The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1628: This is never possible

Where did he find out that Qin Xi’s cultivation was done, and although the black robe ancestors turned into ghosts, he also wanted to move the Qinshen’s gods to protect them, and his ability to explore was the middle of the gas field. It’s not a minute.

This is why Qin has not yet got the Sanjieshi, and must hide his identity, so as not to cause the whims of Sun Tianqi, Yan Jiutian, etc., otherwise Wu Siyuan, directly killed.

In fact, at this time, Wu Siyuan and others were depressed.

They did open the seal, but the question is, how did Sun Wuji and others run this way without any loss? It’s easier than them to copy the path, which is too wicked.

According to his understanding of Sun Wuji and others, it is indeed possible to get out of the Ice Palace, but it can never be so fast.

Wu Siyuan suspected that Qin Lan was probably playing pigs and eating tigers. Because this guy was against him last morning, the strong momentum was not unusual. However, now the ancestors personally probed, Wu Siyuan only has a heart to die. It is.

However, what he still has is the way to find out the middle.

If Sun Wuji and others are forced by the snow monsters, it is possible to find a path that no one knows, and it is possible, but in this way, the inner Dan in their hands will not be much, even busy. Not even.

At least there are no four products!

Thinking of this, Wu Siyuan took a step forward and touched the nose and smiled proudly: "The ancestors said yes, since they are coming, then we are more than the inner Dan."

"Oh, is this still more than that? They have to be more than us. I have these hands on my head."

Tang Lie sneered at the side.

"Three brothers, can you take this truth?" Qin Xiaoxiao asked.

"That can still be fake, just a few of you, how can we compare with us, as long as there are more than us, this person can take it casually."

Tang Lie disdain.

He is quite confident about this. On this road, they are killing the monsters with a lot of strength. There are dozens of the second products, and there are more than a dozen of the three products. Even the four demons who can't hide the disciples can't hide. There is also one in the beast.

This is also the reason why several people are so embarrassed. In fact, with the four-character beasts fighting fiercely, Wu Sicheng and Tang Lie’s dantian gas is less than 30%, and Wu Siyuan has about fifty or six percent left. This is definitely a life-saving A gratifying result.

It should be said that a few people in the Qin dynasty did not have a bit of dust and exhaustion, and they must be able to surpass them. It is said that it is Tang Lie, even if it is a black robe that has lived for hundreds of years, it is impossible to believe.

"Okay, let's compare."

"Wu Siyuan, you should report it first."

Sun Piaoyu is cold and cold.

Wu Siyuan proudly smiled: "Small rain, I will make you satisfied."

Then he rushed to Tang Lie and waved his hand. "Give them an eye-opener."

"Black ancestor ancestors, this is our second product inside Dan, a total of thirty-seven." Tang Lie proudly took out a baggage, inside is the poor quality of the second product.

"Old ancestors, if I remember correctly, the second product has not been influxed, and it is not included in the scope of the Class A disciple."

Sun Piaoyu shook his head, and the cold face became more and more cold and proud.


Wu Siyuan took a look at Tang Lie.

Tang Lie also realized that something is wrong. These two products are in their intention to take back and reward those who are in Class B and C disciples in the lower house to collect the hearts of the people. Tang Lie once screamed and happened to take it out. Instead, he lost it. face.

"Oh, you know that you will find you in the net, or I will let you die and understand."

"Sanpin Nei Dan, a total of twelve, twelve, have you seen it?"

Tang Lie took another parcel from his back and spread it on the table, screaming.

"Well, twelve three products, this is the most recent one in the past ten years."

The black robe ancestors were quite satisfied with nod.

"Oh, holy, you, can you come up with one?"

Wu Sicheng Yin laughed.

"Take it, Qin Hao, open the eyes of these gangsters."

Sun Wuji sighed with a sigh of relief and shouted proudly.

Originally thought that Wu Siyuan and other people copied the near road into the Wan Yaolin early in the morning, it must have been a lot of seizures, I did not expect that is just that.

He knows that there is Qin Xiaoxiang help, Sun Fengyu kills the speed of killing monsters, just like hanging a hang, killing a three-featured beast, is a few fragrant martial arts, and Wu Siyuan and other people encounter three products, and fight and kill, and It is necessary to take a break to restore the spirit of the spirit, although it has entered the forest very early, but the speed of killing monsters is far behind.

"I have to look at it, you can come up with something dry."

Tang Lie was squatting on his side, waiting for a good play.

The Qin dynasty did not open up, suddenly became bright, more than a dozen three products inside the Dan code are neat, and those inside the Dan are still very fresh, the aura of the beast, the essence of the perfect package, almost Without any loss, it just brightened the dog eyes of Wu Siyuan.

"One, two..."

"Twelve, they actually got twelve Trinidad."

"And this color is too high, fake, this must be fake, ancestors, they are fake."

Wu Siyuan screamed out of frustration.

"It is true or false, and the ancestors have their own assertions."

Sun Wuji faintly said.

The black robe ancestors are also bloody, the palms are smashed on the twelve inner dans, full of vitality, lossless, close to perfection, and not to mention how difficult it is to hunt twelve heads and three monsters, this hunting method Definitely the top hand.

"The trial of the Taoist dynasty in the past 100 I have never seen such a novel and perfect hunting tactic. My ancestral hall is full of hope."

The black robe ancestors took the spar and took a photo, but he laughed loudly.

"Old ancestor, what do you mean, he, are these inner dans true? How is it possible that they are so full of spirits, not like the war?"

Wu Sicheng screamed with doubts.

"How to hunt, it is not something I have asked. If you are not as good as people, don't be so noisy."

The old ancestors said coldly.

Wu Siyuan and others have a kind of helplessness to eat Huanglian, the kind of depression, confusion can not answer, people are dying.

"Our spirits are so full, they are all nourishing the Qin dynasty soup. This waste person in your eyes is better than thousands of celestial beings. Is it powerful and you can know?"

Sun Piaoyu Mei 眸 眸 羿 羿 羿 羿 羿 羿 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 犹 孙 犹 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙.

"Everyone, if you want to taste the Shiquan Dabu soup, I can offer it for free, Master, do you want to try it?"

Qin Yu was in a timely manner.

"Taste your second uncle, ancestors, even if they are hunting for the quality of Nedan, can't you win or lose with this theory?"

Wu Siyuan did not have a good air.

"Yes, a hundred trilogy of Dan, not as good as a four-inner, if you have four Pindan, this game is your victory."

Black robe ancestors.

"Oh, we still have it."

"Everyone, please, please!"


Wu Siyuan took out a big palm-sized box from his cuff pocket and snarled on the table.


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