The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1627: This excuse is very lame

"Meng Mengxiong, I am not mistaken, is this my iceberg sister?"

Sun Wuji wiped his eyes, he swears that he has never seen his sister and people laugh and laugh in this life, and this ugly and short guy has even become a part of her, which is not normal.

"You don't feel so good? It's true, and the pressure on Missy is too great. It should be a smile."

"Of course, she laughs really beautiful, isn't she?"

Meng Wuyou sighed.

Sun Wuji opened his mouth and did not speak.

He knows that the rain has reached the age of marrying, but no matter whether it is the Wu Siyuan of this sect, or Duan Muquan and Nan Gonglie of the Wushen Temple, none of them really like it.

But now the cadres have lost their status in the three sects, and there are also Aoki long tigers in the interior. His cultivation is not enough to set off the banner. Xiao Yu is very sensible. Even if the father does not mention this, I am afraid that she will choose sooner or later. One party, to repay the father's parenting grace, to maintain the status of the grandson.

Therefore, the rain is not screaming, not that she will not laugh, but that her mission is too heavy.

"Hey, Qin Lan is also a rare talent in the world. It is a worry for Xiao Yu to be with him."

"Just... oh, my heart has a name, and my name is different."

Sun Wuji Yang Tian sighed.

The four continued to sneak deep into the north, approaching the death and forbidden land, and the monsters were even more powerful. The people killed a few three-character monsters all the way. During the period, they also encountered a four-product blasting tiger. Sun Wuji and others wanted to hide. In the past, the good guys had two claws, almost ruining half a hectare of forest. If it wasn’t for Qin Yu’s secrets, he would have to make a slap in the face, and a few people were afraid of not hanging out, and they had to lose seven or eight.

Fortunately, when I was close to Tianming, I finally arrived at the assembly station in the north.

The collection station is actually an assessment place. Generally, it can be found that it is qualified.

Because further north, the opposite Chishui River, is the death ban!

Responsible for the collection station is a ghost of the four-character old demon, this person was originally a predecessor of the Tao Daozong, after the death of the soul is not scattered, became a demon, they are responsible for guarding in this area.

The old demon is amazing, and the disciples tend to be safe when they arrive at the assembly station.

The door is hidden!

The wind is blowing in the forest!

Sun Wuji tightened his clothes and pushed the door open. A ghost wearing a black robe floated on the counter. His body was black with black and white shadows on his hands and feet, and his face was completely hollow. Only a pair of scarlets The pupil flashed in the cloak.

“Congratulations to you at the Wan Yaolin gathering station.”

The ghost sends out a very sinister, interfering voice, and the sound is like a general one that floats out of the coffin board.

"Black robe ancestors!"

Sun Wuji and others also bowed to the ghost at the same time.

"Oh, come fast enough, I thought you were dead in the ice palace."

Tang Lie came over and sneered.

The Wu Siyuan brothers were gloomy. The three of them also stepped into the assembly station. They had heard the ice palace banging in the direction. It was expected that after the seal was released, all the old monsters that had been sealed had emerged. Even if Sun Wuji and others are not dead, they have to be killed and killed in the Ice Palace. They once thought that Sun Wuji and the three of them were carrying a bottle of oil, and they were only one step slower than the "Sunshine Avenue".

"Oh, you are not dead yet, how can we be willing?"

Sun Wuji sees Tang Lie dare to openly scream, knowing that it is time to tear the face, and naturally speaking is not so good.

"Zu Shi, someone broke the seal, the entire ice palace suddenly has more than a hundred snow monsters, the wind demon is even more numerous, there is also a three-product variation snow monster, which is unprecedented before. Wan The importance of Beast Peak does not need to be said, you should also know that the ancestors should not give an explanation?"

Sun Piaoyu is cold and cold.

The **** black robes flashed, and suddenly the cold flashed, and coldly said: "What the **** is going on?"

In fact, Elder Aoki and others did not dare to open the seal completely, only to let go of the ice palace. As a result, Sun Wuji was trapped, and he could drag his time to make Wu Siyuan and others Have more time to hunt the monsters.

Therefore, there is not much fluctuation in the direction of Wan Yaolin. The black robe ancestors did not sense the change, and they did not know.

"Oh, my ancestors, they are afraid of losing, so they made up a lie."

"Do you think about it, if the seal is untied, others don't know, can you still win over your ancestors? You have lived here for hundreds of years."

Wu Siyuan clarified.

"The ancestors, Sun Wuji's wandering is the name of the lord. There is no way that the people are the sons of the lords, and the black ones can be said to be white."

"If it's really the seal is untied, facing hundreds of snow monsters, countless wind monsters, can they be so easy?"

"Look at them, one by one, full of spirits, even the clothes have not broken a few holes, then look at us, ancestors, can you believe them?"

Wu Sicheng attached to the road The ancestors looked at the two people, it is really different, Qin Hao four people neatly dressed, and no fatigue, full of gas, a look at the street, never It is like facing hundreds of snow monster attacks.

Let's take a look at Wu Siyuan and others who are exhausted. Among them, Tang Lie and Wu Sicheng still hang their colors. When they compare, they will feel that Sun Fengyu is lying.

"Wu Siyuan, do you want to stop your face when you step on the horse? If it wasn’t for Qin Hao, Laozi had already hung up, and you dare to install it here. Believe it or not, I am now smashing you with a sword."

Sun Wuji's younger temper, which can be trusted by people, and the anger of the mouth.

"Oh, Sun Wuji, you are looking for an excuse. It’s a good disciple in the lower house. You actually said that he is the savior. You have to find some generous."

"And, don't think that you are the son of the Sovereign, I am afraid of you. It is really not my own to repair it for you. If you want to do it now, you will have a plan."

Wu Siyuan certainly can't recognize it, and he sneered, and he is going to fight.


"Take me shut up, both are monks, your mentality is so unstable, how can you become a big device."

"Is he your savior, I will know it when I try."

The black robe snorted and the figure fluttered to the Qin dynasty, and the black palm was instantly covered on the head of Qin.

Qin Lan deliberately pretended to be scared and straight, and the black robe palms quickly swept back, disdaining coldly: "This person is a top-ranking master in the mid-day, it is definitely a lower house, no one is open. Seal, I will check it later."

"Now you take out Nei Dan, I am going to register here, I can go back to the gate to make a difference."

The black robe is impatient.


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