The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1559: It’s a good show.

(97 novel network

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the thunder of the car was heard, and the Qin disciples jumped from the car. From the four directions of the southeast and northwest, they rushed into the Wuyi Lane, waiting for the Qinhou to be ordered. The general academy who built the bunker will fight for death.

Although for Qin and Chen Song, this is a play, played for Yan Dongyang, but also for the world to see.

However, in the eyes of Zhang Daling and each of the two disciples, this is a life-and-death internal **** battle. The winners are the losers of the king. Everyone’s eyes are blood red, and the long knife in their hands is already hungry and thirsty, only waiting for a deadly battle.

"Hou Ye, our people have already confronted them. They shouted for a long time. It’s not good. The grandchildren have been fighting chicken blood one by one. I really didn’t expect that Chen Songyang’s dogs are still quite a lot. Two or three thousand people, although we have a lot of people, but the place can't be opened, I am afraid that there must be a **** battle."

Zhang Daling Road.

"No problem, I have already ordered the Daqin army to be deployed in the dark. They can't escape from the wings. Let me order and attack."

Qin Xiaoyao looked at the tower of the Song Gongguan in the distance, and smiled faintly.

"诛 Thief!"

Zhang Daling was lucky enough to drink.

Helping the public like a tiger and a wolf, the handheld equipment was killed on the banks of the Wuyi River.

When Qin Hao was on the battle, he quietly went to the rear and saw Song Wei.

"Is the back door left?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Hou Ye rest assured that everything is ready, Chen Song will be safe to escape."

Song Hao nodded.

"Very well, remember, you have to protect Chen Song in secret, and you can't let him make a mistake. Otherwise, the play will be completely stunned, understand?"

Qin Yudao.

"Yes, sir."

Song Wei nodded.

On one side is **** enmity, on the other hand is rich, both sides are desperate to kill, the blood of Wuyi River flows into a river, shouting to kill the earthquake.

It has been going on for three hours, from 7:00 to 11:00. Due to the disadvantage of the number, Sun Baitong’s gang is gradually losing strength.

"Chen Ye, our people can't keep it, it's time to go."

Sun Baitong took a knife wound from his chest and walked up the tower, rushing.

"Well, I will retreat immediately. I know that there is a secret passage for escape. You can order more than a dozen trusted brothers, bring things, and immediately follow me."

Chen Song knows that the good drama is about to open up, and hurry.

Sun Baitong took the lead and personally went downstairs to pick people. The people used the sacks to disguise the gold and silver jade in the hall as much as possible. This led to the secret passage of the underground of the Song Gongguan under the leadership of Chen Song.

The secret road leads directly to the subway exit outside the city. Chen Song and others went out of the secret road and rushed all the way to the bus that had already stopped at the door.

Chen Song personally took the opportunity to drive out of the city.


He is in the position of the weakest West Gate, and because of the remoteness, there are several traffic policemen at the gate.

In the big call of the traffic police, Chen Song’s foot throttle crashed into the police car. The bus went out of the city and went straight to the direction of the water and fire valley in Qing’an County.

"Report, report, some people have escaped from the barrier, and some people have escaped."

The traffic police quickly yelled at the pager.

After Song Wei got the news, he took a sigh of relief and took the Jeep to the Song Mansion. The war here has come to an end. Only a few helpers are guerrillas around the mansion.

"Hou Ye, just got the news, suspected that Chen Song has escaped from Ximen." Song said.

"What, Chen thief has escaped, this, how is this possible?"

Zhang Daling shouted incredulously, and almost did not give the air to the past.

He also waited to rush into the mansion, and criticized Chen Song's skin and cramps for his loved ones. Who could have imagined that under the general embrace of the iron barrel, people were left.

"Who is the value of Ximen, it must be strictly investigated, Daling, there is a secret passage in the mansion, Chen Song is informed, but this is my miscalculation."

"You stayed to receive the mansion, I personally led the army to chase Chen Song, be sure to take him back."

Qin Yudao.

"Well, Hou Ye, the blood of hundreds of brothers who helped Qin, depends on you."

Zhang Daling sighed with relief.

Qin Lan immediately called the Song Dynasty Army Corps to meet with Huang Yaodong outside the city. More than a thousand people took the Nether Horse and chased the past in the direction of the Water Valley.


Inside the water fire valley.

The helicopter creaked.

Yan Dongyang and the three generals of the Huajia Army shook hands and said goodbye to each other. Finally, they went to a white shirt youth and said, "Mr. Sima, this war is about the future of Dongyang and life and death. It’s all in the gentleman."

"Yan is less assured, and it may not be as good as Qin Xi, but it is about wisdom, tactics, and ten Qinhou bundles. I also think that it is my opponent."

"You are waiting for the good news. If you are lucky, you will be able to see the talents of Qinhou tomorrow morning."

Sima Qing is very self-channel.

Since being humiliated by Qin Yu in the tea house, Sima Qing has been immersed for a long time. This time Yan Dongyang asked him to go out of the mountain. Sima Qing almost did not hesitate because he knew that if he wanted to win this battle, Qin Yu would It is his eternal heart.

He has been familiar with military methods since childhood, and his memory and comprehension are superior. He is a rare genius. To play modern warfare, what missiles fly and blow up, Sima Qing may not be useful, but this ancient war, he is confident Absolutely no one in the world is his opponent.

He is not only aware of the art of war, but the mountain and geography of this world ~ ~ is also familiar with the heart, this time in the water and fire valley is Sima Qing's good policy.

And for this battle, he sent a large number of dark lines in advance to collect information about the Daqin Army. When he knew that there were less than 2,000 people in the Daqin base, Sima Qing decided that this was definitely a godsend opportunity.

In this battle, he has no reason to be victorious.

"Well, everything is Mr. Lao."

"I am in Yanjing waiting for your good news."

Yan Dongyang would like to stay and see the soldiers who have left Qinhou's head, but I still think that I don't think that the air transport is enough. These opportunities will not be able to get what I want, so I decided to rush back to Shijing overnight.

After losing, he will stay in Yanjia for the rest of his life and never show up again. If you win, you can take the opportunity to re-take the Yan family.

The helicopter quickly disappeared into the sky.

Sima Qing looked around and looked at the generals wearing a flower armor: "General Yan Sheng, the dam is arranged there?"

"Mr. Sima, you can rest assured that my people have already buried the thunderstorm spar there. Once started, the upstream levee can be blasted in an instant, and the flood can be turned into the valley below, even if it is a powerful thing. They have to be drowned alive." The general said proudly.

"Very good, General Yan Wu, what about you?"

Sima Qing looked at the other person again. He is the commander of the Huazhi Legion.

"Everything is ready, my people are filled with fire oil in the forest underneath. Once Qinhou falls, there will be no place to die." Yan Wuhong said.

"Well, General Yan Wen, you commanded the Legion, we must have a modest release, so as not to hurt our own people."

"Without my order, you must not act without authorization."

Sima Qing is very happy.


Yan Wen is not salty and not a light one should be a sentence.

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