The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1562: Also I spent the army


"Sima brother, let's meet again!"

But on the mountainside, a blue-colored figure stands proudly, and a silver light shines on his head. The handsome, cold and proud face, such as Zhu Yu, is generally holy and majestic, just like King Kong and revealing the next.

"That, who is that?"

Yan Wen pointed at Qin Yu, his voice was shaking.

"Jiangdong Qinhou!"

Sima Qing hated to spit out four words.

Everyone in the flower armor suddenly fell a half, and originally wanted to annihilate the Qin dynasty. I didn’t expect to be dumplings.

"Qin Hou, he, how could he..."

Yan Wu has been scared to say nothing.

"How come you know that your plan is right?"

Sima Qing smiled coldly.

Immediately, she sighed and sighed, and immediately stared at Yan Wen and shouted: "I lost it when I was careless. I said that Chen Song is a traitor, let Yan Dongyang change his personal choice, let you listen to my fire attack. Once the place becomes a sea of ​​fire, the whole valley is dead, and we don't have to break into it to die."

"But you, this group of cowards, don't listen to my advice, ah, why do you have a good hand in the sky!"

Sima Qing’s painful tears swirled in the eye sockets.

This is definitely his closest chance to defeat Qin Yu, but this great opportunity has slipped away from his fingers. He really hated this group of pig teammates.

According to his plan, it was originally intended to let the flower-armed army hold Lin Mengyu in the Valley of Fire and Fire, sending three thousand ordinary soldiers to negotiate with Qinhou here, and then take the water fire attack.

But Yan Dongyang didn't listen. This kid was fascinated by the beauty of the woman and chose Chen Song.

The East War, the Daqin Base, the Mazhuang, and the pharmaceutical factory have no loss of recovery. Sima Qing looked at the situation and knew that Chen Song was 100% traitor. But what is the solution? Yan Dongyang turned a deaf ear to his suggestion and bent on his own way. The Hua Jiajun, who was originally under his control, also sang against him, which was the current dilemma.

Look at this forest to leave the vast mountains, at least there must be several miles, mountains and forests, people and horses, may not be able to run.

"Now what is the use of these, Sima Qing, are you not resourceful? Less nonsense, and quickly find a way."

Yan Wen had to admit that this thing in his mind, he really did not have Sima Qing, so that his life is imminent, and he can not care so much, and quickly yelled.

"Big brother, don't panic, he doesn't necessarily know that we are slamming the fire in this forest. As long as it doesn't ignite, there will be no accident."


"Oh, now I know that I am resourceful, just why have you gone?"

"Chen Song was a traitor. Yan Dongyang told him the whole plan. Do you know Qinhou will not know it? He only needs ten seconds and ten seconds to kill them. Do you understand?"

"Today's plan, only I first talked to him, dragged the surname Qin, and everyone waited for the opportunity to escape."

Sima Qingdao.

He and Yan Wen and other three are first-class masters, the grasp of escape is still quite big, but how to let these three thousand soldiers go out together is a trouble.

"Hou, my old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you okay?"

Sima Qing laughed loudly.

"Sima brother, why are you suffering? I originally wanted to wait for the Yan family to pick up, and then go to find you, I did not expect you to be so active and sent to the door."

Qin Xiao smiled.

At the same time, Huang Yaodong made a look, the latter agreed, made a gesture, led the people quietly down the mountain to follow the plan to point the route, went to ambush.

"Hou, no way, who makes me want you to die too?"

"Sima will never forget that Hou Ye is given in the tea house, so this will not come to you."

When Sima Qing spoke, the soldiers underneath, under the leadership of Yan Wen, stepped up and quickly opened up in the woods.

"Sima brother, it seems that the last lesson is not enough!"

"Well, then I will give you a good lesson today."

Sima Qing was careful, and Qin was clear at a glance.

He slowly raised his hand, and the soldiers of the Daqin army shot the rocket at the same time. Hey, the forest filled with pine oil suddenly fell into a sea of ​​fire. Although the soldiers of the armored army were all repaired, the fire was too big. Moreover, in order to completely break the back road of Qin Lan, Sima Qing smeared the pine oil which is highly toxic, once the burning smoke is extremely poisonous.

These soldiers were empty and had a good repair. Under the thick smoke, they suffocated and fell into the fire.

Moreover, under the atmosphere of the wind and the wind, the fireworks are lingering, and the mentality of the people has already collapsed. The one-horned horse and the soldiers are huddled together, screaming, screaming, trampling each other, and killing each other is countless.

Sima Qing, Yan Wen and others screamed in the air and tried to adjust the overall situation.

However, their voices were completely overwhelmed by the cluttered voice, and everyone was busy running away, ordering that they would not even be a fart.

"Cough, Mard, Sima Qing, I went to your ancestors for the 18th generation, are your idiots, what kind of poison is good." Yan Sheng mouth and nose oozing blood, but also being poisoned by the scorpion, smashed Sima Qing’s face was white for a while, naturally it was unwilling, and immediately replied: "If it weren’t for your group of wastes, it’s the Qin thief who is now burned, so I don’t listen to the wise man’s words. In front of you."

"Enough, it seems that the overall situation is not coming back, let's hurry to escape."

Yan Wen looked back and looked at the soldiers who were struggling in the fire. They shook their heads and sighed, no longer hesitating, and they rushed to the outside of the forest.

Several people rushed to escape, and the three of them were the highest in Sima Qing's cultivation. They reached the beginning of the reign of the gods, and the whole martial arts world was also the top ranks.

Yan Wen, Yan Wu, and Yan Sheng are the masters of the middle school, and they also have the strength of 200,000 pounds.

A few people are like lightning, and a few miles of forest, less than half a cup of tea, they are out.

In fact, if it is not Sima Qing's poisonous smoke, and this sad, depressed atmosphere, it is a breeze for several people to leave the sea of ​​fire.

However, at the moment, there is an illusion that the whole person is escaping from the ghost door.

"Call, my flower armor, my brother, hey!"

Yan Wu looked at the sea of ​​fire in the distance, sat on the ground, screaming in anger, tears streaming out.

I want to spend the honor of the armor, how brave, the result is not shot, a knife is not cut, so life is defeated, the brothers are all hateful teeth, tears DC.

"Sima Qing, I went to your ancestors, what is your idea, you still have a flower army."

Yan Wu pushed all these sins to Sima Qing. How to see him was not pleasing to the eye, and both hands crossed, and he went to Sima Qing’s neck.

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