The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1582: Scorpio

Zushan's Zushan, in the hidden dragon valley in the hidden dragon mountain.

The valley is like a wandering dragon, all the auras in the mountains are gathered in the dragon, and the dragon is built with a magnificent seven-star tower.

In the tower, all the ancestors of the past are enshrined.

Of course, it is a famous person in history.

The more famous, the top of the tower, in the shape of a pyramid!

As soon as Sima Lang entered the tower, he first squatted in front of the ancestors, crying, repenting, and waiting for the incense, which led Qin Lan to the top of the tower.

On the penultimate floor, Sima Lang said: "This is the resting place of the ancestor Sima Yi, but unfortunately as a descendant, Simalang is incompetent."

"No, you made the right choice, at least you kept your pulse, and the ancestral spirit."

Qin Hao smiled indifferently.

Sima Lang smiled a bit, and now he can only comfort himself.

When he reached the top of his building, a stone with a large basket was placed on the most central altar. Surrounded by dragons and phoenixes, the jade carvings were in a row, from all directions, all the stones gathered in the array. Above.

Although the array seems to be simple, it is not as good as tens of thousands of times compared to the large array of Gu Mingchen on Dongming Lake in Dongzhou.

More crucially, the jade used in this array is all with dragons. It is also faintly visible that the dragon is low in the jade, the so-called dragon and phoenix, and the dragon to raise the phoenix, it is indeed a coup.

When Qin Qin knew the phoenix egg, he was immediately attacked by a wave of fire.

He couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth. It seems that Sima Qing did not lie to him. This Phoenix egg has a very powerful life!

Although it has been a millennium, the Sima family has raised the phoenix with dragons. It is actually a privilege to continue these miracles in the human world.

"Hou Ye, the formation method is set by the ancestor Sima Yi, but unfortunately, except for the ancestors, together with my son Sima Qing, no one can break through this god!"

"I have searched the Sun Tianyi sage of the Taoist sect to explore it, but he can't see anything, so he is an ordinary stone."

Sima Langdao.

In his view, although the Phoenix Egg is a spiritual sacred object of the Sima family's genetic millennium, it does not have much value in fact. If it can be exchanged for the continuation of the family business of its own vein, it does not feel so distressing.

Qin Yu thought, what kind of phoenix is ​​the god, Sun Tianyi ordinary folks can be explored to be strange, want to come to Sima Yi can get the power of the Phoenix, I think it is indeed a noble life, there is a destiny to help.

He was explored by the gods, and the present is the golden body, and the phoenix sensed the power of hell, which will produce an instinctive defense.


Qin Lan took out the black jade gourd, sang aloud, and the black goblet in the gourd gave birth to a powerful pulling force.

However, what surprised Qin was that the gourd was alive, and the whole big squad seemed to be alive. The free Qianlong in the jade array roared wildly!

At the time of the encounter, the original and Lang's sky suddenly changed suddenly, and the thunder and thunder rushed through the clouds. The surrounding winds were raging, and the reiki between the heavens and the earth made four looming dragon-shaped cyclones, which roared around the tower.


The seven-star top of the tower was smashed in the wind, and the four dragons angered the tower, as if to tear the entire tower into pieces.

The tower is crumbling!

Sima Lang raised his arms and cried: "The ancestors were on, forgive the sons and grandsons, and Sima Lang was forced to help!"


"It has nothing to do with your ancestors, but the Guardian of the Phoenix!"

Qin Yan's eyebrows are raised, the cold look is a bit more solemn, and his hands are ten fingers together, slowly moving the spell, and the ten fingers are slowly opening like a silk thread, "Scorpio lock!"

Three words and one spit, Qin Hao's face was pale and white, without the slightest blood.

He can now be sure that there are indeed beasts in it. This is not a white one. If you want to control this thing, only the curse of **** and Dafa will do!

At this moment, he used the power of the gods to forcefully exercise the yellow-level truth that is not suitable for the moment.

In hell, the superior method is the fourth step of heaven and earth!

Only the real master, even the ancestral elders, the military camp ghosts will be able to repair the level, Qin Hao at the moment although the Yuanshen reached the middle of the Yuan Ying, but the actual Dan Tian Zhenqi, that is, the middle of Jindan, placed in hell, top Heaven is also a centurion, and the inner door of Zongmen is an ordinary disciple.

Can be forced to make it out, but also depends on the ghost of the big seal, the golden body and other bonuses.

This is the case, the yellow-level truth that is made out, the power is just a fur.

Really because of his original cultivation, the big lock, can lock the sun and the moon, can drag the mountains!


Ten silver ropes flew out from his fingertips, and his eyes creaked and turned into a long chain of hundred feet. The four lanes flew up to the void to lock the dragon. The rest of the six strokes ran down and firmly seized the seven stars. tower.


With the six laws locked into the ground, the tower finally stabilized after a tremor.

The four wind dragons are struggling even more fiercely. Qin Lan’s mantra casts a spell, and suddenly his eyebrows rise sharply, suddenly screaming and shouting: “Broken!”


The purple flame was bursting on the law lock, and the flame exploded instantly. The wind dragon caught fire and unwillingly turned into smoke!

The whole sky is instantly light and faint.


Qin Yu Chang took a sigh of relief and suppressed the agitation of the heart. Fortunately, this phoenix has not yet formed, and the aura that can be summoned is limited, otherwise he can't really stand it.


After the Jade Array was broken, there was a burst of cracking sound, which broke into pieces, and the air slammed like a sneak peek.

That is the aura of thousands of years, the soul of Sima's family!

Today, the jade stone broke, and the air transportation on behalf of the Sima family was completely over.

"Shenzhen In my name, I am in agreement with you. He will seal the gods and promise you nine days of gods, thousands of incense!"

Qin Yu bite the **** and drops blood on the phoenix stone.

This is an equal contract, and it is not an ordinary servant's covenant. After all, the phoenix is ​​the beast of the high, the beast of the beast, even if it is the fairy and the emperor in the nine days, it can only be treated the same. There is a slight flaw.

However, what disappoints Qin Qin is that the phoenix stone does not move. Instead, it is a stronger force of anti-phagment, and there is a hint of jade.

Qin Lan knows that if he forcibly forces the Phoenix to recognize the Lord, I am afraid that the things in this stone will choose to die!

This is the gas festival of the beast!

The alliance with the beast is based on the air transport. It depends on the destiny. If it does not come, it is the Jade Emperor who came, and it is useless.

Qin Hao was so sad and smiled, thinking that he was busy.

"Uncle, is it really a phoenix here, can you fly a nine-day beast?"

Xiaowu saw the Qin dynasty pale, could not help but ask.

"Yes, even if it is not the purest phoenix phoenix, it must be its descendants!"

"Unfortunately, I have nothing to do with it."

Qin Yanran sighed, it was difficult to hide the loss of his face.

"Would you like me to try it, maybe Phoenix would like me?" The little dance licked her lips.



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