, he doesn't belong to you!"

"You are a village girl, he is a big man, he is not your dumb, your dumbness has gone. You are not a world person, so strange, right, this is the best."

Lilac glared at her eyes, and the painful sorrow screamed on the ground, and she was still trying to persuade herself to accept this cruel reality.

"Qin Wei, don't you feel so cruel to yourself? You should hug her, kiss her, your conscience, where is your justice?"

Looking at the pain of the desperate suffering of cloves, Yang Jingjing shed tears, and could not take care of the identity of Qin Yu, yelling.

Qin Lan slowly took a step and went to the cloves.

Yang Jingjing said that he should hug her. Some things have existed and will not be erased.

"It turned out to be your fool."

"Oh, how, not in prison, dyed, and the courage is strong?"

"Look at your dog's eyes and see There are so many officials in Yan Sanye today, you have to dare to scatter wild, that is a dead end."

Wang Ergou screamed at the scene with more than a hundred mixed children.

"I am not a fool, my name is Qin Hao!"

Qin Yan's eyebrows are cold, palms are one, Wang Ergou's whole person flies up, and one knees on the stone lion at the door, suddenly his head falls into several petals, red and white sprinkled on the ground, on the spot He died.


Someone in the crowd screamed and ran out of the yard.

"No one is allowed to go!"

"Dare to scatter wildly at Laozi’s wedding. I will not kill him today. I will not call Yan Baoshan."

Yan Baoshan clearly felt that the Qin dynasty's temperament had undergone tremendous changes, but the three brothers Yan Baoguang saw more than a hundred blood hitters here, and his heart was not afraid.

"Oh la la!"

Hundreds of mixed-childs rushed in. These mixed-childs were cut out from the blood of the Knife Mountain in the past few years. It is the most capable of playing in Qinghe County.

Yan Baoguang waved his hand and the messengers sealed the door of the courtyard. The murderous smashed out the knife!

"He is right, since you are here, let's stay."

"Today I am the master here, and Xitang is transformed into a mourning hall, but anyone who has hurt Lilac and humiliated her must die!"

Qin Lan held his arm and crossed the body of Wang Ergou. He continued to walk forward without any trouble.

"Mom, it’s too crazy, when the old brother is eating dry food?"

"Brothers, don't be afraid, kill it today, count the old man's account, and the old man will kill him."

Yan Baoguang glared at the cigar.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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