The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1613: Looking for a cockroach

Li San will chew on the suspected chew, and the smell of the meat will permeate in his mouth. The rich fragrance of the soup is perfectly combined with the spirituality of the medicine. There is a sense of coolness in summer, not to mention the meat quality. Cooked and not rotten, the entrance is not, and there is a little cotton, chewing a couple of mouths, the whole taste buds blasted, and the pores are as if cheering and refreshing.

"Three brothers, what kind of, like you, you are screaming."

Qi Daming could not wait to ask.

"I have never eaten such a delicious thing in my life, Xiao Yan, your kid tells the truth, is the old bus private, wow wow, how can I not make such delicious food?"

Li San screamed and screamed.

"Is there such a god?"

Qi Daming saw Li Sanyi’s expression of a painful face. When he reached out, the salted pig’s hand was about to catch the meat. At this time, the group walked in and screamed: “What are you doing, standing without a look, sitting without sitting, making trouble Teng Teng, can the fire room be without the rules of the mountain gate?"

The person came to a thin, sallow face. He was about forty years old. The clothes he wore were also linen clothes, but the gossip was printed on his chest. This is the official Ding disciple.

His name is Qi Zhiping, the head of the Ding-class disciple, and the cadre can only be regarded as the last stream, but the miscellaneous people are under his jurisdiction. The people in the fire room have to look at his face.

When Qi Zhiping came, all the people stood upright, and although they were dissatisfied, their faces did not dare to show their unhappiness.

"Where is Bashan?"

Qi Zhiping glanced at him and asked coldly.

"Master is sick, and is resting down." Qi Daming hit a sloppy eye.


"At this time, he was sick, did he get into the water? I don't know if today is the first day, will the superiors send people to inspect?"

"He is dead, and he has to die for me. If you wait for the supervision, you have to die for me."

Qi Zhiping cried coldly.

On the first day of each month, Sun Qiankun will send elders or cronies to inspect. After all, a sect is to develop for a long time. You should not only pay attention to the disciples of the second and second grades, but also the progress of the middle and lower disciples, especially B. The disciples of the class, that must be taken seriously, and whoever is buried will be buried, but that is the backbone of the sect.

Of course, this has changed a bit afterwards. With the decline of the people, there are several fish that can jump to the dragon gate. The people above are very clear, and they have the ability to be divided up by the elders.

The messenger came to the lower level, and the second-class disciple would think of a way to meet. If the messenger was happy, he would recommend it directly to the elders. If he did not, he would be promoted. If you don’t want to make a few words, you can give more elixir and ingredients, which is also good.

The dinner hosted by the messenger has become a top priority. In the past, it was done by Bashan. After all, Bashan had a ceiling. Naturally, compared with the chefs in the upper house, he could only say that he could barely cope.

Today, his illness is undoubtedly a blue sky for Qi Zhiping. The only one who has fallen in the kitchen is how to explain this dinner?

Everyone has come back to God. This is the first day. It’s really not the time to go to Bashan.

"Hey brother, this dish tastes..."

Li Sangang wanted to speak, and Zhi Zhiping gave him a look: "What kind of food can you make with a few wastes? Why, I can't hear you?"

At this time a disciple rushed over and whispered a few words in the ear of Zhi Zhiping.

The flat color of the ambition changed greatly. One clap his hands and shouted: "Well, Bashan, Lao Tzu is not finished with you."

"Jia brother has come over there, is the ingredients ready?"

Qi Zhiping shouted.

"My brother, I have already done it, but it is what Qin Hao did..."

Li San whispered.


"Is the Bashan crazy? Let this waste be the ingredients of Jia's brother, you, you have to finish today, I promise..." Qi Zhiping shouted.

"Hey brother, how do you know that the messenger doesn't like my delicious food?"

"And, I see that your face is a bit blue, and today I am afraid that it will be unlucky, so you'd better take care of your mouth, which is good for you."

Qin Lan stepped forward and looked at Qi Zhiping, disdainfully sneer.

When this is said, everyone is stupid. Is this the waste that was trampled on the bottom?

He actually dared to scream with his brother, and there was no fear. He must know that in the past, Zhai Zhiping was going to fight, and Qin Hao would never dare to complain.

"Oh, your kid has gone down the mountain, the bones are hard, right, I will clean up you today."

Qi Zhiping sneered a sneak peek, showing the fierce light, pulling out the dust behind him, it is necessary to start.

Immediately next to the disciples stopped him: "Why should you care about him, Jia brother is still waiting for it, since there are ready-made, let us first supply it, good or bad will not be on our heads, isn't it?"

When Zhiping was careful, he felt that it was reasonable. If it was delicious, Jia’s brother and the messenger were happy. He naturally had to be dimmed. If he did it, the temper of Jia’s brother would have won the skin of this kid~www. just got together.

He walked to the front of the dish and saw a few menus from the outside, it was pretty good, and it was enough to use it on the surface.

Immediately waved: "Come to people, take the dishes away, right, take them away together, and now you have to mess up, see how you die."

Immediately, some disciples stepped forward and scolded a few people to follow.

The lower house Longmen Pavilion.

Longmen Pavilion, as the name suggests, is the meaning of flying over the Longmen. The second-class disciple is like a piece of koi. Once he walks out of the lower house and enters the upper house, it is undoubtedly the sky.

Jia Sidao is a master of the second-class disciples. One of the masters has already entered the late stage of the law, and there is a great master who has cultivated it. It is a distance from the sacred Tao. Although there is still a long distance, it is also the number one in the main road. .

It’s just that he stayed in the late stage of the law for ten years. So far, he hasn’t touched a single door. With the increasing number of disciples in the late stage of the law, the status of Jia Sidao has long been shaken.

However, the reason why Jia Sidao can still sit in the Longmen Pavilion is that he will come to the messenger. Every month he will send the messenger. He will do everything possible to settle down. The above is good, and the position is naturally stable.

Today is the No. 1, Jia Sidao and the three younger brothers set up an elegant room in the Longmen Pavilion early. They selected a few beautiful women from the second-class disciples, playing ancient elegant music, only waiting for the messenger to go to the door.

"Zhi Kun, let Qi Zhiping go to remind me again, how can the dish not be served, and the Shangzhi is coming soon."

Jia Sidao stood at the top of the Longmen Pavilion, and looked very poorly toward the upper court. As soon as he saw the crane screaming, he rushed straight, and it was expected that the people on the upper side of the upper house had already left.


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