The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1639: what happened?

Sun Piaoyu never thought that there was such a magical axe in the soul sea. She did not think about going to use it. However, she only felt the sound of the sea, and then the eyebrows burst into a light!

The magic axe was wrapped in the green light of the wood, flying at the speed of light to the eyebrows of Tie Xiong.

The green light is shining, the lightness is incomparable, it looks ordinary!

Tiexiong’s copper-clad iron bones, that is, the secret-level Dawuzun and the avenues may not be able to break his defense. It is extremely confident. In the face of this sudden small point, it is not in the eyes, The speed of Sun Fengyu did not slow down.

However, just as his slap is about to fall in the sun and rain, and he is pleased to think that this girl can be made into minced meat, an unprecedented death chill approached the eyebrows.

Tie Xiong can see that it looks very ordinary in the green vitality, even the black light flashes another killing trick!

He couldn't see what it was, but his intuition told Tie Xiong that it was a sharp, hegemonic thing that would kill him.

Iron Man is afraid!

He wants to dodge, but it is too late!

In the next second, the green light spot, as he expected, instantly penetrated the forehead he was harder than steel, such as broken tofu, and it was extremely easy.

Time and space are completely still at this moment.

Tie Xiong’s slap was stuck in the sky above Sun’s rain and stiffened.

He can clearly sense that the demon is shattered by the hegemonic energy of the giant axe, and all the thoughts about welcoming Jinpeng's ancestors are rapidly broken and disappear!

A powerful killer!

"No, no, how can I lose!"

The iron and the beast were smashing, and the furry face was full of unwillingness.

He is the demon ancestor of the five products. In the past, Jinpeng’s ancestors were the most able to protect the law. Even the masters of the secret period took him no way. Now they have died in such a small girl’s hand.

He finally understood why Qin Hao would let him challenge this classmate disciple. From the moment he promised, he had already embarked on a dead end.

But it doesn't matter, he lost!

Consciousness is broken!

The iron body is like a huge body of a hill, and it falls heavily on the ground, making a loud bang!

The dead silence in the field.

No one understands what happened!

In the last second, everyone is still worried about Sun Piaoyu, cheering for Tiexiong, who can think of the big reversal of the plot, and Tie Xiong was actually shot by Sun Hakuo.

Tie Xiong’s body slowly shrank, restored the human form, and died on the spot. The ugly face was full of confusion and unwillingness.

The **** hole in the eyebrows is even more shocking and horrible!

"Tie Xiong!"

Mrs. Black Raven first rushed over, and after repeated temptations with demons, had to accept this cruel reality, Tie Xiong was spiked!

"How can this be?"

"Sun Tianyi, you are too shameless, so many of you have joined together to act, even at the expense of an elder."

"You have won, your wood god, huh, a class A disciple..."

"You are really despicable."

Mrs. Black Raven was so sad that she roared up in the sky. In her view, Sun Tianqi and others are deliberately concealing the true strength of Sun Piaoyu, letting her challenge the Tiexiong with a Class A disciple and killing Tiexiong.

Losing Tie Xiong, she wants to welcome her ancestors again, almost impossible.

"Madam, let's fight with them."

The mountain sorrow roared.

"Fight, how to fight?"

"She can kill Tie Xiong with one stroke and kill you and me as well."

Mrs. Black Raven looked calm, cold and arrogant, like Sun Feiyu, shook his head helplessly.

Sun Fengyu’s attack was not only to kill Tie Xiong, but also to crush the original confidence of the demon. They knew that the people in Kunlun Mountain were really not soft persimmons.

The sorcerer's cultivation is difficult, and for thousands of years, no one wants to be so ruthless. At one time, hundreds of monsters and birds are silent, and no one responds to the mountain.

"Light rain, you..."

Sun Tianyi looked at her daughter, and she did not know how to explain it for a while.

The repair of Xiaoyu is known to him. It is impossible to have the ability to kill Tie Xiong, and it is far from reaching the realm of the wood god.

But the miracle was born!

It is an indisputable fact that the rain has saved the cadres.

"Just the blow, it is not the power of Mu Yuan. I sensed the breath of evil to the tyrant. How could this be?"

Elder Aoki was extremely sensitive to Mufa, and he could not help but be suspicious.

Sun Piaoyu seems to be calm. In fact, at the moment, only the shock and fear are used to describe his feelings. Of course, she knows that it is the magic axe that kills Tiexiong, but where does it come from, why does it have the strength of the wood god?

I don't understand, she is too lazy to think about it.

After defeating Tie Xiong, she did not have much excitement and excitement, but she had an unprecedented fatigue!

It's like all the power is taken out, and it's a difficulty to talk and open your mouth.

"Missy, I know that you will be able to do it. After playing for so long, you must be lacking. Hurry and eat a snack."

Just as she was almost dizzy, Qin Hao came together in time and presented the pastry.

Sun Piaoyu knows that at this moment, she can never reveal the The strength of the beast is still stronger than that of the Taoist priest. She is a pinnacle of the sea. In any case, she must continue to support it. I immediately grateful to see Qin Qin, and no one eats pastries. .

A few pieces of cakes were under the belly, and Sun Piao Yu felt that his strength had recovered a lot, and finally he took a breath.

"Qin, thank you." Sun Piaoyu smiled and handed the box to Qin.

That casual smile, such as the spring breeze is gentle, not only Wu Siyuan and other popular bombing of the lungs, Sun Tianyi on the side is also frowning, Xiao Yu actually laughed at the man, this is unprecedented before.

Moreover, he read a strange taste from the eyes of Qin Yu and Sun Piao Yu.

No, this is absolutely not allowed.

He has a great use of Sun Fengyu. Of course, he is not shameless to enjoy Qingmu Ding himself, and he does not allow his son to get involved. After all, he has been a family for so many years.

However, Sun Piaoyu is the most important card for his maintenance of the cadres. There are only three people who can match her in the world. The first is naturally the Kunlun Supreme, and the other is the re-emergence of the Jiangdong Qinhou. In the end, it is the martial temple. Duan Muquan.

Qin Xiao, a small cook, even if there is a good cooking skill? His influence can not be compared with the three, his daughter is undoubtedly delusional.

"Mrs. Black Crow, Missy won, and according to the agreement, you can go back to the old nest."

"Of course, you can't leave, but the consequences... you all know, unless you feel that your head is harder than Tiexiong."

Qin Lan took the knife and walked to the body of Tie Xiong. After three or two times, he took out the well-preserved Nei Dan. In the palm of his hand, he was stunned.


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