The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1640: Jedi

"Well, if you have done a good job, you have lost the dog. We lost this battle and we are unlucky!"

Mrs. Black Crow raised her hand to stop the mountain that was excited and wanted to talk, but she said helplessly.

After that, he led the hundreds of monsters and returned to the forbidden land.

She is really heartless!

When Qin Lan came to the negotiations, but with his own golden halo, Mrs. Black Crow did not understand why such a powerful figure would be in the main road, but it was really untouchable. Apart from being soft, there was no choice.

Otherwise, a wooden god, a cook with incomparable strength, and the two together, is really not what they can eat.

When the group demon came, he went to the old nest when he went to the wolf.

Wan Beast Peak has returned to calm!

Everyone returned to the Taoist sect. This time, the reward is naturally owned by Sun Fengyu. Sun Wuji’s brothers and sisters can be said to have made great contributions, especially the light rain, which has become a well-known wood god. She was originally sought after by the disciples of the lower court. It was as high as ever, and because of the death of Tiexiong, it was passed to other Zongmen. For a time, Sun Piaoyu became a prestige on the two major saints and could exist with Duan Muquan.

Sun Jia also basically stabilized the throne of the Taoist sect because of this war. After the loss of the helper of Zhu Huo, the Aoki Elders suffered a great loss. The three A-level disciples of Wu Siyuan were even more prestigious. I know that if there is no accident, Sun Fengyu is the most likely candidate to take over the position in the future.

However, for the teacher of Aoki, he will not admit defeat.

After all, whoever wins in the three leagues will be the real glory and the sound of Kunlun Mountain!

Aoki knows that he alone is afraid that he will not be able to sit on the throne, and the only one who can hope is his own baby apprentice.

As the three leagues approached, Aoki decided to fight for the last one, and he took a dangerous and bold move. This made the dry roads seem to be calm and the waves were getting more and more turbulent.

Taixu Donggandong, this is the place where the Aoki elders refurbished. He has rarely come here, unless there are special important secrets.

Wu Siyuan hurriedly walked into the cave, his face was full of sorrow. Recently, he almost took all the resources that the Aoki elders could give. However, the cultivation remained in the middle of the immortality, and the strength growth was limited, even several times. Because the heart is mad, it is almost irritating, which makes him very distressed. The original lord is the most hopeful to take over the position of him. He seems to have lost the blessing of the **** of destiny and fell into a trough.

As soon as he entered the cave, Mu Yuan was pouring into the heart and spleen. His heart was a little more comfortable. He walked over to the elder who was meditating. He respectfully said: "Master, you are looking for me."

"Siyuan, you look very impetuous, uneasy." Aoki opened his eyes and asked the sleeves.

"Master, the sky is not blessed. The original cadre disciple is respected by me. Now it is good. Inexplicable Sun Fengyu has become a wooden god. Now the disciples of the lower court are all heart-to-hearted brothers and sisters. And the day after tomorrow is the three leagues. I just got the news that Duan Muquan stepped into the late Wuwu Zun in the late Qing dynasty six months ago, and I have been stuck in the midst of the immortality for many years. How do I compare with others?"

"Hey, Master, are you saying that I am finished?"

Wu Siyuan asked with great pain.

"Apprentices, don't look so extreme in everything, Sun Piaoyu can suddenly erupt, and there must be someone who helps, and she has a sneak peek in her body. I don't think Sun Tianyi understands."

"Don't say him, do you want to be famous in the three conferences?"

Asked Aoki.

"Of course, Master, the disciples don't want to shine in the woods all the time. The Sun family has been doing the same for many years. It is time for them to surrender Master's throne."

"Don't forget, many years ago, the master of the road, but Master."

Wu Siyuan is excited.

"It’s rare that you have this thought. Master decided to help you in the last effort. Let you be famous in the three leagues, win the heart of Sun Fengyu, and finally take the lead."

Aoki is very comforting.

"Master, what method, you, you are going to say."

Wu Siyuan's eyes burst into brilliant light.

"I think about it, and I will give you all the power to practice it. In this way, after you have merged my fairy tales, you will be able to at least reach the late stage of the gods, and even the peaks and the early days of the secrets are still unknown. ”

Aoki decided to go.

"What? Master, you have to pass all the dantian gas to the disciples, but then you will be destroyed in your life, isn't it..."

Wu Siyuan is extremely shocked, but his heart is ecstasy. The world is afraid that there is nothing better than this.

"Master is a disciple of you, and he is more important than his son. I am not as talented as Sun Tianyi in this life. I am afraid that I will not be able to fight him in this life. Therefore, the teacher only puts all the treasures on you. In the future, you have to sit down and teach the Master to seal a card. I am satisfied."

Aoki sighed.

"Master, you can rest assured that if I can make a name for myself in the three conferences, after all, I will force you to go down to the next When you get to the old position, you will be willing to fight for you."

Wu Siyuan Lang channel.

"Good manners, accept the merits."

Aoki shouted and turned his right hand. A tyrannical enthusiasm evoked Wu Siyuan, swung in the air, and stood upside down with the spirits.

Then, Dantian's Aoki Ao, like the tide, poured into the top of Wu Siyuan along Tianling.

The method of passing the merits has always been a taboo in the martial arts world, and it is extremely dangerous.

If it is not this step, Aoki will not take the risk.

But now he has no choice.

The transmission must be homologous to the same vein. The most ideal is the father-son relationship. Wu Siyuan is a wood system because he has been practicing at a young age. The number of meridians is the same as that of Aoki. Although it is not a bloodline, it is feasible.

I saw a steady stream of green gas lingering in front of the two people. Wu Siyuan felt the sea of ​​spirits rushing into the sea, and the tide-like atmosphere poured into the heavenly spirit. He quickly ran the law and introduced Master's Dantian gas into Dantian.

The elders of Aoki are in the late stage of Xianxian, close to the secluded avenues of the secluded, and why they have repaired them. They are several times more powerful than Wusiyuan. In the face of such a strong reiki, Wu Siyuan is soon full of Dantian.

The extra temperament began to smash in the body, causing him to burst into the blood, almost incomparable pain.

"Do not panic, with the help of the aura, the impact of the end of the situation, the only way to accommodate the arsenal of the teacher."

Aoki Elders suddenly reminded.

Wu Siyuan knows what to do, and with madness, he is struggling with the end of the situation.

In the past, the incomparable and sturdy situation, under the strong temptation of endless temperament, began to loosen, Wu Siyuan was overjoyed and continued to rush...


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