The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1545: Qin Hou’s helplessness

(97 novel network

"Hou Ye, Miss Wen is coming again, she must see you."

Zhang Daling wiped the cold sweat on his head and walked up the wall, quite helpless.

"not see!"

"Let her not come, I won't see her."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

"But she said that she will not see you, never leave!"

"You know, I don't dare to chase her, this outside sun is so poisonous, she is so consumed, I am afraid..."

Zhang Daling is somewhat wrong.

"I can see everyone, but Chen Song can't see her, and pass me the original words to her."

"Let her not come in the future!"

Qin Hao told the road.


Zhang Daling shook his head and quickly went to order.

He witnessed Qin Hou and Miss Wen bit by bit, no matter how Huang Yaodong and others despised Wen Xueyan, Zhang Daling always had a pity for her.

When I arrived at Mazhuang, I watched the sun in the hot sun, and Wen Xue, who was full of sweat, Zhang Daling felt distressed and frowned: "Miss Wen, you don't rely on it, Hou Ye said, everyone in the world can see Only you and Chen Song dog thief can't. Oh, I know that you have a hard time, but there is no way, now Hou Ye is hard to recover the hearts of the people in the South, the people and the soldiers of the three armed forces are staring at it, this time to see you, people are not Is it scattered?"

"Miss Wen, go back, wait until the South is completely restored, and Hou will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Zhang Daling bitterly said.

"I am not here for myself, I am for Chen Song, Chen Song is not a thief, he is a hero, you should not be like this to him."

"I know that he understands, I beg you, at least give him a way to live. Today is already on the 11th. For another four days, you will attack the Shijing General Hall. Your people will kill him."

Wen Xueyu yelled anxiously.

"Mrs. Chen, Chen is a vicious thief. It is a traitor and a dog thief known to everyone in the world. Let me say that, it is good for you to stay away from him."

"The traitor will die!"

Zhang Daling’s original face and Yan Yue color instantly turned into a wind and snow sword, cold and screaming.

Chen Song is the first evil of the gods and gods. This is what everyone in the world knows. This is the iron case. No one can turn it over, even if it is Qinhou, it will not work!

"Okay, I understand, I am leaving!"

Wen Xueyu nodded in pain, smiled and looked at the majestic wall of Mazhuang in the distance, and turned away.

Some things, she knows better than anyone else. She just wants to do something for Chen Song, but now hope has been completely shattered, she has accepted her life.

"Hou Ye, she is gone!"

Zhang Daling Road.

"Going well!"

Standing on the wall of Mazhuang, Qin Lan looked at the clouds and clouds in the sky, and his face was filled with sad bitterness, and he sighed slightly.

War is always cruel!

Today's signing ceremony, he knows that Wen Xueyan will go, he knows that the three military bases are intact, there must be Chen Song, Wen Xueyu's efforts, and those who have fallen tears.

Qin Hao has always understood them, just as they know themselves and respect them, as if they respect themselves.

But he can't make names for those people, and he can't pay tribute to all the "dark heroes" who sacrificed in the cheers of the people!

Some people are dedicated to morality in the light, remembered by the world, and some people quietly drain the last drop of blood in the darkness, and they are destined to be unknown, even carrying the eternal name.

Qin Lan grateful to them, but unfortunately, the people in the world will always see the light, the blood of the dripping, the longing for those who worship, the no one will remember the dead fighters in the dark,

But this is the human heart, this is the right way!

Even if it is an emperor of the ages, it will be able to do something, and it will not be able to compete with the hearts of the world.

The same is true of him, too.

This is doomed, the heroes who died in the dark can not share the glory, they can only stay in their hearts, always remember!

There are now such a group of unknown heroes, there will be in the future, this is the world, this is the so-called king!

The world is always cruel!

"Hou Ye, Miss Wen is gone. You said that she didn't know what konjac was in it. I still dare to speak for Chen Song, oh, but unfortunately."

Zhang Da inspired to sigh.

"What is the preparation for the martial arts conference?"

Qin Xiao smiled and avoided this topic.

"The invitation has already been sent out. Tomorrow is the 12th. On the 15th, the attack on the official altar of Shijing will be carried out. Once Hou Ye is in the league, the real life will be known to the world. When the people return to the heart, it is Chen. The end of the pine."

Zhang Daling Road.

"How is the person coming?"

Qin Hao asked.

"It is true that as Hou said, the basics of the arrival have arrived. There are still many raw faces that have not been seen before. It is estimated that Yanjia is the master of the bottom!"

Zhang Daling replied.

"Well, I will go to Wujiazhuang tomorrow. You will call Su Fang to come and see me." Qin Yu told me After a while, Yan Sufang went to the city wall. "Hey, look for me?"

"Su Fang, you take a flight to see the snow, let Yunxiao send someone to pick her up to Jiandao, to take care of Xiaoyan's name."

"There is no public opinion on the other side of Jiandao. I can’t pass it anymore. I am more assured of my family. I am relieved."

"This must be done in secret, including Zhang, and my parents can't understand."

Qin Hao told the road.

Yan Sufang is a hi, she is recognized for Wen Xueying's character, and is also sympathetic. If she stays in Shijing, she must die with Chen Song. Qin Hao now let her leave, and she still believes in Wen Xueyu.

"I can go, but you know that Snowy's temper, she is stubborn, may not listen to me." Yu Sufang said.

"You told her that I never doubted her, and believed that she believed me, including Chen Song!"

"I will give her a satisfactory answer!"

"In addition, called Song Yulai, preparing for the military plane, said that I am going to visit Xie Laos and discuss military affairs."

Qin Hao told the road.

"With your words, Xue Yu should be relieved."

"I will go!"

Yu Sufang is very happy.


Wen Xueyu lost back to the Song Mansion.

With the return of the Jiangdong base and the re-emergence and recruitment of the Daqin army, the Qin gang under the control of the Qin gang was faltering. Although there was no obvious rebellion in the vicinity, there was a lot of air floating over the entire Shijing, and there were many differences in the Song Gongguan. The guard who lost the trace was afraid of being involved in the catastrophe.

Into the courtyard, Chen Songzheng was sitting in the yard and drinking lightly. He only drank the Russian vodka in the death ban, and went into the throat and the fire, so that he was always awake, knowing what it was for, and how important it is to live. Not despair.

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