The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1630: Go demon

Wu Siyuan is very painful and very painful!

In the main sect, he is above 10,000 people. Under the one person, the Aoki elders are rumored, and even Sun Wuji admires three points, and is even likely to be the successor of the future lord.

He has suffered such humiliation, and such failures, his delicate heart can not bear.

He can't figure out how things will develop into this. I have to know the trials of the past. They are the three-person team that kills Sun Wuji and Sun Fengyu, but now? Both the three products and the four products are all compared.

The key point is that the four-character red-hot tiger is the existence of the sovereign level. How did they kill it?

Is it really just because of this new cook?

Shouldn't the cook be their oil bottle? How did you still become a savior?

Wu Siyuan can't accept this cruel reality!

"Well, the result has come out. I will use the crane to deliver the result to the lord. You can leave the Beast Peak."

Black robe ancestors.

Wu Siyuan's standing up, under the eyes of Sun Wuji's ridicule, shook his head and sighed, and lowered his head to go out.

Just then, Tang Lie suddenly shouted: "Old ancestors, this is not fair!"

"Well? Why is it unfair? Their inner dan, whether it is three or four, the quality is far above you. Is this still a question?"

The black robe ancestors chilled.

"According to the rules, the competition of Nedan is divided according to the quantity. At least our generation is like this. According to the quantity, our three products and four products are also tied. By what determines we lose, is it because of him? Is it the son of the Sovereign?"

Tang Lie shouted in dissatisfaction.

"You guys broke Nathan, we have a red pepper that is enough to reach you ten times. Do you still have a face here?"

Sun Wuji’s nose is a slap in the face.

"Old ancestors, no rules, no yards, one yard, one yard, do you want to favor them?"

Wu Sicheng glared at the cold eyes.

Nowadays, at the crucial moment of their survival, they are ancestors, Sun Tianyi, and they will argue for it.

"Old ancestors, think twice, think twice."

"Unless the Zongmen reopens the conference and changes the rules, I will not be the first to accept Wu Siyuan!"

Wu Siyuan immediately returned a blood, his eyes burst into a brilliant light, shouting.

He realized that this is a rare opportunity, he has not lost, and the trial is far from over.

Although Sun Wuji and other human forces are abundant, the combat power is better preserved, but as long as there is a chance, the hand of the deer is unknown.

He will never miss this opportunity.

The blood of the old ancestors flashed with hesitation, and fell silent.

Undoubtedly, this trial, with Sun Wuji and his entourage to kill the Red Yan Tiger, is enough to make a name for the cadres, but according to the rules, the number of the two sides is indeed equal, the trials are always measured Success or failure, there is no quality, this is also to prevent the disciples under the door in order to compete, challenge the more powerful four-featured beast, causing unnecessary casualties.

He is just a collection of guards and has no right to change the rules.

Therefore, even if he really wants to bring this gratifying result to the Zongmen, he will only suppress the idea at this moment.

"this time……"

The old ancestors just wanted to say that the trial was not over yet, and suddenly there was a sudden shock. The earth shook violently. The beasts in the woods mourned, and the demon spirits fled, as the end of the day.

"Hey, hey!"

A loud sound of a loud earthquake, accompanied by an earthquake.

It seems that the entire forest has to be subverted!

Everyone opened the door and looked out. Heaven, countless monsters flocked to the south and rushed to the south. The three products and the four products were mixed together, and they were rushing to the next step, and they would lose their lives.

This phenomenon is too abnormal. It is necessary to know that the four-character demon is a creature on the upper level of the food chain. The level of the beast is so strict that it is impossible to go hand in hand.

Now, the entire Wan Yao Lin is noisy, and there are a few old ancestors who have been trained to be close to five products, and they are also rushing to escape.

"What happened, what the **** is going on?"

Sun Wuji and other people were shocked and stunned. They vowed never seen so many, such high-quality monsters, those monsters are like the ones that emerged from the ground, and all of them have now escaped.

At this moment, a few people say that they are hunters, that is, they are all shocked and timid, and this torrent of light beasts can swallow them.

"Old ancestors, hard, is it!"

Wu Siyuan looked at the forbidden land and the pupil was zooming in quickly.


Once again, the border enchantment suffered a heavy blow, like a giant beast hitting, but it can have such a big impact on the enchantment, and the four old demon who are shocked are running away, and can think of it with the toes. On the other side of the death ban, it is afraid to go to the demon.

The most fearful thing about Gan Daozong still happened, and the five-character demon ancestors came out!

"Don't I will go see it!"

The black robe snorted coldly, and his body shape turned into a streamer. He flew over to the chaotic demon. He stayed in Wan Yaolin for several hundred years. He had a good relationship with many four-sex monsters, and he caught a giant. The old demon asked: "Old, what happened?"

"There is a 10,000-year-old black scorpion in the north. It is estimated that I just got the word, promoted the body of the five products, and rushed to grasp the demon slave. This time, I am rushing to the enchantment. This guy can’t, the power is boundless. You have to ask for help from Zongmen."

"I have to go, one step late, I was caught in the forbidden place, and I will be finished in my life."

Called the old snake demon, he said with a trepidation, and followed the torrent, climbed toward the ice palace.

It is very difficult for them to get out of the Beast Peak, but the farther away from the North, the closer the Giant Force Beast Peak exit, the faster the Kunlun Mountain practitioners will come.

The monsters are willing to deal with the cultivators, and they are not willing to be sealed into the north to die as a slave.

Why is this?

Wan Beast Peak is a cadre, except for occasional lending to the Cihang Shengzhai female disciple, other sects are not allowed to step in, and it’s just like Sun Wuji and Wu Siyuan’s coming to play. The composition has a limited lethality. As a four-character demon, it is basically safe. Like the red-fired tiger, it is purely a bad mold to encounter Qin Yu, or else it will be no problem for another thousand years.

But once it is sealed into the death ban, there are fierce and evil old devils there. The four products can only be used as demon slaves, not enslaved by the old demon, and may be taken by the old demon at any time. The living environment is extremely harsh.

Therefore, at this moment, the demon, the demon are all scared, and there is no reason to escape.


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