The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1558: Final battle

Yan nine days of action frequently, everything is expected in Qin Yu.

Although the Tianshan battle, he defeated and devastated Yan Jiu Tian. But there is the **** superiority in heaven, and Yan’s recovery will only be faster than him. Now it seems that it is not fake.

Qin Hao has worn it, and now he is back to the peak of the previous peak, and it is definitely not Yan’s opponent.

When he is defeated, he will surely ask for the mighty power of heaven to ask for advice. At this time, I am afraid that I have already figured out the number of ways to restrain the Qin dynasty. If you want to win, there is only one way to go. That is to find the remains in Kunlun. The Three Boundary Stones on the mountain beat Yan Yan for nine days with absolute overwhelming advantage, letting the power of heaven not responding.

Otherwise, his ending is still only one, fiasco!

Of course, in the invisible heaven, there are also people who are helping him. This makes Qin Xi always able to survive in the Jedi, but from the bright side, the master who helped him is obviously not as dominant as the master behind Yan Jiutian.

If you want to master your own destiny, you have a long way to go. It is time to solve everything in the mortal world and go to Kunlun Mountain!

"Ma San is flexible. The news he got should not be fake. You let him keep an eye on the movements of Kunlun Mountain. When there is a wind and grass, tell me immediately." Qin said.

"Hou Ye rest assured, I will collect messages from multiple channels, be sure to strive to pass the latest, most accurate news to you." Zhang Daling nodded.

"Well, I am still at ease with your work."

"In addition, the follow-up pension of Qin Gangyi, and the announcement of John to the Guangming Guild, the convening of the journey and others will come back and continue the research of Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory."

The Qin dynasty told me nothing.

"It has already been put on the agenda, but there is no Miss Wan and Miss Wen. Now everyone in finance is like a headless fly. Some of them can't catch a head. How can I tell a few people?"

Zhang Daling is somewhat wrong.

"In this way, you will send someone to Lingyin Temple in Jiangsu and Zhejiang to pick up Ning Xin, let her temporarily serve as the chairman of Dongqi, and re-distribute the stalls. How much money is needed to be allocated to her by inventory." Hey, he finally thought of a suitable candidate.

"Miss Ning is the person in charge of the Yunnan-Zhejiang Economic Circle. Her father was once a native of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. She has some experience and it is appropriate for her to take over."

Zhang Daling is overjoyed.

The two were chatting. "Hou Ye, paper man, paper horse has been completed." Huang Yaodong walked in and reported.

"Well, go out and have a look." Qin Hao put down the tea bowl and stood up.

When I arrived at the square, more than a thousand dyed inks were smashed in the square, and more than a thousand soldiers were also modeled. Apart from being angry, it was no different from real soldiers.

"Hou, look, this is your paper, or not, I will change now."

It’s a famous piece of paper that is famous.

"Well, it's very good, great, reward!"

Qin Lan looked at those paper people, paper horses, and was very gratified.

"Everyone, due to military needs, from now on, forty-eight hours, please rest in the military camp. We will call you the bonuses later, please come with me."

Zhang Daling led everyone to the military needs hotel.

"Yao Dong, these paper people were transported to the military arsenal. From now on, the base has adopted a strict sealed lock. Within a radius of five miles, any satellite signals, drones, and spies are strictly forbidden."

"Can you do it?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Yes, I immediately use the spar energy to shield the signal from the entire base, so that everything that is born here will not be revealed."

Huang Yaodong led the way.

"Tomorrow's evening, it will be a wonderful show."

Qin Lan looked at the dark blue sky, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.


The next day, the Qin Gang elite from the Jiangdong states gathered in the Dongzhou General Hall, and there were tens of thousands of people. Qin Lan personally arrived in Dongzhou and appeared in the People's Square.

"Brothers, in the past six months, our Qin gang has been hit by an unprecedented impact. Countless **** sorcerers, such as my apprentices, are also our secrets, law enforcement, and the Ming Dynasty, and Chen Xin, who is in the halls. Out of my own life."

"Brothers, I know that you have a fire in your heart. Your blood is boiling and burning. It is time to sprinkle your hatred anger on Shijing and recapture the territory that belongs to us, our foundation!"

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Stop the Chen Song dog thief and help me revenge for the Chinese righteous."

Zhang Daling roared.

Everyone shouted in unison: "Chen Chen thief, 诛 Chen thief!"


Qin Yu’s big hand waved, dozens of strong gangs waved the banner of Huang Quanlong, and led the people to the direction of Shijing.

Shi Jing's main hall, Chen Song is also making the final mobilization. He must complete the play on the last day of his life.

In the lobby, there are piles of banknotes of hundreds of yuan, such as hills, red and swaying, and everyone in the lobby of the thorns hurts.

"Everyone, I have received news that the traitors have come to Shijing."

"I know that what is righteousness is illusory, and it is practical. Whoever fights with me today is my brother. The money on this land is yours."

"Every time you kill a traitor, you can use your hands to pick up a hand, no matter how much you are."

"Kill a pair of two, kill 100 people, just squat!"

"As long as I can keep my country today, you will be a great hero in the future. This opportunity is available every day."

Chen Songping spread his cold eyes everyone, laughed loudly.

"Made, Chen Bangzhu has always been very thin to us. In the past six months, the brethren have been fragrant and spicy. They want to play with women and they want to gamble. They are gambling. They don’t know the days when they are the same as the monks. Hurry and thousands of times."

"Brothers, even if you don't want to help the Lord, for the sake of ourselves, you must not let the gangsters succeed."

"I am willing to die with Chen and the Lord, and fight with blood!"

He spoke of a brave man with a slap in the face. He is called Sun Baitong. Some of them are repaired. In the early years, they were martial artists. Because this person is still loyal, he has a certain appeal in the gang.

He sipped and everyone else followed suit and expressed his willingness to die with his life.

Watching these scums agree, Chen Song’s face has a hint of sneer.

As far as these scums are concerned, they have already died. They just used them to act and let Qin Xi slaughter. It is also a way for the heavens, but there is nothing to lose heart.

Beginning in the afternoon, the East War began to martial law on the streets to prevent people from accidentally breaking into the civil war restricted area.

The entire Shijing alarm sounded long, and the Jiangdong government in the past was now dead, and there was a strong murderousness in the sky above the city.

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