The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1561: Not good, counted

Sima Qingqi's lungs are almost blown up, and I have never dreamed that these people are so disregarded by his insights. There is a kind of pain and helplessness.

With a loud command, the roaring bangs in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the giant thunderstorm spar in Yan’s collection exploded instantly. The old reservoir dam, which had long been in disrepair, was dismembered like cotton wool. The flooding of the sky was like a beast, and it collapsed in the mountains. .

Even those ghosts hidden in the paper people are scared enough to control the paper people to run back.

"Haha, I thought that the Great Qin Army was so great. It turned out to be in the face of life and death."

Yan Wu haha ​​laughed.

"It's a human being. There will always be fear in the face of death. The Daqin army did not encounter strong opponents before the battle. This is the first stick, you can knock them out."

Yan Wen proudly said.

"Yan General is really a man of God. When Guan Yunchang flooded the Seventh Army in the past, I saw it, but Chen Songzhen was admired by the five bodies."

"If this is an ignition, it means that some people are running early, especially Qinhou. But that is a living god, can the fire trap him?"

"But this big water is a million kilograms of divine power. He said that it is a human being, that is, Luo Luo Jingang. When a wave is hit, it has to be broken."

"It’s still thoughtful for General Yan."

Chen Song bowed his hand to meet.

"Oh, Mr. Sima, you saw it, Chen Dazhu said the truth."

This high hat is worn, Yan Wen is even more floating, and the more he does not take Sima Qing seriously.


"Oh, okay, anyway, as long as I can win the Qin thief, my Ma Qing has nothing to say."

Sima Qingyi’s stunned Chen Song’s eyes. The more he felt that this kid was a double-faced traitor. On the surface, he was from Yan’s. In fact, he might have staged the bitterness of the people who had passed through the world.

But now is not the time to think about this, as long as it is to win the Qin dynasty, look back and find a chance, you can kill Chen Song at any time, out of this bad breath today.

When the water suddenly turned around, all the paper people were involved in the torrent of floods. In less than a minute, thousands of people were all drowned by the big water.

"The means is good, let's eat a big loss!"

"How is Chen Song?"

Qin Hao asked.

"The traitor is just happy to talk to people. It’s really a dog, and it’s a dog’s life when you go.”

Huang Yaodong looked at the side.

"Dog, sometimes the most loyal friend!"

"Okay, ready to harvest!"

"They put water, let's ignite!"

Qin Lan long sighed, Huang Yaodong felt a little weird, but did not ask too much, and quickly led the people to go to arming.

"Well, seal the embankment, let's go and get people, remember that all the lives are killed, especially Qinhou, live to see people die to see the dead."

Yan Wen confessed that after the upstream dam was sealed, he led the army and rushed to the valley.

Sima Qing can't wait to see the head of Qin Yu, and quickly followed.

The three thousand flower armor stepped into the valley, and the flood gradually receded. Under the light of the torch, the things on the ground were also clear!

"Weird, how can I not even see a body? This person, where the horse is going, will not all be washed down."

Sima Qing walked and watched, shouting.

Finally, someone showed a human-shaped bamboo raft in the soil, and there was still a paper paste on it. Sima Qing grabbed it from the soldier’s hand and smelled it on the nose, faintly smelling the yin. Suddenly, he screamed and shouted: "Mad, not good, let's count."

The Yanwen trio are also masters. When they see the bamboo poles, they know that these 80% are paper pastes, and they are likely to be put together.

"It's a paper man, a paper man, a mother, and the surname Qin has given us all."

Yan Wu roared.

"What are you doing, and quickly withdraw from the valley!"

Yan Wen looked around and saw three thousand people huddled in the valley, as if they understood something and shouted.

However, it is already late, the flood that had already stopped, I don’t know when it will go down again, like a silver dragon squatting from afar in the mountains.

"Not good, fast withdrawal, quick withdrawal!"

Yan Sheng and other people yelled, and the unicorns under his majesty were also screaming, and they had always been invincible to the world's flower armor, and they suddenly became chaotic.

It’s not enough to want to quit in the meantime. Yan Wen points to the Linzi Road next to the mouth of the valley: “Don’t panic, advanced forest, the terrain is high, as long as you enter the forest, it’s safe.”

"Slow, the woods have been filled with fire oil, and it seems that it is not safe to go in."

Sima Qing raised objections.

"Made, except you, who knows that there is smoldering oil inside, listen to me, throw away the torch, illuminate with spar, and enter the forest before."

Yan Wen roared, and now Ma Wanglin flew away.

The remaining three thousand soldiers were eager to escape from the flood, and quickly followed Yan Wen, and rushed to the woods.

"Mr. Sima, you have to leave again, washed away by the big water, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Yan Sheng rode the horse and passed by Sima Qing. The cold reminded me that Sima Qing had come back, and a little measure, it is too late to escape from the valley. Bold the scalp and followed the forest.

Rao is so, still one-third of the brigade failed to catch up. In the face of the flood in the sky, like a broken firewood, it was instantly swept away and crushed.

"Where does this water come from, isn't it a closed gate? What are the **** in the upper reaches?"

Yan Wen’s pain screamed.

The Flower Armor is a progressive army. However, it seems that everything is getting out of control. This is what Yan Wen would never want to see.


Two flowers of fire rose from the sky.

All the flower armies looked up at the same time, and then a trace of twilight appeared on everyone's face.

That is the signal of distress and retreat!

"Upstream accident, withdrawal!"

"Get out of this forest immediately and go to the open space!"

Yan Wen’s face sinks and pulls out the second-class sword of the waist. The target points directly to the mountain outside the forest.

However, this forest is destined to be their place of burial.

I saw a horn of horns in the woods, and the sound of the torrents in the night was horrifying.

"Well, it's over, we must be in the trap of the Qin thief."

Sima Qing screamed and screamed.

"Chen Song dog thief, Chen Song dog thief?"

Suddenly he thought of something, waiting to see his eyes, where there is the shadow of Chen Song, there has been no figure.

"Chen Song, he ran, **** it, this bird is really a traitor."

Yan Sheng screamed, and the roots of hate were broken.

Yan Wen's gloomy face turned white, and a hot stream in his chest was stirring, and he almost blew the old blood.

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