The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1581: Who still has opinions?

There was a lot of hatred in the eyes of Sima Lang and his entourage, but the more calm Qin Hao performed, the more they dared to hide this hate in their hearts, slowly digested, and dared not to have the slightest arrogance.

When I arrived at the villa, Sima Lang had already prepared a banquet.

After being seated, Sima Lang raised his toast: "Hou, I don't know what happened to my Simashan Villa. What do you have? You can rest assured that as long as I can serve you, even if I open my mouth, Sima will go all out."

"I came here only for one thing, Phoenix!"

"Sima Qing revealed a secret to me in order to survive, and said that your Feng Sima has a beast and a beast. You are not able to afford the gods, so I will take it today."

Qin Hao toasted himself and proudly said.

This is like a slap in the face of the Sima family, even if it is Simalang tolerate, the face can not help but emerge a trace of anger.

He wanted to violently and ordered the killing of Qin.

However, he did not dare.

He is very clear that even if he killed Qin Hou today and avenged his brother and son, the power of the Qin gang is not something he can contend with. Once he starts the war, the Sima family, who is seriously injured, will be destroyed. He has to be careful.

The Sima family is best at forbearance, and there is no guarantee in their position. Before reinventing the new family to inherit the family business, no matter what the price, he wants to keep the Sima family.

However, this level does not seem too good.

Phoenix egg is the **** and soul of the Sima family. Although it is probably just an ordinary stone, a legend, but it is like the family's counter-scale. Once the outsider touches it, it must be hot and painful.

The secret is Sima Qing's confession. Qin Hou came to the door. It is impossible to push it. How to solve it is really a headache for him.

"Hou Ye, it doesn't matter, our family does have the legend of the Phoenix Egg, but that is the dog's nonsense before death, when it is not true."

"My Majiabao is quite a lot. The seven sorcerers of the ancestors Sima Yi and the Scorpion Sword of the Western Jin Sima Yan are all superior treasures in the three products. Since Hou Ye is here, I am willing to hand over the treasures."

Sima Lang bowed his head and said in a very humble attitude.

At this moment his heart is bleeding!

Each of these pieces is an invaluable treasure, which is passed down by the ancestors and is the spiritual totem of the family.

But then how, in the face of this bully almost like a grandson, even if he is the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he has to bow his head and admit his life.

The steel people of the bottom people are almost bitten, and the blue veins of the fists are about to explode. Everyone's anger is like a bomb that is about to explode. As long as the Qin dynasty is too much, it will burst!

Their anger and forbearance, Qin Yu is completely in the eyes, but then how, in this world, the weak meat is destined to be forced to eat.

He said that the Sima family’s exhaustion is not a deliberate humiliation, but a real one!

And this time he came, just to scribble the roots!

"I am not interested in what seven-sound piano, the Son of Heaven, I repeat, I only need Phoenix eggs!"

Qin Lan put down the wine glass and sneered.

"Hou Ye has to hurt the hearts of my people, can't I be harmonious?"

"You kill my brother, my son, I can not care about it, Hou Ye is pressing hard, isn't it too much?"

Sima Lang pinched his fists and braved the courage to look directly at Qin Xiao’s contempt for the coldness of the world.

"I give you two choices!"

"Proactively hand over the Phoenix egg, I can leave you this vein, do not pay, I will also take it, but the consequence is that the Sima people have been removed from the martial arts world."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Qin Xiaosen laughed and laughed, and did not put Smarlang's anger in his eyes.

Sima Lang is about to be torn!

Three souls and seven scorpions are about to smoke!

How can there be such a hegemonic person in this world, so unreasonable?

This is a rogue, a robber!

Too much, too much!

However, Sima Lang's blushing red blood is about to drop blood, and the teeth have broken two pieces, and they are almost painful. Under this humiliating anger, they still dare not do it on the spot.

There is a voice in his heart that constantly reminds him that this is a demon, a demon that can destroy the Sima family.

Unbearable today, it is destruction!

"Mad, who do you think you are, dare to go wild in my horse, go to hell."

The relationship between the three elders and Sima Lang was the most recent. Seeing that he was angry, he couldn’t help but sneak a shot.

The three elders are called Sima Tan, and they have been in the middle of the refining period. In the whole family, they are also in the top ten. This palm is shot, and there is a full force of 100,000 jin, and the fire is very powerful. The temperature in the whole hall is steep. Li, where the palms go, the tables and chairs are broken.

Sima Tan thinks that this palm can not beat Qin Hou, at least it can make the position of the move, horrified, but let him down, Qin Qi did not even look at him, the glass in his hand .

Just a spin, no trace of tiny movements!

Two drops of water flew out of the cup!

Like the raindrops that came in, it fell on the face of Sima Tan.

The drink is cool!

An unprecedented chill, instantly penetrated the whole body of Sima Tan, he looked down at the last point of consciousness, the whole body did not know when it had completely become ice.

The freezing speed was so fast that he didn't even have time to experience the pain of the **** bones.


Sima talked about the frozen body falling from the air, falling on the ground and the glass is generally crisp and loud, and instantly turned into ice!

The ice is melted into water in the heat wave of his palm!

A living person, the three elders of the Sima family, who are highly respected, are so quietly steamed from this matter.

Real steaming!

An invisible fear spreads in the hall!

All the anger, all the murderous under this majesty, all turned into the cold of the heart, so that every creep!

"I want to take the Phoenix egg. Does anyone have any opinions?"

Qin Hao sip a drink in a toast, looking around at everyone, cold arrogant asked.

Everyone is ashamed, and even the courage to look at him is gone, who dares to answer.

"Hou, my, I will take you, just ask you to let me go."

Sima Lang opened his mouth full of blood and broken teeth, swallowed a bit, and made a vague voice.

"This is right, I said that I will leave you a pulse, people, you come!"

"I just want the Phoenix egg, take the road."

Qin Hao was satisfied.

The people originally disdain and even resent the decision made by Sima Lang. However, at this moment, I heard that Sima Lang can be alive, and one by one is honest, and I look at Simalang with a sorrow, for fear of being missed by him.

"Easy everyone, whoever is born and who is dead, I know in my heart."

"Hou, please come with me."

Sima Lang sighed and forced the table to stand up, trembled and led the way.

The absolute king of South Henan, at this moment, the backbone of the mountain is completely crushed, and his body is awkward, as if he is ten years old.



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