The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1629: Too evil

The black robe glanced at him and hurriedly opened it. The good guy, an oval-shaped inner Dan, bursting with silver light, Dan Guang’s outside, isn’t it the inner star of the four-story monster?

"In the trial, the rule of our cadres is to see the four products try to avoid confrontation. I didn't expect you to have such a handwriting, yes, good!"

The black robe is overjoyed, and even two are good.

The four-featured beast has the refinement of the gods and the level of the immortality. The same cultivation is done. The explosive power of the beast is far stronger than that of human beings. Generally, it must be at least one level higher than the monster, in order to hunt four beasts. And it also has a certain risk of life.

Because once the monsters are mad, the power of the body is unimaginable.

Even some of the great martial arts and avenues are planted in the hands of the four-beats, and it is very likely.

Three people of Wu Siyuan can hunt and kill, which shows their qualifications and cultivation, and is extremely outstanding in the younger generation. It is a great blessing for Zongmen.

"How, fear?"

"Can't you compare it? Four Pinnel, all of your eyes are big, polished, and you see it? Have you seen it?"

Wu Siyuan excitedly pointed at Nei Dan, and rushed to the Qin dynasty.

He was too depressed, and he planned such a subtle overall situation. Instead, he lost a lot of money, especially Sun Piaoyu and the waste. He just snapped his lungs. If he didn’t find it back, how could he still come back? Mixed?

"The martial arts brother is domineering!"

"Big brother, let them know who is the most powerful in Kunlun Mountain."

Wu Sicheng and Tang Lie followed and yelled.

However, to their disappointment, Sun Wuji did not have the slightest jealousy, disappointment and fear on his face. Instead, it was an indifferent attitude for everyone, as if the four-inners in his hand were a shit, as if they were It is like a group of idiots.

"Is it enough?"

"Is the cow cool?"

The voice of Qin Yu interrupted their pride.

"Cool, how can you not understand?"

Tang Lie asked.

"Is it still possible to take out the four-inners? Is there a kind of you to take it out? It’s cool."

Wu Siyuan laughed and said.

"Sorry, we really have it."

Qin Hao touched his pocket and pulled out a red-hot bead, which was calmly placed on the table.

For a moment, everyone closed their mouths and looked at the inner end of the table with a red-hot glow.

Nedan is round, very delicate, like blood, bright color, red and flowing, vaguely heard the sound of tiger roaring, like the fire spirit beads falling from the heavens, Rao is the owner of Nedan is already dead. However, the people present are still feeling an invisible tiger.

"This, this is the king of the four products of Wan Yaolin, is it red tiger?"

The black robe ancestors could not calm down.

Although he has settled here for many years, there are many enchantments to protect this concentration station, but the red-yan tiger in Wan Yaolin is definitely a headache for him. This guy is simply a murderous man. The rampage is the big killer of the entire Wan Yaolin.

Moreover, Chi Yanhu is extremely treacherous. He is good at traps and sneak attacks. On several occasions, the black robe ancestors stepped out of the concentration station and were almost attacked by the Red Yan Tiger.

Therefore, Rao is the inner Dan who saw the red tiger at this moment, and he is still shocked.

But no one had thought that the killer of the four products at the top of the food chain would be killed by several Class A disciples in the district. This is incredible.

Do not say that they are the four elders here, may be able to defeat the red fire tiger, but to kill this only run like the wind, the strange "host" is also impossible.

"Yes, this is the red tiger. This guy wants to attack us. Unfortunately, he is unlucky. My sister is just a white-green lotus sword, and he pierces his head."

"We are so simple and rude!"

Previously in Wan Yaolin, Chi Yanhu was disguised as an adult. In the dark Wan Yaolin, everyone was a good killer. Sun Wuji didn’t really know the specifics of this guy. At this moment, no one thought that it would be famous. The red-hot tiger, that can't be put on a good shot?

"It’s true that his mother is evil!"

"Too white and green lotus sword, that is the common technique in the wood method, I will also say that the sword method can kill the red fire tiger, kill me or believe it, the black robe ancestor must be fake."

Wu Siyuan did not dare to accept this terrible reality, arrogant.

"Oh, fake?"

Qin Hao's wrist is moving, hehe!

A fierce tiger flew out of Nei Dan and rushed past Wu Siyuan. The tiger was fierce and fierce. Wu Siyuan, who was frightened and frightened, screamed and hurried back, squatting. On the ground, the horror is undecided, so I am not embarrassed.

"Nedan has a god, like your most garbage four-inner, you don't show it."

Sun Wuji laughed and sneered.

"Wu Siyuan, willing to gamble and lose, this is the real red Yan Hu Nei Dan, and, too, the white-green lotus sword is created by my ancestors, that is, the ancestors will have their strengths, you can't make a wonderful come. I dare to humiliate the ancestral swordsmanship, and then dare to be rude, it is no wonder that the old man is welcome."

The old ancestors of the black robe were heavy and unhappy.

Tang Lie and Wu Sicheng did not dare to make noises. one thought that Qin Hao would have so smashed the sky. If these eyes are not in front of them, they will doubt Is this going to be a dream?

You have to say that Sun Wuji has knocked out half of his life and got these inner Danes. Wu Siyuan can barely accept it. The key is that they are unscathed, and these things are roadside stones, and they will be there.

"This is impossible, it is impossible."

"How can this be? What means and tricks do you make?"


Wu Siyuan's chest and blood tumbling, the original four-featured beast was injured, this time, the old blood tumbling, can no longer hold back, Zhang mouth wow a spit of old blood, almost no gas I fainted.

"Big Brother, you wake up, can we not lose?"

Wu Sicheng shouted.

"Wu Siyuan, you can have a little leisure, Elder Aoki is also counting on you to shine my ancestors."

Sun Wuji did not forget to make up a knife.


Wu Siyuan's gas almost spurted out an old blood.

If this time they try to lose, they will completely lose the treasures of Zongmen’s rewards, especially the sword of the ancestor’s sword. It’s even more unfortunate. I missed this trick and wanted to show up at the three conferences and Duan Muquan. It was almost impossible to fight in Nangong.

Once he lost this opportunity, his master's elaborate layout of the overall situation was undoubtedly completely ruined. Without his most convincing ace in the B and C disciples, he wanted to replace Sun Tianqi, which was simply whimsical.

On the contrary, Sun Wuji used this trial to test the prestige, and even stronger the inner sect of the sect, and completely stabilized the throne of the sect.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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