The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1544: It is important to my life (5)

"Gu Lao, Miss Wen has arrived, the handover can begin."

Gu Hongwei just walked down the military vehicle and had not had time to pick up the teacup. Li Yang whispered.

"What to pick up, this is the home of my Jiangdong soldiers, go back to my home, do you have to sign and agree?"

"To go to you, the attitude gives me a tough point. We are the righteous people, the people's division. If we treat these running dogs and scums, we must take out the blood of the soldiers."

Gu Hongwei did not have a good air.

"Miss Wen, after all, was the chief of Qin..." Li Yang did not know how to say it.

"I know this better than you, so you bring Huang Yaodong, they are close, what is there for him, you listen."

Gu Hongwei thought about it.

After all, Qin Yan’s face is still to be given. Of course, another reason for his anger is that Wen Xue’s marriage to Chen Song is a must for the entire army. This former international female president has become a spoiled by everyone. woman.

Wen Xueyan took a business car with a yellow totem of Huang Quanlong, and slowly came from the west. As soon as he entered the theater, the murderous eyes of the three army officers and men rushed over like water, and wanted to drown her.

The people around the ceremony are pointing at the car and resent.

Although Wen Xueying couldn't hear what they were saying, they didn't have to think about it. There was no such thing as a good word. It was nothing more than a swearing or rotten goods.

The driver's hand driving has been shaking, and there is a cold sweat on his forehead. There is a illusion that there is no return.

The car stopped at the east side of the square. Wen Xueyu smashed a red dress with a red dress and carried the Qin dynasty and slowly walked down the car.

Li Yang and Huang Yaodong were greeted by her. Huang Yaodong, who was very respectful to her in the past, was cold and cold at the moment, raising his hand and coldly saying: "Mrs. Chen, please come to the table!"

A Mrs. Chen, life and life have separated all the past relationships.

Wen Xueyu smiled and walked calmly to the table and sat down.

She has long been accustomed to the rumors and misunderstandings of the world. Then, if she and Chen Song are "brutal", the planes, cannons, and armored vehicles on this square have long been destroyed by Yanjia, and they can be sealed intact. The library is showing a new look today.

She never expected the world to understand and understand how great she is!

"This is the letter and document certificate that Chen Song received from the war zone, Mazhuang and Daqin base. I have already prepared the case at the notary office and the international lawyers. Since today, all the land will be transferred to the Jiangdong Military Department without compensation."

"General Huang and General Li, we will sign and draw!"

Wen Xueyu opened the box and took out Chen Song’s Qin Bang’s letter. Just stamped on it, Huang Yaodong slammed the big print and grabbed the documents on the table. In front of Wen Xue’s face, A little bit of tearing has shattered.

"Mrs. Chen, I hope that you can be clear, we don't need to transfer it for free. This is our base. The past is, now and in the future!"

"Put up your dirty, shameless big print, we don't need it!"

"I am now officially telling you the general of General Jiang Hongwei, the chief of the three armed forces of Jiangdong, and the chief of the Qinqin of the Qinqin base of our ministry. From now on, we will take over the three military sites, and you must evacuate all of them within an hour. Otherwise, I am arrogant about military crimes!"

Huang Yaodong’s face was stunned.

Looking at the file as a snowflake in the sky, Wen Xuexuan’s heart is like a knife. These people know that in order to save the three bases, Chen Song was almost like a dog at the door of Yan Nanyang for three days and three nights. I don't know how many smiles I have lost, how many money I have raised, and let the brainless Yan San less open.

She did not explain, standing pale in the paper, standing on the ground, holding her lips tight!

Today should be a good day, but at this moment, she is not happy at all!

She does not care about her own efforts, but Chen Song should not be insulted. This letter is innocent. It has been made with blood and blood and has never been despised and slandered.

"Yes, sir!"

Wen Xueyu closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He slowly lowered his head and picked up the big print on the ground. He wiped out the dust and carefully wiped it into the box.

“Is it so important?”

Huang Yaodong asked coldly, and the sorrowful color in his eyes was even heavier.

"Yes, it is very important, just as important as my life!"

Wen Xueyu replied very seriously.

"Oh my gun, before I even want to kill, bring your running dog and get out of the base!"

Huang Yaodong has an insulted anger, and his teeth are cold.

In his view, Wen Xueyu protects this letter, which is to protect the dog thief Chen Song, which is a provocation and insult to Qin Hou, which is absolutely not allowed.

If it wasn’t for Wen’s identity, he would shoot him on the spot.

"Yes, sir."

Wen Xueyan held a letter and turned to look at hundreds of blind eyes behind him, wearing work uniforms, and incomprehensible Qin Gang disciples. They are reliable and loyal people who Chen Song personally screened. Before the army did not come in, it was They guard the munitions every night and every night in the base of the theater.

In those days, they used blood and life here with the daring criminal gang, and the mercenary squad that came from the wind, trying to steal the extreme weapons of important weapons, once this team had The thousand people, now only three hundred people are left, and the remaining seven hundred people have already been buried in the soil.

Today, the 200,000 triumphant soldiers are heroes, but they are also more to protect this land, worthy of a hero.


The three armies are majestic, they are as small as grass, and Huang Yaodong is unscrupulous. They are walking dogs, and they dare not have the slightest objection!

Desperate with the enemy, hit by bullets, no one cried, but now the flag is in the sky, the most festive days, their hearts are under this sound, and instantly broken and turned into tears.

"I assure you that one day, you will stand on the square and welcome flowers and applause. This person who insults you will apologize to you, wear a medal for you, and pay the highest respect to you. ”

Wen Xueyu looked at the disciples who were crying, and smiled calmly.


Wen Xueyu held the seal, and his head was high in the scornful resentment of the three armed forces and the people, and entered the car with pride.

The disciples of the three hundred guards wiped their tears and jumped into the car!

The team screamed and slowly left the Guangfu Square.

One day, they will be back!

All the blood flowing through, the sweat that flows through, will receive the most fair judgment, the most fair courtesy!

Huang Yaodong looked at the far-off team, and there was a disdainful smile on his lips. Like everyone else, he didn't know what was happening here. He only knew that these people had to pay the price of blood for the stupidity of the past.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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