The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1614: Saint Shao driving

"I’m going to remind you that this guy’s work is getting worse and worse. Brother, I think it’s time to find another cook. The level of Bashan’s recent cooking has plummeted, and everyone is complaining.”

The second division Chen Zhikun replied.

"If I want to change, I have already changed. The Zongmen chef is very rare. The upper house is also a Li butcher. There is a good mountain in the lower house. It will be used."

"Right, I heard that Zhang Qing is back, and ask him to sit down and sit down. It’s also a sneak peek to the Holy Spirit. It’s a bit face."

Jia Sidao thought for a moment.

"Yeah, Zhang Qing’s brain is so good that he will come, but it’s a pity that the talent of this kid is really bad, or else we can give him a mention..."

Chen Zhikun echoed a sentence and gave the other two a look.

The two men were more conscious, they got up separately, one person went to pick up the dishes, and one went to find Zhang Qing.

"I don't know, this is the elder who sent the elders, Zhikun, you have been in the late stage for three years. Let's go at this speed, I am afraid that you will surpass my brother and sister sooner or later."

Jia Sidao took a look at Chen Zhikun and sighed.

Chen Zhikun quickly bowed his head, and sincerely feared: "Jia brother, you can swear me, I am a little bit of a small skill, I have a lot of heart, really want to be promoted, it must be your brother Jia." I put down my words here, Brother Jia did not go up to the hospital, I will be the second division of my life. Anyway, I am following you."

Jia Sidao nodded with satisfaction: "It’s still true to your old man. Recently, there are a few younger brothers in the late stage who want to change their minds. Hey, do they think it is so easy to replace me? As long as I am a master, I will They will not see the messenger for the rest of their lives, let them daydream."

He is very clear that Chen Zhikun's cultivation and talent are already above him. He often beats and beats. Once he is ambivalent, his position as a second-class master is hard to keep.

The two were talking, Zhang Qing nodded and walked in, a few people chilled, and Qi Zhiping also led Qin Hao and others into the hall.

"What do you mean by this? How do anyone lead in, is it wrong to break my aura?"

Jia Sidao's unpleasant frowning, while waving his cuffs, impatiently stunned, like the Qin dynasty people have stinky.

"Chi brother, there is something that must be reported to you. Bashan is sick today. The dishes are made by these people. I am afraid that when the time is not the taste of the messenger, you can't make a difference."

Qi Zhiping quickly explained.

"Well, let's go first, put them in the backyard, and look at them. If the messengers are not satisfied, take their heads."

Jia Sidao is cold and cold.

It’s frightening to take people’s heads, and the cadres are monks, even if they are elders, they can’t just take the disciples’ lives, but some cruel punishments can be used, such as breaking fingers and cutting one ear. of.

Qi Zhiping immediately drove a few firemen from the Qin dynasty into the backyard, while the dishes were placed on the table.

Busy, a sharp crane came from the sky, and then, the spirit tiger guarding the yard, and the big crane that was riding in the hall, screamed at the same time, and smashed the ground in the yard.

The Longmen Pavilion has not seen this situation for a long time. Jia Sidao knows that 80% is a big man, and the most unfortunate is the elders' level. Everyone has changed his face and quickly went out.

Waiting outside the door, but see two cranes hovering in a low arrogance, slowly settled down.

These two cranes are three times as large as ordinary cranes. They are like a large eagle. They are black and white. The feathers on the left are white as snow, and the right is like black ink. There is no impurity. The crane is tall and tall. As proud as the master standing on top of them.

When Jia Sidao saw the two men on the head of the crane, they were shocked and scared. They hurriedly yelled at the screaming: "Welcome to Saints, Miss!"

Others are also afraid that the atmosphere will not take a breath, and they will brush down and scream.

The coming person is Sun Wuji, Sun Piaoyu!

Since the defeat of Aoshima, Sun Wuji has lost his face and was given a lesson by Qin Lan, but he also realized his own shortcomings. Over the past year, he has made a lot of hard work.

Of course, the problem of lasciviousness can't be changed. Since the opening of the island in Australia, this addiction can't stop. I have to sneak down two times a month and have had an addiction.

The girl standing next to him is about 18 or 9 years old. The blue silk shawl, the classical melon face is beautiful and not charming, and the pair of clear stars are full of arrogant colors, just like the fairy who does not eat the fireworks.

However, her body is completely different from the cold face. She is about one meter and seventy-five in height. Although it is a white dress, it has a S-shaped raised hip and chest. More subdued and full, the slender, stretchy legs under the skirt are all intriguing.

This perfect combination of the saint and the hot, so that every man who sees her will give birth to an unprecedented sense of conquest, can not wait to immediately take this glamorous beauty into his arms, and take a good look.

Of course, if you want to think about it, everyone knows that this lady is a bad temper, and she has a bad fault. She hates men and looks at her. She thinks it is a provocation and insult. When everyone sees her, she avoids sight. It was a disaster.

"Saint Shao ~ ~ Missy, you, how come you?"

Jia Sidao sincerely fears.

Sun Wuji and Sun Fengyu, the brothers and sisters, are notoriously proud. Usually they are lazy to the disciples below the A level. Since Jia Sidao became a second-class master, in his memory, the lord Sun Tianyu I have personally come down several times, but these two have never set foot.

It’s really unexpected that we’ve come together today.

Sun Wuji's brothers and sisters came here, of course, to see Qin.

Since the four-product space instrument is too important, this time it was sent out to be an unremarkable figure. It is said that the same name as Qin Hou was the same name. From Qin Yiyi to Kunlun, the brothers and sisters could not wait to see Qin.

"What, can't we come?"

Sun Wuji did not show anxious, but walked quietly into the pavilion.

They are still coming to the lower hall for the first time. There is an inexplicable sense of freshness. Naturally, it is indispensable to take a look.

At least the name of the inspection, it is always a matter of a few words.

"Jia Sidao, I have heard of you, and I have been in the realm of the Great Master for many years, but I have been unable to enter the B-class waste material that I have been practicing."

Sun Wuji walked along the side.

"Yes, yes, the little talent is too bad. It is really the cultivation of the lord and the saint."

In front of him, Jia Sidao was respectful like a servant and did not dare to have any high posture.

"Okay, I have nothing to talk to you, where the miscellaneous people live and lead me."

Sun Wuji said.


"Where is the holy less to go there, there is a waste concentration camp, and there is a noble sacred one."

Jia Sidao and others are shocked.


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